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Success stories  Page 3

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Posts 21 - 30


Success story

7 years and then an miracle occurred

I wanted to share my story to give other couples ttc hope. I had a daughter in 2012, after having her I wanted another child, My husband and I tried for years to no avail. sometime last year I decided that with our age it was highly unlikely. I ovulated every month , all the test came back normal. I did try medication to help my eggs mature faster, all attempts failed for years. I honestly stopped tracking my ovulation. I stopped saying its go time to my husband. Eventually we accepted the idea that it probably wasn't going to happen for us. We had a beautiful child together , so we chose to be thankful for having her. Although in all honesty it stings to realize , something you wanted so bad for so long , a dream you fought for , had to end, we had to let go of our wish. It was sad . On April the 3rd 2020 , I found an ovulation test in my drawer and thought what the heck , just for kicks, I tested. It wasn't positive but I could tell it wasn't far off. (or so it seemed). I let it go and about six days later , I had one romantic night . Of course my mind didn't even think back to the test ( for hope) because I thought I had already ovulated. To be quite honest I had tracked my ovulation for 7 years and it never helped. on April 18th 2020 , I went to sleep and had a dream about a dear lady I loved whom had passed and My dad whom had passed a year ago, They were standing side by side , smiling and she handed me a baby in a white blanket. I took the baby and my dad touched my hand and I could just feel this over whelming amount of love , he slowly walked away and she slowly disappeared. When I woke up , I went into the kitchen and told my husband , that I needed to buy a pregnancy test . I remember the look on his face like what? huh? I was like I had a dream that I was given a baby , lets go. So Before he finished his breakfast I had him out the door. I didn't want to spend a lot of money , because a major part of me thought it wasn't possible. Also a part of me thought I'm doing this because of a dream. I didn't want to put myself through another negative test . However there was this nagging thought, I never felt so much love from a dream before. My dads hand felt real. I drove to the dollar tree and got a test, went to Walmart and got the cheap .88 cent test. I came home and took the test and I saw a faint pink line. I told my husband, I think I'm pregnant. I handed him the test and he said I see it. I shared it on this site and people were so positive. I'm thankful for receiving this blessing. I pray for each person on this site. I know the struggles, the tears, the not another month, not another negative test. The I swear I see a line, even when no-one else see s it. I know the mental toll it has on our mind and the pain that twist in our hearts. Its a hard , tough , journey , However if you get the opportunity to become pregnant , Your childs story was about the strongest desire for them to be with you. I pray you find strength, courage, and self love no matter the outcome. It is possible , it can happen even when you think its impossible. Best wishes . Baby dust to all

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Latest 3 years ago


Success story

Never give up hope - miracles are possible

Hi everyone.
Just a story of my journey; don’t ever give up. I never.!

I began ttc quite some time ago -
My first mc was Dec 2013. Advised likely chemical.
Long story short; after ttc for a long time; not successful

investigations etc, I eventually got a diagnosis August 2017 for endometriosis. Had surgery to remove.
Had all the tests beforehand and all hormone levels came back fine and partner fine.
Repeated after surgery and again all ok. No issues identified.

Told I had unexplained infertility. Was ttc over a year prior to diagnosis of endometriosis.
Told I’d unlikely conceive naturally or without help!

Referred for HSG test and to fertility consultant Feb 2018.
Low and behold - at appointment they do urine sample - pregnant! Discharged from them.
Sadly ended in mc 9 weeks April 2018..
Large bleed within sac and baby hb stopped.
Surgical removal due to issues and risk as I’m rhesus negative.
Tests carried out - nothing abnormal identified - ruled as a likely loss of natural cause.
Gave all clear ttc again.

Booked back with consultant - again got my BFP week before my appointment!

Referred for beta hcg and ultrasound -
Beta hcg taken two days apart - all fine and increased well.
told had pregnancy of unknown location at scan and likely ectopic - sent home and scan rebooked for two weeks after.
Attended scan - confirmed I had a likely continuing NORMAL pregnancy. Dated perfect at 6wks 3 days. Over the moon.

Fast forward -
first dating scan received after all booking in with midwife etc...
Was very scared as had been severely affected by morning sickness and terrified something would be wrong - scan went perfectly well and baby measured 3 days ahead at 12+6!

20 week scan - all ok and baby growing well. Still measuring ahead - growth charted as average.

Currently 25+2 with my miracle rainbow..
Pregnancy going well and looking forward to welcoming our bundle of joy.
DD 19th april 2019

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Latest 4 years ago




Success story

Success story!

I got my confirmation today, took one very faint first response yesterday with a VERY faint line, took a digital test later and it said yes. Took another digital this morning, also positive. I think I’m at 10 or 11 dpo today! Due date March 1 2021

3 Comments     1    

Latest 4 years ago


Success story

Blue dye test positive stories please

Did anyone get a very faint or faint bfp on a blue dye test and end up being pregnant?????????

1 Comment      

Latest 4 years ago


Success story

Baby No#4 and giving hope to all

Hi all
So I’m due baby no#4 on 30th November. I already have a son and twins from ivf. In between my treatments I fell pregnant naturally but miscarried and now I’ve fallen pregnant naturally again and this baby looks perfect. Baby is small but all our children have been small - we just have small babies haha!
So 4 years after I started ttc I finally held my 1st born in my arms from a fet, then to be surprised with twins from a fet and now a ‘pull out method’ baby!!!
Will have 4 under 4 but I will love every minute.
The tears and heartache are worth it in the end and even people who have been trying for 10+ years make it. Don’t give up hope, seriously don’t. I did and mentally it took its toll. Stay positive all, treatment works.
I hope everyone finds their golden ticket in the raffle of ttc and that my 4 children give everyone hope xxxxxxxxxxx


Latest 4 years ago


Success story

#6 hoping for a girl this time ????‍??

Baby #6 ???? have 5 boys already so hoping this is our little dream come true. After a cm last month it made me realise i wasnt done yet, used fertility plus applicator this time and have conceived straight away! I have pcos and struggled to conceive my 2nd 3rd child. If you havent already tried concieve plus with the applicator I strongly advise to try, definitely worth the money. Good luck every1 x


Latest 4 years ago




Success story

I had my baby!

I haven't logged on in 10 months!

Sadly, I had Hyperemesis my whole pregnancy, right up until I gave birth, but she is here!

My baby is 14 weeks old today and I cannot believe how perfect she is.

I wanted to check in on my ladies. How is everyone doing?

8 Comments     1    

Latest 4 years ago


Success story

PCOS Success story

Hello Ladies... so heres my success story! Hope you all enjoy it! I'm tearing as I'm typing this out...

So, I am 30 turning 31. When I was 19 a Sonar showed my left ovary had 12 cysts on it, and the right had 8 or 9 cysts on it. Can't remember exactly! I was diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin resistance back then, took metformin and stopped. Went to multiple Dr's etc and they all said my chances are slim for conception due to my ovaries health and what not.

in 2014 I met a man who I have been dating up to current. I love him to bits... He knows I am infertile etc. We never bothered using protection. I never fell pregnant..
In 2016 i fauled 6 cycles of fertility medication. One Being Clomid, the other being Fertomid (Generic). I was told I needed to go to a specialist.

In 2019 2 months ago (September) I felt wierd and was told i have high blood pressure.. And so i need to go get my hormones checked at the Ob/Gyn as my GP said he thinks that caused it, and the OB will know better. Got treatment for high blood pressure and my gynae wanted to check if I'd ovulate now. I explained the failed fertomid tests and clomid tests, but he figured he would encourage me anyway with controlling my blood pressure as a first measure.

It's November now. October my Ob/GYN did a scan and could not find a single cyst on ether of my ovaries. Both were crystal clear, with the biggest cyst measuring 0.6mm in size. I was shocked and dumbfounded. I explained the PCOS which I had been diagnosed with and he was baffled. He did say Glucophage could have contributed to removing the cysts over the years and normalising things a bit.

Before we could get to the fertility try again, I felt off. Something was not quite right. I was vomitting in the mornings but had negative pregnancy tests. Told my OB GYN about it and he said to wait till the 4th of November. I must have bought 10 - 12 tests of various brands. The first one was negative.


(I have a 35 - 42 day cycle)

CD 29 - Faint line but disregarded it and thought its the brand of test.. it was cheap
CD 30 - Faint line but needed to squint, ghost, tweak the test and still negative
CD31 - Different brand of test, more sensitive and expensive (Blue dye) Faint line. Assumed it was the blue dye fad that leaves evap lines
CD 32 - Same as yesterdays test.. Definitely a line not to squint at
CD 33 - Sensitive test.. darker line.. is it a positive?
CD 34 (14-16DPO) - Clear Blue plus - Faint Positive

Started driving myself mad thinking i am seeing things and was in terrible denial. Went back to ob gyn and he said to do blood tests. Did a sonar and he said he sees a thickening of the endometrium as in early pregnancy but will not conclude it till bloods are back, and a possible tiny gestational sac of 1.6mm.

I was in shock... how could i be pregnant?

CD 35 - Snapped and bought a clear blue Digital - POSITIVE 1 -2!!!!

Blood results came back. HGC was 45 on the friday, and 131 on the Sunday (48 hours after the first blood)

I am now 6 weeks pregnant with my first child at 30 years old! I am in shock, in awe, and totally emotional over all of this! Ladies, nothing can prepare you for the first BFP you get. Hang in there! There is hope! Continue with Glucophage. I pray and hope it makes the difference to you all that it made for me. I am blessed to say I have 2 hearts beating inside me right now.

4 Comments     5    

Latest 4 years ago


Success story

Equate Early Result BFP?

Has anyone had a very faint Equate Early Result BFP before FRER or others and been pregnant? I've been seeing a lot of stories of false positives with them and it has me worried. I don't want to tell my husband until I know for sure, but it does have me worrying about it quite a bit. (I will use another FRER tomorrow morning)


Latest 4 years ago


Success story

Progression picture & update

After two years of trying


Latest 4 years ago