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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Well done akhopeful, all symptoms sound really good
Hope everyone else doing well and positive things happening
AFM-well still no AF grr, did test this morn now 16dpo, dh sperm test was put in 4 days ago and results not back yet so if AF does show dont know whether to take clomid or not, going away for 5 days with partner from Thurs, first little break for years and will be on a mega heavy AF now, not what I wanted going to loo every hour and trying to keep sheets clean and of course wont feel very sexy, bit fed up, longest cycle ever at 31 days and just bloody typical, oh well off to work and wondering what the hel is going on with my body, as im you all do many times

8 years ago

Hello ladies,

Sorry for disappearing, I had busy weeks...
AF showed up, so now I am to speak with RE but she is on leave....ufffff....I think this cycle is without fertility help...
I am really tired and lost hopes, but I wil regain my strenghts with time...

hope you are doing well!

Pinkster, I am so sorry for this extremely long cycle, but it might also show that there was a begining of stg/sby..which is a good sign!

Chekai, how are you od CD16 :-) hope timing went well! ;-)

AKHopeful, all my fingers crossed, good signs!!!!

Queena, how are you doing?

best wishes,


8 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Sorry for disappearing, I had busy weeks...
AF showed up, so now I am to speak with RE but she is on leave....ufffff....I think this cycle is without fertility help...
I am really tired and lost hopes, but I wil regain my strenghts with time...

hope you are doing well!

Pinkster, I am so sorry for this extremely long cycle, but it might also show that there was a begining of stg/sby..which is a good sign!

Chekai, how are you od CD16 :-) hope timing went well! ;-)

AKHopeful, all my fingers crossed, good signs!!!!

Queena, how are you doing?

best wishes,


8 years ago • Post starter

So sorry Szonja! Try to keep your head up and fingers crossed for a miracle baby this cycle. After all it will be a st. Patrick's day baby

I thought I had a chance this time and AF just showed up... This is seriously the shortest cycle I have ever had at only 27 days. I was having some major cramping so I went to the bathroom and bammm...Disappointment

for a St.Patricks day baby aka my B-Day :-)

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8 years ago

Sorry szonja and akhopeful for this months bding, my partner would love a Nov baby like him, a scorpio :) still no AF for me, dont feel bloated or anything, very strange as never been this late 17dpo??? Weird one though just uploaded ov test strip, positive line came up straight away but still neg on hcg, totally confused but guess time will tell
How are things queena and chekai, love n luck to all -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Well hopefully its just taking its time to get good and sticky pinkster123 I have been as late as 20 DPO and that was horrible!!! I just knew that I was pregnant, I took a test every day and by the 19th day I finally called my Dr and she had me come in for blood test and that was all I needed apparently because I ended up starting AF like an hr after my appointment
This month must just be a weird cycle month! I was never bloated like a ALWAYS get before AF either. I usually have so many signs before AF and this month it was just bam here I am and I'm almost a week early :-P So weird!

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8 years ago

Hi, everyone. I'm now at CD18 and maybe 5dpo, I don't know. Thought I o on CD13, but 2 days after I had a huge dip in temperature. Stayed low for two days then shot back up again. This really confused me - if I o shouldn't my temp stay high! ugh! I don't know what caused this. And DH is not in the mood to bd again this month ugh!

It would be so much easier if we could just bd maybe every other day during my fertile window(or suspected fertile window) But once a month is all he wants - and he thinks that's a lot! B/c of this I have to be sure to pinpoint my o day, and that is so difficult.

I can take maybe a few more moths of this, then I'm tempted to forget the whole thing! Sorry, ladies, I'm not in the best mood today. If he only knew how stressful he is making this for me. ugh!

Still wishing everyone lots of baby dust!

8 years ago

Thankyou hopeful but AF here now and v-painful, gutted but didnt feel pregnant this month compared to last but the nose bleed and giddy spells made me think maybe cos I didnt think I was Id get a nice surprise, never mind gonna look forward to the fact Im lucky enough to try the Clomid and concentrate on that, chekai-that is really tough and unfair on you, I hope you get you BDing on the right day/s, your not being unreasonable but some people really struggle I suppose, hang in there lovely, one good BD is all that needed
Love n luck to all

8 years ago

Chekai, I know the feeling :-( Back when we were on BC I swear he was like a rabbit and always in the mood, now that we are TTC he is never in the mood when he needs to be. My DH has rheumatoid arthritis and I swear his back and hip hurt every month at the wrong time...Then when I know I have O'd and its like 7 DPO he gets all in the mood and says things like "dont you want a baby" ahhhhhhhh they need to send husbands to high school biology and sex ed so they get the whole window thing! Sorry I am in a mood too apparently! I was so excited this month thinking that I actually got him be BD all weekend which I thought was going to be prime time but then i didn't O until wed/Thurs so I think that's why we missed out this month
pinkster123, Oh I am sorry :-( Thats no fun! I was really hoping it was your month! To another month of trying for both of us. Good luck!
This is now my 9th month of TTC and I went to my GP this month for my head cold and I talked to him about how I am loosing hope because all of my friends and family are pregnant and the majority of them were not even trying or on BC of some sort, yet here I am doing everything right and can't seam to get lucky. He said that he gets a lot of patients that come in around 7 or 8 months with the same attitude and he tells them to keep trying until you hit the magical year then come back and i guess most of them get pregnant in the 9-12 month mark so that gave me some more hope! I am just now entering that so . He also said that back 10-20 years ago they wanted all moms to go off BC for at least 3 months to get back in cycle then they can start TTC but now the standard is just letting people start TTC right after going off BC, but he said the chances of getting preg in that 3 month mark is really slim and it gets worst depending on how long you were on BC. I was on BC for 8 years with a lot of different ones. I've been on pills, patches, nuva ring, more pills so boy I hope he is right!

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8 years ago

Thanks everyone. Maybe one day our guys will wake up - they are so in the dark about this!

I do have a question, is there a way I can make my chart available for others to view ? I really need some help!

I can't seem to figure out how to add it to my countdown page. Help!

8 years ago

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