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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hello ladies, sorry for disapperaing this long, but finally I moved back to Home country and it took a while to get things straight.
I am sorry to see that there are no BFPs yet, but it comes for sure.
As from my side, I had a frosen embrio transfer following the iVF but little beans did not stick...Now - back home - I am to start a new IVF cycle soon, thinking about September but havent yet consulted my docteur.
I think of you a lot! Looking forward to hearing to some good news!
All the best!


7 years ago • Post starter

Szonja-great to hear from you, hope all is well and with the next transfer
Chekai-sorry and Im just joining ya, woke up an hour ago with terrible cramping and shes got me, its down to you now AK?

7 years ago

Darn! Well I am CD 23 today and have no symptoms.
I have been too busy to really symptom watch though. We are trying to buy a new house, so we are practically moving out of ours for the time being and "staging" it so that it sells quick but we got news today that the seller of the house that we want is not being vary cooperative and is not accepting our selling contingency so I'm pretty bummed about that.
I worked all weekend moving my furniture and extras to the storage unit and then last night I got stuck 5 times on the legs by bee's so I am absolutely exhausted today. I am assuming it is from the busy weekend but I fingers are crossed that I am prego!

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7 years ago

Hello again, ladies. Welll, looks like I'm beginning the TWW again - a bit early this month - good thing I tested w/ the opk when I did or I would have missed it! I got a strong positive the first time testing and the next morning a temp rise. DH and I bd around midnight last night - hope we caught that egg!

Best of luck to all of you !

Keeping you all in my prayers !

7 years ago

Hi again - I have a question which may sound a bit strange, but here goes - about 3 hours after DH and I bd, I woke up to pee - was wondering if that messed up my chances of conceiving...

7 years ago

Chekai Thats great!!! I hope you get a sticky one!! And no that shouldn't hurt anything. My doctor told me to lay down for 15-20 min. and by then all the sperm that your going to get are already in and at work.

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7 years ago

Hi, ladies. Today is CD12 for me and it looks like that opk was giving me a false positive. But no worries here, better to a bit early than to be too late!

I'm thinking (hoping) I will probably O around CD14 (at least that's how it was last month) so this weekend will be the best time to again.

Here's hoping for the best for everyone!

7 years ago

Those dang OPK's are so hard to read for me! Not to mention the whole having to do it in the afternoon which is a little weird to pee on a stick when I'm at work! I gave up after the first couple of months and just stuck with temps after that. My OB/GYN told us to BD every other day from CD10-20 and that is the best timing for most everyone so thats what we have been shooting for! Although we usually get more like every two days but oh well.
I am CD 26 today and no symptoms still. I think I o'd really early this cycle though so I was kinda expecting to start early but who knows! I plan on taking a test Sat morning if AF hasn't shown up yet.

to all of you DTD this weekend

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7 years ago

AK, I thought it had to be done first thing in the morning. I didn't know you could do it in the afternoon (the opk's)

I think I'm with you about forgetting about them - they're not very reliable for me. I think I'm going to stick with the bbt charting and observing CM - the opk are just a headache.

7 years ago

AkHopeful--I totally agree with you about the OPK's. I got so frustrated that I quit using them.

Anyway, hope no one minds me posting here. I've been on this site for a long time, but haven't posted much. I am officially 38 yrs old :( and have been TTC for quite a long time. This cycle we used nothing but a little preseed. AF should have arrived yesterday. I have the classic AF type cramps, but they seem more of a nauseous type of cramping. Over the last 45 days I changed my eating habits, stopped drinking pop, and cut out all alcohol- so maybe that is what has thrown my cycle off. It would be an absolute amazing birthday gift to get a BFP after all the months we've been unsuccessful, but due to still having these AF type cramps, I refuse to buy a test until tomorrow or Sunday. I'd rather just get AF than see another negative test staring me in the face. I'm quite proud of myself this month for not buying any!

Julie (38) & Scott (42) - married 6/4/11 DS born 6/13/03 (previous relationship) TTC off and on for 3 years. Took break due to Laparoscopic myomectomy in April 2014 then Appendectomy gone wrong in November 2014 (5 day hospital stay w/ 2 surgeries)

7 years ago

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