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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Ladies I uploaded an image please look at my page and tell me what you think...

8 years ago

Hi there Danibre33, I had a look at your test and yes very early but your right there is def a feint line there, test again in a couple of days to be sure, good luck :) -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Pinkster- thank you so much for your insight! I know it's early and super faint but I definitely see it so I'm hoping it means something! I'm going to go get a pack of digital tests for more accuracy and take them Saturday I think. Fingers crossed.

8 years ago

Well showed up for me today :-( I really felt like I was gonna get my this month too... Oh well! Fingers crossed for next month. I decided I am going to try the instead soft cups this month. I have the moon cup and have been trying that but after reading other forums i guess the hard rubber ones actually hold the sperm away from the cervix so fingers crossed for the soft ones! Looking forward to a night with a good glass or red wine to try and keep positive for another month :-)

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8 years ago

AKHopeful, so sorry to hear your news yes its tough without a doubt Im strugglin with the long wait until we can try again and the lull in excitement, your probably younger then me (45) and have more time of trying, good luck with the next go :) -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Danibree33, congratulations! Looks positive!

AKHopeful - sorry about this month - keep up your hopes for next month - every means another chance to try!

pinkster - you and I are the same age - I'm 45 as well!

My latest - well I'm 3dpo - don't know if there's a chance this month for me or not - keeping my hopes up and my fingers crossed!

Good luck to all!

8 years ago

Hi ladies thank you for all of your opinions and feedback. I'm not comfortable saying its for sure positive or that im pregnant quite yet as I'm only 9dpo and that was the tiniest shadow of a line but I will continue to test through the weekend and keep you all updated.

What are soft cups? That's something I've never heard of. One thing I did differently this cycle was bd every other day then on ovulation and day after for sure and also used preseed which I loved.

Hoping for positives for everyone if not this month than next month!!

8 years ago

Hi all, I'm only 3dpo and today I got dizzy and fell! Too early to be a symptom??

8 years ago

Hi chekai, could be but be careful more importantly, I use to get dizzy when I was younger and pregnant and it was because I was lacking in iron so get checked out by docs maybe, good luck anyways, hope this month is the one, (and the next 8 for you) ;) -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Hi ladies,

Danibree33, I also checked your pic, and it really looks positive! So yet I very quietly but congratulate to you and hope that in time it gets stronger and stronger ions! Let us know! I do wish all the best!!!

AKHopeful - sorry about this month but what about a Valentine day present from and for you ;-)

pinkster - sorry for the late answer, but yes, it could had been a very early loss, but Docs do not call it that (because it was hardly even a chemical pregnancy. But it is a good news in a sense that if it was a sad loss than fertilization can happen again with more luck resulting in a healthy pregnancy! So keep your hope up! 45 is just a number if your hormon levels are ok! :-)

Chekai - I hope that there is a chance for you this month and yes, keep your hopes up and my fingers are crossed! I do not think that at dpo3 you can be that dizzy from preggo, but I do share the view that some minerals or vitamins migh be missiong from your body... Its winter time, so if Doc not advised you otherwise try to take more vitamine D3 with MgB6 - it can help!

We go to Doc next Monday and after UH/blood work she will tell us which next day to have the insemination... Today, the first time we tried pre-seed, and if you don’t mind me telling you, for me it was a little too much...I am not sure if we need to use it (helps fertilisation) if earlier we had no problem with slipperiness (my English is not too good, bear with me...). Anyway, we every other day till IUI and then let’s see... and till hope....

Best wishes,


8 years ago • Post starter

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