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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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That's great Szonja!! I sure hope all goes well!!!

Chekai lets hope that it is just a phase your going thru. Like Szonja said, Miracles happen

pinkster123 sorry to hear about the We always hate to see her arrival!

I just got back from a 10 day vacation to the desert with my DH and it was MUCH needed! I too had visit me while we were camping...Now that was fun... NOT Oh well, thankfully i only had heavy flow for a few days and the rest was down hill. I have my surgery scheduled for the 25th and we will know what kind of a growth it is after surgery. She said their was gray matter in the ultrasound so they know i isn't a regular Follicle Cyst and it does have something inside it weather it is puss, blood or, this is icky, but it could be a dermoid cyst which has hair and teeth ect... ewww! but at any rate we will know soon enough. If it is puss or the hairy one it should be a quick and easy recovery. If it is full of blood it could be an endometrioma, which could disrupt my fertility. Just hoping that isn't the case

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8 years ago

Hi, ladies! Hope all is going well with all of you!

Think I may have some good news - temps are up and CM is back - I think I may be o this month!!!!! Is only CD9 but my cycles have been so short lately - gonna' try tonight!

Started to tell DH this morning - said "guess what, I think I am, you know..." He replied, you mean you're hot! Great!

So much for subtlety !

Still hoping for my miracle!

Good luck to all of you!

8 years ago

Give a nice try!!!! ;-)


8 years ago • Post starter

Give a nice try!!!! ;-)


8 years ago • Post starter

Thats good to hear Chekai, good luck with the time, Im only CD 6 at mo so waiting too, to all -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Hi, ladies! I think I may have o CD10, but not sure. (am CD12 now) Could someone take a peek at my chart and share an opinion ?

Now, I had stopped temping for a time, but resumed - so, I don't have previous info

Any opinion would be helpful. Thanks, and good luck to all!

8 years ago

Chekai, yes it seems like but difficult to tell cause you didn't chart the previous days - but a nice try wont hurt tonight as well or tomorrow .. :-)

Best of luck!


8 years ago • Post starter

Hiya ladies (CD 9)
Yes Chekai it does look like it but as szonja says I would get in another BD if you get the chance, good luck lovlies -x-

8 years ago

Thanks ladies! It helps to get a second opinion. And I sure won't mind getting in another . Not always easy to find the time, though. DH has been working late a lot.

Time for another deposit ! I'm so bad!

Good luck everyone!

8 years ago

Any updates ladies??? I am hoping to hear about some BFP's!!!

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8 years ago

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