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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022
Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!
412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by laughs)
Hberry- I'm sorry
Pandorica- how is everything with you.
Southernmama- sorry that stinks theybwont book you sooner its like you won't be able to see the little until almost your second trimester thats crazy!.
AFM- morning sickness hasn't let up its a catch 22 for sure. I know things are going well but damn can't wait til it subsides. Hopefully I should know the gender by the end of this month. Getting genetic testing done.
Fingers crossed for all you lovely ladies.
3 years ago • Post starter
Miam: I know! It's ridiculous!!!! Everyone I talk to who is pregnant gets to go at like 6-9 weeks for their first appointment. It sucks the stupid military hospitals make you wait. But, I also don't pay a dime. That's socialist medical care for you lol. I get what you mean about knowing it means baby must be growing if we have the morning sickness but....I would really rather just worry than deal with this nausea again. I just hope mine doesn't last the entire pregnancy like last time!
3 years ago
Miam - I'm actually ok. I felt a bit down for a day or so. Talked to my husband about it. Then realized there's nothing I can do to change the outcome. The upside is that I can actually go through with my booked MRI this tuesday. I've wanted to do one for over 10 years but no doctor has listened to me until now. I'm going to talk with him about my borderline thyroid levels too and hopefully he'll be able to sort those out.
Southern - That must suck. Here in Sweden you only get to do an early ultrasound if you have a history of previous losses or something like that. Some "countys" offers what we call CUB (KUB), combined ultrasound and blood work, around 13 weeks for free for all women and some restrict it to women over 35. So some will have to wait to see the baby until the anatomical scan around 19-20 weeks. They get to hear the heartbeat way before that tough, but still. I would have loved to have done an early scan with my son. I were almost 14 weeks when we got our first scan (CUB).
3 years ago
Hberry - sorry, I really was hoping this was the cycle for you. Fingers crossed for this next one.
Pandorica - I'm so sorry. I do hope that your MRI goes well.
Afm still unsure exactly what cd I am. I spoke to my dr last week and seems like there's no telling when my cycles will become regular enough to accurately calculate everything. I've decided just to give things a go this month and see about actively testing for ovulation next month or cycle whichever one is closer.
3 years ago
Hberry, I’m sorry. It’s so frustrating when you think she might stay away.
Pandorica, I really hope you get some answers soon. I know how frustrating it is when you have a health issue that no one can seem to explain.
Southern, I didn’t know that about military care! I only had an anatomy scan at 20 weeks with my daughter, but that was by choice. I can imagine it can be pretty scary if it’s not an option.
Melerin, good luck! I hope your cycle starts making sense soon. Are you tracking temps or anything?
Atm I’m one day past when AF was supposed to show. Last month it was the right day but didn’t start until 10pm, so I think my cycles are gradually getting longer. Probably still from when I messed them up with soy isoflavons. My fertility friend chart said this morning it detected a triphasic pattern, which it hasn’t done before. However, everyone in my house has a summer cold right now, so I’m thinking it may be more indicative of an illness coming on than pregnancy. I don’t have any tests left, or I'm sure I would have taken one. I know there’s such a small chance of pregnancy this month so I’m just trying to keep my mind off of it - easier said than done, as I’m sure all of you know.
3 years ago
Vintage: I dunno, that chart looks pretty promising! Do you usually have a short luteal phase? If not then you may still have a few days. I found if I ovulated late my trackers didn't update to the new af expected date. I had to account for the shift myself. Usually, when af was on the way for me, by 2-3 days before my temp would be dropping. So, keep an eye on that. You never know, it could be a good sign it hasn't dropped yet!
3 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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