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February/March 2021 BFPs

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Hi ladies. My due date is February 2, 2021. My first ultrasound is June 22. Come and share your success story that led to your BFP. Here is my list that led to my BFP.

April 27-May 2 (CD 1-6)- AF
May 3 (CD 7)- BD (did not Pull Out)
May 4-7 (CD 8-11)- nothing to report
May 8 (CD 12)- 4yr Anniversary; BD (did not P/O)
May 9-10 (CD 13-14)- gearing up to ovulate. CTP has my ovulation on CD 13)
May 11 (2dpo)- possible ovulation based on temp; not CTP. BD, however husband couldn't finish. Husband states I am really "hot" inside.
May 12 (3dpo)- BD, husband able to finish and not P/O. Husband states, I was not as "hot" as I was last night.
May 13 (4dpo)- Dull cramps/pressure, tingling breasts, anxious/on edge, irritability, moodiness, bloating, diarrhea, hot flashes, vivid dreams
May 14 (5dpo)- not much to report except for diarrhea
May 15 (6dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, sharp stabbing pains, sore muscles, backache, tender breasts (underarms), anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, very happy, BBT Luteal Phase Dip, low alcohol tolerance, increased cervical fluid, acne breakout (chest; never had them there)
May 16 (7dpo)- forgot to track that day
May 17 (8dpo)- dull cramps/pressure, heaviness/fullness, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs/hips, backache, breasts (stabbing pain), tender breasts (underarms), tingling breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, constipation, dry mouth/increased thirst, low alcohol tolerance
May 18 (9dpo)- BD, cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs/hips, backache, tender breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, constipation, gas/flatulence, heart burn (throat), dry mouth/increased thirst, low alcohol tolerance, dry cervical fluid
May 19 (10dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs or hips, backache, breasts feeling heavy or full, tender breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, bloating, constipation, empty feeling in stomach, heart burn (throat), dry mouth/increased thirst, headache, fatigue/exhaustion, low alcohol tolerance
May 20 (11dpo)- BD; hubby states I felt different/tight, cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, UTI or feels like, achy legs/hips, backache, pronounce veins, tender breasts, tender breasts (underarms), I 'feel' pregnant, increased sex drive, moodiness, diarrhea, gas/flatulence, dizzyness/light headed, dry mouth/increased thirst, stuffy nose, fatigue/exhaustion, low alcohol tolerance, vivid dreams, cervix pain, dry cervical fluid, frequent urination
May 21 (12dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, heaviness/fullness, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, backache, tender breasts, anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, irritability, decreased appetite, food adversion, dry mouth/increased thirst, fatigue/exhaustion, insomnia, low alcohol tolerance, + pregnancy test
May 22 (13dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, backache, tender breasts, tender breasts (underarms), tingling breasts, anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, weepiness, decreased appetite, food adversion, dry mouth/increased thirst, runny nose, chills, fatigue/exhaustion, hot flashes (heart palpatations)
May 23-present- nothing recorded

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  UPDATE   Baby arrived 12 days early. Was a very fast delivery.

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147 Replies • 4 years ago • Edited



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Thanks for the info! Yes positive on dates as we only bd once and I tested ovulation. I would be ok with multiples. This is our last so I guess we will see if we are going to be having our hands full with 5 kids or double hands full with 6 kids lol

3 years ago

@princess. Here's hoping you get good news at your first scan.

AFM. Last couple of days has been a downer for me. Took the kids to visit my parents today and as hard as it was, I didn't tell them. Something was telling me that it wasn't a good time even though I brought the pictures with me. They have a choc. lab and she is very hyper and loves to jump on people so it worries me quite a bit. I'm sure there will be the "right" time to tell them.

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3 years ago • Post starter

How is everyone doing? I had my 10 weeks appointment yesterday and my little peanut seems to be doing well. Still a strong heartbeat which was a relief! I should know toward the end of the week or early next week if it’s a boy or a girl!

3 years ago

Hi ladies!! Trying to catch up on everyone's stories!
@princess: I can't wait to find out if your hunch is right about having twins! I am so curious as well with your very high hcg levels!
@dragonfly: I'm so sorry this brings you down. I couldn't wait to tell our family! So they already know.
@agatch: Yay! So happy your 10 weeks appt went so well with that strong heartbeat! It's always a relief to hear that baby is healthy and strong

AFM: I had my very first ultrasound yesterday!! We FINALLY have a heartbeat I was over the moon, I am SO happy! Going in, I was absolutely terrified that I was going to hear bad news again, so seeing that flicker on the screen meant the WORLD to me We can't wait to meet our rainbow bean! We also told our boys last night, since we got good news from the ultrasound. Their sweet reactions made me cry tears of joy, they are so excited!! They can't wait to find out if they are getting a baby brother or sister

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3 years ago

@Crystal. Thank you. I think I will just have to bite the bullet and tell them. I honestly don't feel like telling anyone this time. I hope that you are having a girl.

@Princess. How are you feeling? Did you have your ultrasound yet or are you still waiting?

AFM. My husband has changed his mind on the gender to be a boy now. I have been having really bad constipation and gas the last couple days that it was unbearable to handle. I do eat lots of fibre and water but this pregnancy has been pretty rough so far. I can't wait till my next ultrasound (Sept 16) that seems forever to come. I am hoping that this time my husband can come as that will be an amazing experience for him to see.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!
Nice to see everyone's doing well. I'm jealous of those who's seen the heartbeat already. I haven't even called to get my first appointment/ultrasound to determine viability. My maternal fetal medicine office here won't do it till 8 wks, and I'm nearly 6 wks now, so I'll call and schedule the appointment sometime this week, but will have a bit to wait till they'll see me. I am going to get the NIPT test again, but last time I had low fetal fraction at 10 wks, so I want to wait till 12 wks to get the test done so I don't have to be tortured like that again.
Last time I had to go in and take it again, and it took weeks for them to analyze.
How is everyone doing with the whole COVID anxiety? I work from home, so I'm pretty quarantined as it is, but I"m very anxious. Just going to the grocery store gives me a panic attack every time.

3 years ago

@Calvin: So sorry they make you wait so long to get your first scan. Mine was done so early because of my history of the blighted ovum and other early losses, they wanted to make sure this baby was viable and not ectopic and make sure there were no other issues. Heart rate was a tad low, but since I did get an early scan, it can sometimes be normal (116-118bpm) but still makes me worried.

So doctor called me with ultrasound results and I have a clot in my uterus, a subchorionic hemorrhage, and it is making me very worried. They keep telling me they usually resolve on their own and shouldn't affect the baby, but I'm still scared. I've read some cases if it bleeds it can cause miscarriage and having one increases your risk of miscarriage, so I'm terrified. They are talking about doing another early scan just to check on things between the clot and low heart rate and my history, they may do another when I am 8-10 weeks along. I am 7 weeks, 1 day today. And I have been feeling awful. Full blown nausea kicked in Saturday and I've had it off and on ever since, all day everyday. My boobs are huge and sore. I'm grumpy, anxiety about US results and feeling like poo doesn't makes me feel more grumpy LOL. Constipated (sorry lol) and pure exhaustion round up the most severe symptoms so far....

What's everyone doing for their "morning" sickness? My sea bands seems to help quite a bit... I'm also on Diclegis, but it only helps so much... at least I haven't vomited........ yet..... LOL! Making sure I don't overeat and only snack on small portions seems to help, too. Sipping ginger lemon tea is hit or miss depending on how I like the taste of it that day HA!

Hope all you ladies are doing well!

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3 years ago

@calvingirl. If you phoned now, would you get in sooner rather than way past 8 weeks? Two more weeks and you will get to see your baby. It's exciting when a mother to be sees that little flicker on the monitor.

AFM. Can't believe I am 15 weeks today. Time is slowly ticking by and my belly is getting bigger everyday. I am so lpoking forward to when I can start feeling all the kicks and pokes. I feel flutters and sometimes minor pokes that I am unsure if it is the baby or just my tummy. With that being said, I still have yet to tell my parents, grandparents that we are expecting again. On a side note, I have been a little down lately as my best friend who was 2 weeks behind me (she miscarried), basically refuses to talk to me, even though she told me that we are in this together. I'm at a loss for words and don't know what to do.

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3 years ago • Post starter

I just called - they can't fit me in till 11 weeks!! OMG it's going to be the longest month ever!!

@dragonfly - your friend is probably just dealing with her grief right now. Give her some time and don't take it personally. People process things in weird ways and it might be a painful reminder of her own pregnancy to know that you are still pregnant. She might just not be ready to handle it yet. Everyone wants to be there the whole time, but sometimes the reality of it gets to be too much. More time will dull the hurt and she'll come back to you.
As for feeling movement, I felt movement from 11wks on with Phoebe, so I'm sure you're feeling your little one. How exciting!! I can't wait for that feeling.

AFM, I'll be 6wks tomorrow and symptoms are still going strong, but bearable. It's feeling like Phoebe's pregnancy so far. Oscar's had a lot more nausea. I get waves of it, and waves of tiredness, but then it lifts. Mostly it's the feeling of the big hot ball of lead in my pelvis lol. Constipation too (sorry - it's a reality of pregnancy early on). I test again every other day or so to see if my levels are staying up, and the lines are super strong, and not getting lighter, so that's good. I can't believe I have to wait for a whole month!! This is going to suck!!

3 years ago

Update - I called my regular OB, not the high risk one I'll have to end up with, and they can get me in aug 26th at 8 wks!! They know they'll have to turf me to high risk, but were fine with doing initial ultrasound there. So glad!! I'll get to see the heartbeat hopefully in just two weeks.

3 years ago

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