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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Yay well done AK whoop whoop

8 years ago

Szonja any updates from you??? We miss you!

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8 years ago

Good luck, AK ! Here's hoping this is it for you!

Ladies, I am really getting excited - MY BOOBS ARE HURTING! Yey!

I'm testing tommorow - it's possible that this could be a sign of AF, but I rarely feel much when AF comes...

Trying not to get my hopes up, but it's kinda' hard not to!

Wishing everone the best!

8 years ago

Oh my gosh! I think I had implantation bleeding today! Tiny bit of pinkish brownish in CM when wiped. Could be AF starting, but I don't think so...

8 years ago

I'm getting really nervous now! Can this be ? Could it really be ? I said I wouldn't get my hopes up too much, but I'm noticing all kinds of things - boobs hurting off and on, very small cramping in lower abdomen on left side, tiny bit of spotting today, and yesterday my teeth bled when brushing (this isn't usual for me) OOOOH - Am thinking tomorrow might be too early to test, but I don't know if I can wait!

Ladies, I really hope this is it! Something in the back of my mind is telling me it is probably just AF coming, but I really don't know...

Sorry for so many posts, but I'm just so nervous!

8 years ago

Aww chekai you post away girl, its lovely to hear you so excited and yes we all hope this is it for you, please keep us updated and when you test, I will keep everything crossed until you get your including my legs lol, oh its so exciting whoop whoop

8 years ago

Thanks pinkster - I tested this morning -
okay - I'm not sure if it was too early, and I should wait til AF is due and then test again, or what ?

Oh well, there's always next month - at least I'm finally O'ing again!

Best of luck, ladies!

7 years ago

Hahaha-wait if you can chekai, I cant, I been testing every day last 3 lol, got a feint pos earlier but a def neg this morn so I give up, crazy ride this is, I hope you have better luck on your next test, still hope yet lovely -x-x-x-

7 years ago

Thanks so much for the confidence boost, pinkster! I was so sure this time I was pg! Even got DH excited - so disappointing staring at that glaring one line, ya' know ?

Am no longer feeling any of the signs I had felt before other than boobs a little sore now and again - not much else - temps dipped a little today, but still above cover line.

If AF doesn't come in a few days, I'll test again. Only have one left - I'd be testing every day otherwise!

Wishing you the best - sounds hopeful!

7 years ago

Okay, ladies, so this is where things stand right now. My temps are up, still above cover line, but good ol' AF managed to show up anyway.

But, the good news is that it was exactly 28 days, she was right on time,and it looks like my cycles are finally getting it straight.

Soooo, here we go again, hopfully this next cycle will be the one!

Pinkster, how are things with you ?

7 years ago

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