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February/March 2021 BFPs

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Hi ladies. My due date is February 2, 2021. My first ultrasound is June 22. Come and share your success story that led to your BFP. Here is my list that led to my BFP.

April 27-May 2 (CD 1-6)- AF
May 3 (CD 7)- BD (did not Pull Out)
May 4-7 (CD 8-11)- nothing to report
May 8 (CD 12)- 4yr Anniversary; BD (did not P/O)
May 9-10 (CD 13-14)- gearing up to ovulate. CTP has my ovulation on CD 13)
May 11 (2dpo)- possible ovulation based on temp; not CTP. BD, however husband couldn't finish. Husband states I am really "hot" inside.
May 12 (3dpo)- BD, husband able to finish and not P/O. Husband states, I was not as "hot" as I was last night.
May 13 (4dpo)- Dull cramps/pressure, tingling breasts, anxious/on edge, irritability, moodiness, bloating, diarrhea, hot flashes, vivid dreams
May 14 (5dpo)- not much to report except for diarrhea
May 15 (6dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, sharp stabbing pains, sore muscles, backache, tender breasts (underarms), anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, very happy, BBT Luteal Phase Dip, low alcohol tolerance, increased cervical fluid, acne breakout (chest; never had them there)
May 16 (7dpo)- forgot to track that day
May 17 (8dpo)- dull cramps/pressure, heaviness/fullness, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs/hips, backache, breasts (stabbing pain), tender breasts (underarms), tingling breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, constipation, dry mouth/increased thirst, low alcohol tolerance
May 18 (9dpo)- BD, cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs/hips, backache, tender breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, constipation, gas/flatulence, heart burn (throat), dry mouth/increased thirst, low alcohol tolerance, dry cervical fluid
May 19 (10dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs or hips, backache, breasts feeling heavy or full, tender breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, bloating, constipation, empty feeling in stomach, heart burn (throat), dry mouth/increased thirst, headache, fatigue/exhaustion, low alcohol tolerance
May 20 (11dpo)- BD; hubby states I felt different/tight, cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, UTI or feels like, achy legs/hips, backache, pronounce veins, tender breasts, tender breasts (underarms), I 'feel' pregnant, increased sex drive, moodiness, diarrhea, gas/flatulence, dizzyness/light headed, dry mouth/increased thirst, stuffy nose, fatigue/exhaustion, low alcohol tolerance, vivid dreams, cervix pain, dry cervical fluid, frequent urination
May 21 (12dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, heaviness/fullness, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, backache, tender breasts, anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, irritability, decreased appetite, food adversion, dry mouth/increased thirst, fatigue/exhaustion, insomnia, low alcohol tolerance, + pregnancy test
May 22 (13dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, backache, tender breasts, tender breasts (underarms), tingling breasts, anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, weepiness, decreased appetite, food adversion, dry mouth/increased thirst, runny nose, chills, fatigue/exhaustion, hot flashes (heart palpatations)
May 23-present- nothing recorded

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  UPDATE   Baby arrived 12 days early. Was a very fast delivery.

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147 Replies • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Crystal. I was wondering how you were doing. Glad to hear that you are mostly over the morning sickness stage. I was talking to one of my friends on here and she states that moms just "know" what they are having and if you feel deep down you are having a girl then I too believe that. They also say that with girls, they got a lot of morning sickness. I've been blessed with all three so far and have had none; just that I felt off. I feel like I'm having a boy just based on how my belly is shaped as it looks just like my last pregnancy; boy. Plus I have been getting lots of headaches which I read could indicate a boy. You will have your answer soon enough after your blood draw on Monday. I have my ultrasound next Wednesday (16) and we are both on the fence in finding out the gender; but I don't want to know. I thought about getting a doppler earlier in the prrgnancy but I didn't want to spend the money; and now I can feel the baby when laying down and I think I can feel it when I am sitting.

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3 years ago • Post starter

So looking forward to the morning sickness (or late night/all day sickness for me) to let up. It's peaking right now. I'm 11wks tomorrow, so hopefully I'm on the tail end. I felt the baby for the first time last night! It was just a little flutter with a full bladder and in the perfect position, but I recognize the feeling. Happened a few times so I'm happy that baby is alive and well!
As for the theory on boy/girl, I had a bunch of headaches with my two boys and nausea with Phoebe and this one (Don't know what this one is yet, but I'm feeling a girl - hoping a girl too.)
So crossing my fingers that the theory works this time! I'd love to have two sisters. I'm the oldest of 5 girls, and my sisters are my best friends. I'd love Phoebe to have that relationship. Otherwise, I love boys too so I won't be disappointed if its' a boy.
I'm getting the NIPT test and will find out in October. I'm thinking of doing a Halloween party/gender reveal with just family. We don't want our kids trick or treating, so we're exploring different options to make it special.

3 years ago

@Calvingirl. That's awesome that you were able to feel the baby move. It is such an amazing feeling. Let's hope your predictions are correct and you get a girl.

AFM. Time seems to be flying by. Can't believe I am 20 weeks today and tomorrow at lunch is my ultrasound. I can't wait to see my baby again and my husband can finally come as well. He is still on the fence in finding out the gender. I will post a picture when I can. I am also starting to feel the baby more, even more so when I'm sitting. I had this crazy dream last night and all I can remember is my husband saying to me, we went to a family of four to a family of six. I'm not even thinking about twins as the ultrasound still shows one baby and not two. What are the chances of a hidden twin being missed in both ultrasounds? Time will tell.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Untrasound went well with a heartbeat of 138. Didn't find out the gender but we both think its a boy. Can't wait to meet the little one.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to give you all an update. My girlfriend who suffered a miscarriage a few months back (2 weeks behind me) messaged me last night to tell me that she's now pregnant with her baby and due the end of May. She started using progesterone oil after ovulation and tested at 12dpo and got a line on FRER and a "yes" on a digital. Very happy for her.

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3 years ago • Post starter

That's such good news, dragonfly23! So happy for your girlfriend. Sending sticky vibes for her! It's a good sign to get a yes on a digital so early. Sounds like a strong start!
Love your ultrasound pics. What's your boy/girl ratio now? Are you hoping for a boy? I'm horrible at guessing. I feel like I'm having a boy this time, but my hubby is feeling girl, so we'll see who's right. I go to take the NIPT test in two days, so we'll find out in a few weeks.

3 years ago

@calvingirl. I have no idea. I'm stuck as the heartbeat is at 138 but looking at the face, it looks more like a girl. I will be happy either way as long as it's healthy. Can't wait to hear your results on the gender. You will have your answer soon.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. Lots going on. How is everyone? Gorgeous ultrasound pics Drogonfly. I had a scan yesterday at 19&1 and found out that we are having another boy! I had thought it was a girl haha!

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3 years ago

E_massey. Awe, that's a gorgeouspicture of him. I've been playng the gender guessing game for quite some time and now I'm looking at the frontal bone to determine the gender. Most still say a boy. So, I guess I will have to wait to meet him or her. Yesterday was Isaiah's second birthday and didn't do very much for him because of COVID. Will you be having another ultrasound down the road?

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3 years ago • Post starter

Hello all!
We have some sad news. We found out we were having a girl, but she stopped growing at 13 wks. I found out last week at 16wks that I was having a missed miscarriage. Just had a D&C, and recovering now. We're devastated as this was our last baby, and our second major loss. My DH got a vasectomy shortly after we found out because we knew this was going to be our last try. Genetically she seemed to be fine as all our tests came out low risk. I think the placenta embedded near a fibroid I had, and just didn't have the blood flow it needed to keep baby growing. Much love to all the moms here, and I'll be lurking to see your beautiful babies come into the world.

3 years ago

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