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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Are you talking about the chart on this website or the chart on Fertility friend?

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8 years ago

The chart on this site - any help would be appreciated.

8 years ago

On the right hand side of the screen where it has all of the links, at the very bottom it says "my countdown" page setup view >>,

Click on the "set up"
Scroll to the bottom and it should have a list of all of your cycles. you just check the box next to this month. you can select up to 3 cycles.
Also check your privacy settings about half way down that page and make sure it says "members only" or "public" in the drop down menu or we wont be able to see anything.

Then we can go to your page and then your charts will be visible by anyone logged in to this site.

As far as putting the chart on an actual link I only know how to do the fertility friend as a link to your signature.

Hope that is what you mean :-)

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8 years ago

YES!!!!! Thanks so much - am kinda' new to all of this.

Will someone please take a look at my chart - it looks like I didn't O this month, but I'm not sure. I don't understand why it dipped after my supposed O day, CD13

Thanks AKHopeful! Good luck to all!

8 years ago

Chekai, It looks like it to me but I always start to wonder about where you are because it just doesn't start to look like a true biphasic chart for a couple more days of temps over your cover line.
Do you temp at the same time every morning?

I notice that my temps fluctuate a lot depending on how well I actually slept that night and I also enjoy a nice glass of red wine on occasion and that will also mess up my temps the following morning.

I have a thermometer that I got on a couple months ago fo $20 and it has a memory for 60 days with the time of day. It also has a very quiet alarm on it so it doesn't disturb my DH at all but its enough to wake me up a 5 am every morning. I found that my charts got a lot more reliable since buying that.

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8 years ago

Well, I think it may have something to do with my sleep patterns - I haven't been getting a restful sleep on some nights. Also, I have not been temping at the same time each morning - but I'm going to try to start.

I don't have a basal thermometer, I use a regular digital one. The one you bought sounds great! Will have to look into it.


8 years ago

hi everyone; how s everybody doing..
hope the best for all of you.. just keep trying and never give up.. everything will co;e at the right time; God knows when that time is so keep the faith and be hopeful..
today is 18 dpo; NO AF; NO symptoms; didnt test yet.. but I think this is it.. my DH and have been having baby dreams haha..
praying for all of you..
good luck..

8 years ago

Queena; I keep even my toe-fingers crossed!!!!


8 years ago • Post starter

Aww queena how exciting, wot nice valentines news, sending tons of dust n dreams your way -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Great news, queena! Hope this is it for you. Babydust to everyone! This is CD23 for me - don't know how many dpo, or even if I o at all this month. But that's ok - looking forward to next month!

Some good news - I had a talk w/ DH and had to tell him the facts of life
Now he's willing to bd more often during that time! Don't get how he thinks sometimes!

Think that now, things will be looking up for us!

AKHopeful - I ordered that same BBT thermometer you mentioned - thanks!

8 years ago

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