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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Tested every day since that faint positive early one and nothing.. At least nothing that shows up within the timeframe.. So that first line were either a false one, or it's a chemical. Don't think this is just a case af "slow rising hCG".. Will keep testing though. This pic is taken at 12 min (5 min timeframe). Uploaded pics in my gallery.

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3 years ago

Pandorica: fore, last cycle the only test that picked up was the early one. Even after I had started. The cheapies never registered because they aren't as sensitive. So maybe try another sensitive one?

Afm, I FINALLY got my + opk this morning. Last night's was almost positive but not quite. I'm on cd *16*. I haven't ovulated this late before. Stress has never been something that affected my cycle much to my dismay as a teenager haha! I've ovulated early a lot since stopping birth control. Maybe this late O following a will be a better egg and let me get a sticky bean this time. At the very least it means we didn't miss the window when my hubby hurt a muscle in his back the day before I thought I was gonna O. So, no missed window!

3 years ago

Southern: I'll probably buy one sensitive if my period doesn't show up. I have one cheapie left that I'll use in the morning. I took another one this evening and it's actually a little stronger, but still faint. But I have bad experience with tests that seems to be a tiny bit stronger right before af shows up.. I have two digitals too, but I'm holding on to them until I actually see a more solid line, whenever that may be.

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3 years ago

Unfortunately AF showed up today 1-2 days early. So now I'm starting with my combo of ashwagandha, rose root and maca root.

3 years ago

Pandorica: I'm sorry girl! That really sucks. I hope your herbs help! Today is O day so tomorrow the wait begins. I'm hoping I can stay distracted with move stuff much like I did when my daughter was conceived. And that the stress of it doesn't KEEP me from conceiving as we all know it can. Lots to get packed up for storage. Gotta wash all the winter gear before it can be stored in plastic totes and whatnot. So many things to get done!

3 years ago

Good luck with your move, Southern! Moving is super stressful, but also exciting so I hope it balances for you.
I’m 3dpo right now, and it’s going be a loooong two weeks. SIL is due in three weeks, so there is that to look forward to.

3 years ago

Vintage: when I got pregnant with my daughter I was preparing for a move as well. It's funny how things are kinda cyclical. I'm about 2dpo today. So about 11 or 12 days left before I know if we were successful this time. I hope the later O gave me a nice, healthy egg lol!

3 years ago • Edited

I can't even believe I'm typing this. I got a blaring positive opk on cd 10. All but positive I popped the egg today on cd 11. I'm just flabbergasted.... Last month I did a clomid cycle to prepare for IUI. I got terribly ill and had to cancel. My ovulation was so off, like a week late. And my period was late, which verified it. Don't know if it was the clomid or the fact that I ran a fever for 10 days straight that delayed O. And now this month I ovulate in CD 11??? We Bd'd two days before the positive test , the day of positive test, and the day after. I know we covered bases, but I'm not too optimistic about this cycle with Ovulating so stinking early. Plan on doing an IUI next month after vacation.


3 years ago

Millbarnett: being sick can definitely mess up your cycle. It's actually very possible to get pregnant with ovulation that early. At least you were using OPKs and know about it! I know you said you weren't optimistic but if you managed to have sex the right days then I say you've got as much a chance as any other month where you ovulate more mid-cycle.

3 years ago

I hope so!


3 years ago

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