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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hello ladies!

sorry for not writing you lately, but I was avoiding pregnancy forums for my soul-balance :)

I read that unfortunatelly there is no BFP YET, but I definetly hope it is on its way!

As for myself: I had another IVF back home, and now I am carrying 2 embrios for the 3rd day after embrio transfer. I hope and wish they decide to stay with us! I am very positive now and hopeful.

I hope I can celebrate with many of you this month our BFPs- I feel its a lucky month! Lets do it together!



7 years ago • Post starter

Szonja that is great!! I am praying for you and your sticky little beans!!

Well the good news for me is that I didn't waste any sticks this month... AF decided to come very early today I though it was earlier that it actually is though. I got a little excited when I thought it was only CD24 but then I got into work and logged on here and see that its actually 26 so I guess it really is AF not implantation
Oh well, we are still in the middle of the stressful selling and buying of houses so this month probably wouldn't have been ideal anyways. Hopefully by the beginning on next year we will be all settled into our new home and my body will decided that it is ready to give me a little miracle!

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7 years ago

Hello, ladies! No news here - AF showed up right on time a few days ago - have been having a rough go of things lately - am still recovering from some really bad seizures last Saturday morning. Have been avoiding any baby making talk lately. Don't know what to think anymore. If it happens it happens...

7 years ago

Well its CD24 for me and I get to go back in today for another ultrasound of my ovary because they think the growth is growing back :-( I was really hoping that I would be pregnant within 6 months after that surgery. Not looking towards another surgery
I hope all is well with you girls!
Szonja its been 3 weeks since we heard from you... How did your IFV go??

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7 years ago

Dear Ladies,

Oh, I am so sorry to hear your fear AKHopeful...hope you are not right and there is no need for another surgery....

Also sorry to hear that there is no BFPs yet.

Unfortunatelly, there is not one at my side either... After IVF I got a positive pregnancy test where my HCG level was beutiful, but sadly it was not growing which meant that the embrios were not developing... I had to stop taking the progesteron and therefore the pregnancy ended and AF showed up...

Of course we wont give up! Next January we go for another try hoping that they will stay with us then! Now I am trying to find some positive activites which can help me overcome this experiance.

Hope you all well! Big hugs,


7 years ago • Post starter

Well we found that the tumor is in fact growing back It is only 1.5 cm so far on the same right ovary. But they also found a cyst on my left ovary this time. They aren't as worried about it because it is a cyst not a tumor but i was still upsetting news! I have another ultrasound in 6 weeks to see how fast it is growing this time and my two options are to have surgery again but they would have to take the whole ovary this time or just deal with the pain and tumor until I hopefully someday get pregnant and then have it removed at that time. I am so conflicted at this point! Not to mention the hypochondriac in me starts to think if I can grow ovarian tumors so fast what else is going on that I am not seeing :-(
Its been a tough weekend and hopefully I have the strength to make it the 6 weeks to see how fast they are growing.

Szonja I am so sorry to hear that :-( I was hoping to get some good news before the holidays! This is a step in the right direction though. At least they implanted this time!

Thank you guys for all of your support!!

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7 years ago

Dear AKHopeful, I am so sorry to hear that it is growing back - I send you lot of energies. The only couraging think I can say: if they found the problem of not getting pregnant: they will cure you and then there will be no obstacle. I hope that it is a tumor of no risk and it will not grow at all. I heard that it can be effected by changing your eating habit...maybe just give a try.

How are you Chekai, Yoyokim? I have not heard about you lately....

As for myself: I tested a faint BFP today after the lost IVF-pregnancy last month... so it is a natural cycle...
You are the first to know... :)
I do try not to freak out and believe that this can be the ONE, the healthy pregnancy we have been dreaming of ...and I do feel very positive about it. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday...I will tell him then (after having bloodtest confirmation).

Thank you for all your support!



7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, AK , so sorry to hear this! Will definitely keep you in my prayers!

Well, it's CD35 for me (have not been consistent with temping and not sure when or if I ov this month)

But, no sign of AF yet - tempted to test, but will wait a few more days. No real signs other than a little diarrhea today - oh and on CD32 (tmi alert) LOTS of creamy/EWCM which I thought was kinda weird.

Not really sure - but still hoping....

7 years ago

Szonja that is GREAT!!!!!! I hope everything is going well your you! I am so happy for you!

Chekai have you tested yet? or has the great AF showed up yet? Maybe you both will get your BFP's!!

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7 years ago

Szonja - That's awesome ! - I must have misread that before!!!! So used to seeing BFN's!

As for me, went the whole month of November with no AF and BFN's! Thought it was the beginning of the end for me. But just today, Dec. 14, AF showed up, so at least I'm still in the running!

Best of luck to all!

7 years ago

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