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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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I'm back hopefully should ovulate any day now.

JLTTC-3 I am so deeply sorry. Lots of positive thoughts going your way. Lots of virtual hugs going your way.

Pandorica- I'm sorry girl that evil witch!

Millbarbett- how are you feeling love?

Amy- I'm sorry to hear about your husband's results. Any word on other results or has he not retested yet?

Southernmama- I know your taking a little step back how are you doing.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam:. Oh I'm doing well. I'm about 6 dpo? Not sure without checking my app. I'm kinda just ignoring where I am in this cycle until my app tells me I'm due in a few days. Just kinda going with whatever happens.

3 years ago

I’m so sorry, JL. I hope you’re able to take time to rest and recover.
Miam, I think we’re pretty close this cycle. AF is due 5/1 for me.
Just started using my Ava fertility tracker a couple days ago, and I’m still learning how to read everything. But according to it, I’m 2dpo, and I’m not sleeping well, lol.

3 years ago

Hey there ladies..
Just got a peak on my ovulation test. Hopefully we can catch it. Not trying to go to crazy this month. Hubby is super busy at work thank goodness but that also means he's exhausted when he comes home. So really haven't had much energy to BD.

Vintage lady - yay for a fellow cycler. I usually this one and another tracker and its always seems a little off. Started using premom and that one has been spot on for the last 2 cycles.

Baby dust

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam, thanks, I’ll look into that tracker. I really just want a better understanding of when I should be trying. You wouldn’t think it’s this confusing!
I posted this on the other thread I’m in, but I’m tired of using soy isoflavons and progesterone cream. They make me cranky and affect my sleep and last night I though, ‘I need to stop. I can’t keep sacrificing my well being.’ Should I stop the cream now, mid cycle? Or wait until AF shows? I’m only 5dpo, so implantation couldn’t have happened yet.

3 years ago

Good morning.
Vintagelady- honestly everytime I think I have it all down something changes. Lol
I honestly have no experience in using soy isoflavons and progesterone cream. I'm sorry its making you feel off. I dont know the rules or directions for that stuff so I would hate to give you bad advice. Honestly you can implant at 5dpo its unlikely but not impossible. Ya never know.

AFM- I honestly have no idea where I'm at. Thats sounds funny. I have been temping doesn't seem ovulation has occurred yet if it even will.
I have been testing for a while now never got a strong positive. Yesterday was the strongest I seen but not sure if it was there. The reason I'm unsure is because the previous 3 days I would pee and test in the morning and then again in the afternoon. The morning all 3 days would be clearly negative and the afternoon would be alot darker. This was so strange. I have no ideas what today was cause I ran out if tests.
Hubby and I BD yesterday I will try today and Tomorrow just incase.
I added a pic so you all can see what I'm talking about.

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Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Vintagelady don't stop pregesterone cream mid cycle! It may start your AF and If you are pregnant you need to keep using it, suddenly stopping can cause miscarriage. And progesterone cream should actually make your sleep quality better.

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3 years ago

Sooo....I tested a couple days early. I've had a bad cough and went to the doc and she said it's allergies and could give me steroids to help end the irritation cycle and inflammation causing the cough. But, she knew I was ttc and asked if I still was and I said I'm in my tww. And benadryl only helps so much. So, I tested. And I swear to God it's got a line for real this time. At the 3 minute mark I looked it was stark white. At the 4 minute mark I looked again to kinda really get it through my head that it was negative but did a double take because it looked like a smudge or something. I used my phone flashlight to see if I was imagining things cause in the early morning the light in my bathroom sucks. And I saw PINK LADIES. PINK!!!!! I couldn't really catch it on camera though. But I swear. It's there this time. I'll include the pic and you might see what I mean but I swear it's there. Pray pray pray for this to be a real one and sticky and not a faulty test!!!!!!!

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3 years ago

I'm back. Well I wasn't gone - all I have been doing really is track. Im on cd5. Im also recovering from strep throat. Also on a weight loss journey and lost nearly 40 pounds before I got sick. We're still at the point if it happens it happens.

3 years ago • Edited

Wanted to say I put the photo on my profile and it shows way clearer than on the forum. Please, please cross your fingers this is it!

3 years ago

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