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July 2019 babies in waiting

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New thread for those of us who did not conceive our June babies... If you will be entering your tww somewhere in October feel free to join

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478 Comments • 5 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

191 - 200 of 478 Comments | Last Page

@dianeiris hope this new one is just as good as your one that disappeared, I bet it'll reappear in a month's time
Thanks lovely, just sneezing runny nose so most likely hay fever.

@itsanna how are you babe?

Any symptoms happening ladies? where's everyone at, I'm a 3dpo mid cramps and tender boobies for me.

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5 years ago

12 dpo here and I feel like I’m having PMS on steroids this month! Not much cramping but I never get much of it. I’m an emotional wreck though! Irritable, weepy, cranky. I feel exhausted today and am having unpleasant GI symptoms. I am convinced I am not pregnant though which makes the crazy hormonal symptoms that much more annoying! BFN again today (I had decided I was done testing for this cycle but my husband kept making jokes that I was pregnant so I just wanted to show him it wasn’t the case. Sure enough, another BFN). AF should arrive Monday. I’m so ready to be done with the PMS this month and start feeling like myself again
Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. Sending everyone some

5 years ago

Still seems too good to be true... ah!!

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5 years ago


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5 years ago


5 years ago

@trvwdf congratulations !!

@confuzed I actually feel fine Nothing to report from my side yet... Not even cramping nothing... Nausea will probably be on and off again during the day but so far nothing... My left boob on the inside has been sore since Wednesday but that's it

How are you doing?

5 years ago • Post starter

@itsanna, tender bs and generally feeling hot (not a hot day either) bit of nausea.

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5 years ago

@confused same lol... My nausea also started kicking in around 3 or 4dpo lol... Can't imagine what morning sickness is like, I already want to go nuts... I also had a stuffy bloody nose this morning

5 years ago • Post starter

@trvwdf congratulations!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!v so excited for you.

@agatch PMS symptoms suck. I'm still holding out hope for you that AF doesn't show.

As I mentioned earlier, DH and I are following smep and tonight marks our 4th night of BDing in a row. Got my pos opk the next day after BDing the night before. Grateful DH was a good sport. Phew! Baby making is hard work. I hope all this work pays off!!

TTC #2 - Sept 2018 | Ds 03/07/2017

5 years ago

@dianeiris I hope you caught your egg that would be amazing for this month yassss

As for me, having hiccups for the 3rd time today and since yesterday I've been getting gas pains like a mofo... I remember with baby no1 I had gas pains so bad that I thought it was period cramps

5 years ago • Post starter

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