Community post
2 years and counting
We've now been TTC for over 2 years. I had a feeling it wouldn't happen in an instant, since it took 17 months to conceive our son. But I didn't think we would get past 2 years to be honest. Af showed up this afternoon, so now it's yet another month of TTC.
212 Comments • 5 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Comments (sorted by laughs)
Well, the line hasn't gotten any stronger since that line two days ago. Instead, it's back to those "maybe-there"-lines. So I'm guessing that clear line were a bad evap or something like that. Otherwise at least one other test should have shown that type of line. I even bought a different brand that also measures from 25, to check with. But it wasn't more than a very doubtful line.. My acne is here too and my boobs are getting a bit tender - two sure PMS signs for me. So unfortunately, I'm feeling pretty sure that af will be here in a few days.
5 years ago • Post starter
Sadly, all other tests after that darker strip has been faint or non existent. So that must have been a fluke. I've started getting cramps too and some pink spotting as well, that combined with the acne that showed up yesterday are some sure signs that af will be here any day now. I'm feeling a bit torn about it actually. On one hand I'm really bummed that it's taken us so long to conceive, but on the other hand I have to do an "internship" for around 6 weeks next spring before I graduate in June. So it's not all bad if we doesn't conceive up until september. Right now I'm thinking about taking a small break from TTC until september. Not tracking anything at all and not testing. In september I'll be doing some fertility bloodwork and if necessary I'll talk to a doctor about how to correct it.
5 years ago • Post starter
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