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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hey, I'm maybe 8dpo no idea when I oed. I'm wishing us all the best with TTC.

8 years ago

Hey everyone. 15 dpo and BFN at 12 dpo. Just waiting for AF to show up so we can begin the next attempt! I'm in there with all of you! Just began trying for number 1 but had to wait 21 years to get to this point!! Am 45, and if I don't conceive this next cycle, well, just hope I do!

8 years ago

wow chekai I'm hoping you get your bfp next time!
danibre33, thank you very much! hope our babies will be same age! ^-^
szonja, how are things going?

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Thank you so much Danibree for the practical advices, they were truly useful!
We are doing great, enjoying the holidays. Everyday we go somewhere to discover, having great fun and lot of new energy.

Thanks Queena for your queation! According to the mobile app I should ovulate today, but no signs (and this time I did not bring with myself any tools to determine, so I really do not know). It is strange since normally I do really have mid-term pain in my ovaries with cramps, but now: nothing....

Anyway, I hope that all of you doing great!
Chekai and Yoyokim: welcome on the board! :-) Good to have you here! Chekai: do not give up hope, if not now, than the next cycle shall be your miracle! I wish you all the best! As I am 39 myself and trying for the first one...I feel your agony...but lets try together to belive in tomorrow!
Hugs to you all!


8 years ago • Post starter

Hi all I'm Zee I'm New to all of this but I'm on CD 9lhoping looking forward to getting to know u all in the journey....

8 years ago

Thanks, queena. I'm getting so tired of everyone around me getting pregnant except for me. I am one of 5, and all 4 of my siblings have kids - even my baby sister! Yes, I'm happy for them, I just wish I could join them!

I'm now at day 2 of cycle - yep, AF showed up yesterday.
I hope and pray for a BFP this time!!

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Looking forward to an even better new year. Hope everyone gets a BFP this time!

8 years ago

Yeah, I know the my little brother had his second child born... :-) I am really happy and joyful...but truly feel the emptiness and pain...but lets believe in we all should!
New year is around, lets make our common wish for the new year in form of babies of 2016! :-)
Who is joining in?


8 years ago • Post starter

Joining in!!!

Believing in tomorrow - Thanks szonja!

8 years ago

I'm so in!!! I know this year has amazing things in store for my husband and myself. There's a bigger plan and things happen when they're supposed to. Just have to remember that when you get down.

8 years ago

2016, get ready for some baby dust - You'll be filled with BFP's!

Best of luck to everyone - I'll be keeping you all in my prayers - God knows who you are!

8 years ago

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