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BFP! Babies due in May 2019 and after! I’m due in August!

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Hey ladies! of your !!!!
My name is Renée and I wanted to start a new and current group for those who finally got their and those that are due in the summer of 2019 and after!
Some info about me,
The Mirena was removed at the beginning of September, and I’m currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Im due in August with my 3rd child. This is my husbands first child. We were married at the end of September. Symptoms right now- I only get nauseated while riding passenger or when I’m hungry, my nipples sting but boobs are still the same size, bummer lol. I’ve been bloated beyond belief every since I found out I was pregnant and look like I’m 3 months even though baby is the size of a blueberry currently.
Now let’s see all those success stories! Look forward walking this journey with all of you!

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450 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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Renee, that is too funny!
This mumma needs some sleep- i am seriously about to Bitch Slap a colleague who i swear is messing with me on purpose because i am just too tired to handle him!!
At least i'm getting some sleep deprivation practice in i guess...

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5 years ago

Updates, so midwives are concerned about growth/decreased movements so I'm off for urgent blood work and ultrasound on Friday... I swear this baby is so dramatic! Not one pregnancy I'll forget. Hope you lovely ladies are well x

btw thank you for the baby suggestions I've actually picked one from your list Renee... watch this space for an announcement soon.

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5 years ago

Hope you get an outcome your comfortable with Confuzed, glad you found another name that you like!

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5 years ago

hi ladies, update time no offical results as of yet but had my ultrasound today, I'm 35 weeks today and bubs was already measuring 3kg which puts me to about 38 weeks going on average baby weight so I guess it's a waiting game to see what my midwife suggests potentially a early delivery soon or c section later.. slightly freaking out.

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5 years ago

Confuzed, had you been diagnosed with GD? Try to remain calm, i'm sure they'll only do what is absolutely necessary and safest for both you and baby. xx

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4 years ago

Afm, at about 3am yesterday morning i had a strong kick like feeling that actually made me cry out and woke up my partner, later in the shower i had a leak of clear fluid that was very noticeable then another small leak at the shops about 11am. I was so uncomfortable and felt pressure low down most of the day. My midwife feels that it was just bubbas head moving into my pelvis and nothing sinister, hoping she's right.. i was googling babies born at 26 weeks

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4 years ago

Has anyone on this board experienced an amniotic fluid leak before? I had another small leak this morning, it was odorless and clear so i just don't think it could be urine.. .

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4 years ago

Sam, no fortunately I haven't experienced that but have always been told to immediately report it to midwife if having one, what have they said to you?

Braxton hicks all the time now, some are tightenings, some are back pain and some are painful so could be a matter of weeks for the new arrival to be here, scary but excited.

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4 years ago

Confuzed, I texted my midwife and she said it could just be a UTI or bubs head moving down but I kept having small leaks and a lot of pressure low down so I came to the hospital to get checked out cause I couldn’t even sleep. Waiting to see a Dr. and will see what they say!

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4 years ago

How did you go sam?

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4 years ago

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