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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Hey ladies!!!. Wow looks like lots have been going on here.

@ melerinn and Punk - huge congrats!!!!

@ Southernmama- good luck today. I would love to see a pic if your willing to share.

@hberry- fingers crossed for you.

@dragonfly- the heat is brutal! I hope everything works out for you this month. Trying or not.

@shay- where are you at? How are you doing?

AFM - have my second appointment on Monday. Hopefully we will find out what we are having. I did genetic testing and got my results. Everything was negative thank God, but the office forgot to tell the lab I wanted to know the gender so not I have to jump through some hoops to get my answer. Lol

Is anyone else experiencing issues getting on this site. I feel like its been happening for a while now. Hence why I haven't been on a whole lot lately.

Also what's everyone's expected due date if you conceive this cycle? Just wondering if I should change the date of the group.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

If I concieve this cycle, EDD would be April 16.. Im 7 dpo today and haven't noticed much.. Course Im at baseball practice so Im distracted haha

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3 years ago

Miam: I def wanna share but also be conscious of how it may sting for those still trying here. I think I'll put it on my profile then those who wanna see can and those who it'll be too much for can avoid it. My due date is Feb 28th so I still got my February baby after all! It's even more fun because February 28th is my husband's birthday!

3 years ago

Well I feel like a jerk since I did post mine.
Trust me I completely get it. Trying for over 3 1/2 years I would get completely crushed everytine someone I knew told me they were pregnant. For whatever reason on this site and these chats that would never bother me cause I know we were along on the same journey long or short.. It wasn't suprising or hurtful we are all hopeful for eachother but honestly that just me. I should have been more sensitive.

Sorry if anyone felt defeated or gutted when I posted a pic of my sonogram that was not my intention at all.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: I don't THINK anyone minds. I just have friends who struggle with infertility so I am always a little bit more sensitive about being careful. I may go ahead and're right we've all been here talking for what seems like ages. I mean we posted so much the other thread hit the max haha! That's crazy!

3 years ago

Alright here's my little peanut at 9 weeks 4 days (measuring a day ahead because he or she stretched out a little) when doc was measuring. Heart rate was 171!

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3 years ago

@southern. What a cute baby. Can't wait to find out what you are having.

@miam. I didn't see the picture and I don't mind at all. If I conceive miraclely this cycle, my EDD woulld be April 24; two days before my mom's birthday.

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3 years ago • Edited

@miam - I don't mind either. I think it's nice to be able to follow you pregnant ladies too. If I conceive this cycle my EDD would be April 18.

3 years ago

Dragonfly: thank you! I should have my anatomy scan sometime in October I think since that's about when I'll be 20 weeks. They don't do the NIPT test usually if you're under 35. It's considered optional. So just gotta wait! My husband thinks boy.

Pandorica: I hope this is your cycle! I really do!

3 years ago

Fatigue hit me hard today! I can't wait to schedule my appointments. I want to see my little bean already. (I'll be 4 weeks tomorrow)

I jokingly told my boyfriend that I am his little eldritch horror and now he and his friends are calling the baby Cthulhu (Or Cthululu if it's a girl.). LOL.

And hey, here's a pic of me because I liked my makeup yesterday.

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3 years ago • Edited

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