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Still no AF for me at 19dpo

Here I am, still no AF. Last night, before bed for over an hour I had the worst cramps. Kind of like it was when I had my worst period ever in April. The cramping felt like it did in the middle of the period, not before it started. I have used the Internet cheapies and I think I see light marks but it's not getting darker and when I took the FRER a few days ago, it ended up being negative. I don't know if I'm out of the game this month or not. The symptoms continue but change in subtle ways every day. I still feel queasy all the time and feel like I have to pee, literally, as soon as I have finished. My face has broken out and I even have small acne on my forearms! They feel so rough no matter how much lotion I put on them. I'm a mess. I'm really moody and weepy. I feel like I'm having to carry this burden all by myself and it just feels so heavy. Speaking of heavy! My abdomen is really puffy and every time I go to stand up, I have pain in my pelvis like its putting pressure on something. I don't want to wear anything that touches my stomach which is strange because I actually remember saying that exact thing to my sister when I was pregnant. I've wondered for a couple years now, after seeing that show 'I didn't know I was pregnant', if I was going to be one of those women this happens to. I mean, I go ten months without a period. It could happen! It's just so strange, I feel like I'm 7 months pregnant. My belly's getting big and sticking out. I find myself cradling my stomach as I stand. Maybe I'm just driving myself crazy! God knows we put ourselves through hell and back trying to conceive. I made an OB/GYN appt June 4th for a pap and exam. Maybe they can tell me what's going on. Baby dust to you all! And hopefully some answers for me! :)

2 Comments • 12 years ago



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I hope all is well and the doc tells you that there's a little bundle of joy in your tummy when you go into see them in June. Let us know how things are going for will be in my thoughts!!!

You ladies have helped keep me going during some very sad times...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

12 years ago

Thanks, Sugarbear! Yesterday, as I ran to the bathroom first thing in the morning, I came back in the bedroom to look for my glasses. My husband was sleeping and I was leaning over him looking on the floor, in the covers, pretty much everywhere when something happened. All of the sudden, I got so queasy that I actually started to throw up ON MY HUSBAND! I ran to the bathroom where I gagged and choked for about 45 minutes straight. It was hell! And he sleep through the whole thing! Took an Internet cheapie this morning and it looks a little bit different. I can't believe I'm not getting super dark positives with all the symptoms I'm having. The smells are just getting stronger and I can't wear my own perfume now, it makes me really sick. My entire diet right now consists of fruit and french toast. That's really odd! As I don't get my cycle, my fertility calculator has now changed my "Confirmed ovulation" from April 28th to May 6th now. What is going on?

12 years ago • Post starter

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