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Success stories  Page 5

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Posts 41 - 50


Success story

Sometimes it happens when you arent planning it

Weve been trying for a baby for months, after a chemical pregnancy in March I was really depressed and negative. Because our doctor gave us the go ahead we tried religiously in April and nevertheless AF reared her ugly face. Come may... i honestly thought there was no chance... my boyfriend works as a merchant mariner... he had left for a 56 day contract... because i didnt want him to spend his birthday alone I flew to LA not even thinking concieving as a possibility as I was slated to have ovulated 4 days before my trip and wasnt even tracking it... imagine my surprise when I realized today I was late and two dark pink lines appeared. Were elated! I hope this one sticks. Early pregnancy is such a delicate mix of excitement and nerves. Best of luck and baby dust to all!

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story

i have been waiting years!!! BPF finally

on Monday i went for a follow up and they always do the urine so i didn't think anything of it but yes i was supposed to be getting my period its a little irregular and so i was like it'll come because i just new the cramping and sore BBS was AF. soo im in the waiting room and she tells me to come back to her office and so she tells me the PG was positive and i began to sweat and continuously telling her this never happens this is impossible. i am beyond happy. i am very early in my pregnancy 5 weeks and 2 days to be exact. its been so hard for me and when i look back on my post of me being disappointed many time in a row. i just know that keeping hope has given me one of the most beautiful gifts of all time. im so in love and i cant wait to go on this journey of mother.

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Latest 5 years ago




Success story


Afternoon Urine. 8DPO!

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story

She’s 9 months old now!

I’m 43 years old. I have 3 older children from a previous marriage. I remarried and my husband had no children. He doesn’t believe in fertility treatments or anything like that so he always said whatever is meant to be will be!

We tried on and off for 3 years. I never even got pregnant once. We had excepted it wasn’t in the cards for us and made peace with it. My cycles became very unpredictable anyway. I used to be to the day regular every 26 days! Then it became 19 sometimes, 34 sometimes but mostly 23. I was sure I was going through the change.
We went on vacation and I when we got back I was 2 days late. It wasn’t unusual but for some reason that time I was thinking could it be? I didn’t want to keep wondering so I went out and bought a test and the line was immediately dark! I was shocked! There is no way!!
I had my yearly scheduled for the next day anyway so my dr told me to come in anyway and do a test in the office. It was + sent me for BW about 2 weeks later and my numbers were over 16,000 BUT I was bleeding. I started seeing the blood the day of my appointment. It was a deep almost wine color blood. And enough to fill a liner. I was so worried. I had many scans and they never found out why I was spotting. It happened randomly up until about 23 weeks. I had maybe one or 2 more episodes of spotting after that.
I had my baby girl 3 days before my due date! 7lbs 4oz!
She is now 9 months old, crawling, cruising and thinking she’s big stuff!
When they say to relax while TTC it sounds so cliche. but I truly believe sometimes u gotta block it out of your mind and just know it’s going to happen. I dunno when, how long it’s going to take but it will happen.

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story


After 6 years of trying I finally succeeded. We wlcomed our twin boys on December 10. Theyre everything to me. I am so grateful for them. After so many losses, we are finally parents! Dont quit! There is always hope!

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story

Baby has a heart beat

We had an amazing scan today. Our little baby had a hr of 122 and they say I'm due Oct. 6th!

12 Comments     4    

Latest 5 years ago




Success story

Positive frer 9dpo neg 10dpo

I took a frer at 9dpo there was a definite line and the next day was negative anyone had this and for a line later

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story

Pregnant on IUI #2 after MC and Infertility with PCOS

Hi ladies,

I'm here to share my success story and will keep it as short as possible. After getting pregnant off the second cycle off the pill (and I've been diagnosed with PCOS since 2008) and having unfruitful cycles with Clomid and Femara/letrozole at my GYN, I moved on to Bloom Reproductive Institute in Scottsdale, AZ. From there we went through some tests and I went on letrozole and Menopur injections to get ovulation going. (I have textbook PCOS and had a really rough time ovulating after my miscarriage and even before going on birth control years ago.)

We did 2 cycles with timed intercourse and the injections and didn't have anything, so we tried an IUI, or the 'salad spinner' as my husband called it. Negative on that one, although I think the timing wasn't quite right on the procedure and my trigger shot. IUI #2 comes around and I still kept that sliver of hope that God would finally give us a natural baby. If it didn't work we'd maybe try one more and then look into adoption, so when I nervously took a pregnancy test the day before my beta at the clinic, I was equally happy and scared that it was POSITIVE! I believe that the progesterone helped my body know that it was pregnant and to keep that little bean warm and snug, and as I type this I have a healthy, beautiful, smiley 7 month old girl, Evangeline Faith. She is worth the wait and the tears and the anxiety and the complications, and I want to tell whoever ends up reading this: DO NOT GIVE UP. The Lord with sustain you and keep you on the path you're meant to go on, and if that means going through infertility while it seems like everyone else just drinks the water, so be it. If you don't have God and the Word to be your helper, please find an outlet to reach out because it's TOO HARD to keep to yourself and your partner. It really is.

If you want to join another community on a super user-friendly app, get Kindara from your app store. I promise you will find women that are going through the same thing, whatever that may be, and you can encourage each other all while staying private. So many of us are now Facebook and Instagram friends now and even plan to meet in person! Keep advocating, keep hope alive, and keep treating the temple that you occupy with love and care!!

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story

11-25-18 BFP!!!

To God be all the glory! I got my first ever vvfl 11-22-18 Thanksgiving, I couldn't believe it so I tested again the next morning still vvfl I was only 11dpo. I'm super excited and still in shock. I did bloodwork to confirm. My doctor was happy also. My husband and i had been ttc for years no success, we got serious and started letrozole aka femara in June started on 2.5 mg. Cd 5-9. Then I did 3 rounds step up 2.5 to 5 mg cd 3-7. My last cycle i conceived i did cd 5-9 7.5 mg only bd once when i got a positive opk. Prior to that we dtd every other day during ovulation. I also dedicated to a 31 intentional prayer to get pregnant in October. I'm 36 dh is 43 we have tried off and on for our 1st baby for 15years plus. I tried 2 rounds clomid and 1 round femara in 2012. Not the right time. It's our season now. Much live and prayer to anyone else who has ttc for years wait for the chapter in your story it will happen!!!

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Latest 5 years ago


Success story

BFP? please share!

Nothing gives me more encouragement than seeing those BFPs! Please share and post pics :) I think it could help other women too


Latest 5 years ago