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Success story

Finally got my BFP!

Hi guys,

After 8 months trying to conceive baby number 2 i have finally got my BFP! Im soooooo happy.

The only thing I did different this month was not stress about every little thing, I noticed symptoms from 3dpo but didnt stress out worrying about it and googling everything, I just let it go. Also, we had sex every other day this month rather than every day around ovulation. I think this helped massively.


1-2dpo - nothing
3dpo - I noticed my nipples were really sore, everytime my DD cuddled me and brushed them with her arm I quinced in pain, I also noticed that the water falling on them in the shower was hurting me.
4dpo - I noticed alot of creamy kinda thick clumpy yellow tinged disharge.
5dpo - discharge continued, kept feeling very wet.
6dpo - I was so moody this day, someone just had to talk to me and I bit their head off. Also I was in work and noticed some fluttering right down low in my pelvic area, kinda felt like a heartbeat that kept coming and going (obviously I know it wasnt a heartbeat, thats just what it felt like) Lasted about an hour before it dissapeared.
7dpo - More clumpy creamy discharge (this was when I really got suspicious - I never get this much in any cycle)
8dpo - Very bloated
9dpo - Bloated again and very tired - BFN on superdrug test.
10dpo - I had a very heavy feeling stomach and felt like a full on heavy period was about to start any second, really severe cramping - this was when I knew (I never cramp before my period) so I rushed out to Superdrug at 4.45pm, just before it closed, got home, done the test and straight away BFP! I didnt believe it so a few hours later I done the second test - BFP straight away!!! Ahhhhhh
11dpo (today) I ran in to Boots before work and grabbed a clearblue digital, done it as soon as I got to work and YES! Straight away - PREGNANT 1-2 weeks.

Im so over the moon, I cant believe it!

Happy and healthy 9 months to those with BFP's and Good luck to those still trying, dont give up, I was ready to give up this month and it happened! :)


Latest 6 years ago


Success story

Ovulation day was CD30, BFP 11DPO!

Dh and I have been ttc for close to a year. A few of the cycles out of this past year we did not use OPK because we were in the process of moving, so BD when we did not feel utterly exhausted! This cycle was my first cycle temping. I have tracked my cycle length and ovulation dates using Fertility Friend App this past year of ttc. I cannot believe I waited so long to jump on the temping! Temping helped me confirm my late ovulation and I may have missed it had I not been temping.

Past few cycles, I ovulated around CD 18. This cycle, I felt like I would never see a positive OPK. Afternoon of CD 30 I got a surprise when the OPK was positive! I told DH when he walked in from work, but he was too exhausted to BD. We instead, BD the next day after work (CD 31 OPK still showing positive). We did not BD any after CD 31.

I am currently on CD 43, AF should have showed by now, but she has stayed AWAY after my BFP's!!! I tested CD 41 after feeling super exhausted this week, crying over really ridiculous things, and some uterus cramping last weekend. I got a faint BFP on FRER Friday afterwork. I did not believe it! I waited to tell DH until I got more BFP's! I tested the next day with FMU, BFP was a bit darker. I went out and got a digital, said YES+! I told DH yesterday! I took another FRER today and even darker than yesterday! I hope it sticks and I have a healthy pregnancy! Going to doc this week for bloods.

**had annual pap smear last week and doc prescribed me Femara due to cycles varying in lengths over past year. It is very ironic this was our cycle, before we went down the Femara road!!! I was not sure how I felt about having to take it, anyway.

BD: CD10, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 31
+OPK: CD 30 & 31
BFP: CD 41, 42, 43

1DPO: temp .1 degree higher on FF, nips went ultra hard
2DPO: temp spike (confirmed O date), felt feverish, hard nips
3/4 DPO: nothing
5DPO: middle of abdomen, under belly button cramping on and off all day, not terrible, but def noticable
6DPO: same cramps as 5DPO, all day long
7DPO: felt nausea (felt queasy before due to PMS but this was stronger and as soon as I woke up and in wave all day)
9DPO: tugging feeling in uterus at work, most of the day, headache after work (haven't had a bad headache since quitting the pill last year)
10DPO: in the evening at bed, felt period like cramps, thought AF was surely approaching
11DPO: watched a clip of OJ Simpson release coverage (48 hours episode) and cried. This is what clued me in on testing... I def am not a crier and I def would not cry over OJ Simpson!!! Tested as soon as I got home from work. Faint BFP!
12DPO: nausea all day, hot flashes, and oh the boob pain!!! mild uterus cramps for about an hour that night. BFP on digital
12DPO: Extreme exhaustion, headache, boob soreness, less nausea but still present. BFP much darker today.

Dont give up! Even on a late Ovulation date! Hope this one sticks for me!!!!


Latest 6 years ago




Success story

1st TTC/BFP/Pregnancy

I got my BFP yesterday. Just wanted to share my symptoms and help out any other women out there!

0/1 DPO: Right after we did the deed I basically just lied in the same position on my back with my legs up and fell asleep. While I was sleeping I could feel a lot of activity going on inside of me, kind like micro AF cramps and they were rapid fire. (Never felt that before after sex!)

1/2 DPO: Call me crazy, but the very next day I felt OFF. Nasuseous, hyper sensitivity to smells, a strange hungry/not hungry sensation at every mealtime. Already feeling really bloated like I ate a giant pot of pasta, I look in the mirror and I look normal. Jeans are my enemy.

*I should note, I am the kind of gal that is super in tune with my body, partly because I am a sickly person, I have been my whole life, so I have become paranoid about every sensation I have. Also, I basically eat/drink/do the same things every day at the same times.*

2-8 DPO: More of the same, nasusea, strong smells, hunger patterns thrown off, bloated tummy, but also intermittent heart burn, at times very noticable and very painful. Headaches/migraines during the day at work for seemingly no reason. Heartbeat feels like it is racing all the time even though I am just doing my regular stuff. A coworker makes fun of me for breathing so loudly and heavily.

8-16 DPO: This is when things kicked up a notch! One sunny day I took my dogs out for a long walk, it was pretty warm out, I drank my usual 64 ounces of water and then came home and had some white wine, (assuming that this has all been in my head) I fell asleep that night without drinking more water (like I should have) and the next morning I woke up with one heck of a UTI/yeast infection combo!! -OWWIE! This laid me out for several days and going forth, I couldnt get rid of the UTI feeling unless I drank four 32 oz bottles of water a day! Napping a lot, sleepy heavy eyelids in the afternoons. No implantation bleeding, there was just one day where I peed and I saw one tiny, bright red sliver of uterine lining in the toilet - thats it.

16-20 DPO: The sore boobs have kicked in, the soreness isnt unbearable but I notice that it is a different type of boob soreness than the kind I have during PMS. I am not a psycho like I am during PMS, this is really notciable. My emotions feel very even keeled and calm. The other barfy, heartburn, smells, stuff has gone away (for now?). My hunger patterns are still skewed. All I want to eat are carbs, carbs, carbs. Salad tastes bad. Coffee is nice just for the first few sips and then I don't want it. I caught a cold from a coworker but I seem to be sicker than they were, a lot of mucus, and burning in my nose. Sleeplessness at night, I just feel wired! I get up in the morning feeling totally unrested. Tummy bloat for days, may need to purchase maternity pants earlier than any woman ever. Cramping in my uterus, cramping in my hips, cramping on left side of waist, back aches. On and off all day and night.

*BFP at 20 DPO!!!* :)

Special note: these 2WW symptoms have NOT been like PMS symptoms AT ALL. And I am glad I can share that now. Every human is different though. Good luck to you all! <3


Latest 7 years ago


Success story

BFP after 2 years

Hey girls,

I promised myself, like many of you have, that I would share my bfp story here to help others who are symptom spotting.
I'm 26, DH is 29, we've been ttc for 2 years on our own, went in to see a fertility specialist this month and it worked!

First of all, I actually ovulated on my own this cycle which is really unusual for me.. so that was pure coincidence.
Second, we got to see when I was going to ovulate through u/s.
Third, symptoms:

Main symptoms are: bloating, gas, sore hips and legs, dizziness when I stand, and insomnia.
I can't sleep worth a crap. I'm not very tired, not like I thought I'd be, but then again, I'm used to running on very little. The things that stood out to me the most were the dizziness. I got dizzy riding my bike to school the other day and I get out of breath really easy when I exercise which is really unusual for me... I have been forgetting IMPORTANT things.. and idk.. I just knew.

0 dpo: gassy, heartburn like crazy (didn't even know that's what it was..had never had it before, dh filled me in on the nitty gritty), backaches that started in my pelvis and fanned out into my back, less hungry, INSOMNIA

1 dpo: right pelvic pain (o on right side) bloating, pee a LOT, INSOMNIA

2 dpo: gas, gas, gas (wtf?! not usual for me), dizziness when I stand up, bloating, dull crampyness, INSOMNIA

3 dpo: better appetite, pee a LOT, bloating, gas, dizziness, INSOMNIA

4 dpo: VERY tired, dizziness, mild cramps, bloating, gas, pee a LOT, INSOMNIA

5 dpo: sleepy but not worn out... like i'm getting sick, pee a LOT, headaches, dizziness, bloating,
mild cramps, INSOMNIA

6 dpo: bloating, gas, pee a LOT, dizziness, INSOMNIA
POS- BFN (I have a problem, ok?)

7 dpo: first sign of morning sickness- woke up and felt fine then ate and felt very sick, sore legs and hips (this one has continued HARD), bloating, gas, pee a LOT, dizziness, less appetite, INSOMNIA
pregnancy brain. I let my dog out to go pee and forgot about him until he whined ten minutes later at the door. I FORGOT MY DOG OUTSIDE!

8 dpo: nausea, bloating, pee a LOT, joint pain, tight muscles like I ran a marathon, INSOMNIA I felt very pregnant. I had no inclination by this point that I could be out this cycle.

9 dpo: Sore legs and SERIOUSLY, bloating, dizziness, gas, INSOMNIA
pregnancy brain- I left my backpack at home...walking a mile to school. o.m.g.

10 dpo: nausea, fatigue, dizziness, bloating, gas, soreness, INSOMNIA

11 dpo: dizziness, bloating, gas, soreness, INSOMNIA

12 dpo: bloating, gas, soreness, INSOMNIA POS- BFP!!!!!!!

Honestly, the test came up positive right away... but you know those minutes of waiting can seem like a rollercoaster. At first the pink color started to hover over the test line (never seen it do that before) as it washed over and that was really strange to me, so I keep watching and I see the control get darker, then I think... "no way this is negative. I have to take out another test.. this one is bunk.. there's no way it's negative." I was getting ready to straight up pick up another test when I look back and it's positive. Faint, but not VERY faint!! (pic is in gallery)



Latest 7 years ago


Success story

Angel Party of 3

I would like to first thank God for my blessing. I first convinced last year in Oct but sadly suffered a Chemical pregnancy. The test would come up positive but the lines would never get dark. I never made it to the doctor and miscarried on my own in November. Fast forward to April 2016 and I am pregnant again and overjoyed because I would never imagine having another miscarriage. I made it to my first prenatal visit and did all my blood work. I kept taking Clearblue easy digital with weeks est. and it kept coming up as 2-3 weeks for about a weeks and a half and that's when I first realized something was wrong. I was about 5-6 weeks when I went to the doctor on a Thursday and started to miscarry on a Monday at work. I was so devastated feeling lost and let down. I called my doctor and the nurse didn't think that it was a serious matter, so I went to the hospital and had an ultrasound. I was told there was no fetus in the sack. A few days later I finally go to my doctors and she also didn't seem to concerned. I was able to pull my labs off line and saw that my progesterone levels were low. So in the middle of my miscarriage I changed doctors and that doctor was great. She told me after I am finished miscarrying and ready to try again that I can start taking progesterone supplements once I got a positive. I also did my own research and started taking one baby aspirin a day. Now fast forward three months later and I have been taking OPK's and this last month I started for the first time BBT;ing. I seriously thought we were out this month because my OPK said I ovulated on Monday and I also had side pain that day but fertility friend said my temps but me as ovulating on Wednesday and we didn't baby dance that day. Well I kept temping and got a dip 6 days after my OPK turned positive and went sky rocketed 9 dpo. I took a e.p.t. and dollar tree test that both showed what I thought was a very faint positive after the time limit. I took a FRER test the next morning and got my wish a clearer faint positive within the time frame. I also took a Clearblue blue easy digital with weeks est. and that also came up positive with 1-2 weeks. Four days later I took another Clearblue digital with weeks est. and low and behold it came back as 2-3 weeks. YAYY!!!!! I am so excited. I didn't tell my bf until after my first visit. We are both excited for this journey and pray that this is our sticky Angel. PRAYERS AND BABY DUST TO ALL THE TTC'ers......


Latest 7 years ago


Success story

2 week wait ending in bfp warning TMI

Hi this is my 2 weeks wait story hopefully it will help someone. Baby dust to all.
Ovulation on cd 15. Super abundant egg white.
1 dpo nothing
2 dpo nothing
3 dpo sudden case of severe hiccups, never have them
4 dpo thick yellow glob cm in knickers , sharp cramp maybe gas
5 dpo again more thick yellow almost green cm in knickers, cramps again on left side of uterus really strange
6 dpo cramps at night .. dry cm
7 dpo more burning cramps from left side of uterus all the way down to my inner left thigh and knee.. almost like sciatic pain yellow cm back
8 dpo check cp and found it high moist soft but also changed shape. Felt flat instead of tip of nose shape. ( this is baby 3 though so cool be from previous v births boobs feel heavy and sore
9 dpo burning cramps back again now also feel like period cramps. So sure af is coming I put on a pad boobs feel like having milk let down feeling
10dpo took off my gold earrings and they turned my ears black!! This has never happened boobs sore heavy , backache
11dpo backache ,cramps, sore boobs so sure af should have started from the cramps but nothing
12 dpo nothing no cramps no backaches.
13 dpo feeling suss on lack of af but having bad cramps test with frer.
Faint bfp ????
14dpo slightly stronger bfp sore boobs back
15dpo 1 day late af digital confirm pregnancy killer boobs sore nipples

I hope this helps . Good luck to everyone ????


Latest 7 years ago




Success story

Hope My Story Helps You!

Hi Everyone - I found out today that I am prego and thought I'd share the journey in hopes that it will bring comfort and information for those out there trying to conceive. With my first pregnancy, it took my husband and I 3 tries and during those 90 days, I literally "stalked" this site. Same goes for my second pregnancy. It was extremely helpful and therapeutic to read others' stories.

I used the ClearBlue Easy Ovulation Predictor for all 3 tries this go around. For those of you who don't know about this tool, result options are: empty circle (low fertility), flashing smiley face (high fertility), and static smiley face (peak fertility).

Our first time trying in June 2016, I went from an empty circle on one day.... to a static circle the next day (day 14 of cycle). Needless to say, we did the duty on the day we saw the static smiley face and it didn't work. Our second time trying in July 2016, I got the flashing smiley face for 2 days, as well as the static one. Due to scheduling conflicts we could only do the duty once and did so when I got the static smiley face. (day 14 of cycle)... and it didn't work. Our third time, the husband and I did the duty 4 times and THAT seemed to do the trick.

After going through the process and reading tons of articles/blogs/stories, I really felt like the "peak" fertility time (your ovulation day) is too late. The 4 times we did it were all well before the ovulation day and that worked in our favor...

Here is how it all worked out:

8/11 - Period
8/20 - Had Sex; light CM (empty circle on ClearBlue Ovulation Predictor; I knew this was probably too early but I had to do something different this time around)
8/22 - Had Sex; light CM (empty circle on ClearBlue Ovulation Predictor; Decided to do it this day in case my body decided to ovulate early)
8/25 - This was suppose to be my ovulation day but the ClearBlue Ovulation Predictor showed the flashing smiley face instead of the static one. I was surprised. Had Sex; light CM
8/26 - Still Flashing Smily Face; No Sex; light CM; I was late ovulating by 1 day.
8/27 - STILL Flashing Smily Face; Had Sex; eggwhite CM. There was a huge difference between today and the last 7 days regarding the CM. There was a "gush" of it that came out and so I had a feeling THAT was a big sign to me. 2 days late for ovulating.
8/28 - STILL Flashing Smily Face; No Sex; moderate CM; 3 days late for ovulating.
8/29 - FINALLY got a Static Smiley Face on day 19 of my cycle which meant it was my ovulation day; I thought this was odd given the prior 2 months and my O day always falling on the 14th. Talk about a curve ball! Our schedules did not work out so we did not have sex on this day.
1 DPO - No symptoms
2 DPO - No symptoms
3 DPO - No symptoms
4 DPO - Period-like cramps that evening, fatigue, and sore boobs; remember lying in bed wondering if the cramping would ever "let up". Was not sharp pains but a dull/constant cramping like what I feel the day before my period. I also did feel some twitching on my left side pelvis. Sore bbs are a part of my cycle every month so thought nothing of it.
5 DPO - Negative Test - Sore bbs. Sore bbs are a part of my cycle every month so thought nothing of it.
6 DPO - Negative Test - Sore bbs, faint shooting sensations in bbs (THIS was different than in previous months), and "twitches" in pelvis.
7 DPO - Positive Test on a cheapo pregnancy strip. It was a super faint line. A bit light-headed today, fatigued, metallic taste in mouth, sore bbs, faint shooting sensation in bbs, and "twitches" in pelvis.

Good luck to everyone out there. The gush of CM I think was my biggest indicator that it was time to do the duty. I recommend not thinking of your O day as always the 14th day of your cycle... buy a kit that helps you determine your fertility window and have sex 2 days BEFORE you ovulate.


Latest 7 years ago


Success story

after 10 months of ttc. here's what really works.

My hubby and i ttc for 10 months and like many of you I tried almost everything I read on here without success until a friend told me about Vitex/chaste berry tree. She had ttc for two years and after taking Vitex for two months she got her bfp!. And believe me I researched Vitex like crazy before I took it. Research says it can take up to 3 months for it to balance your reproductive hormones and for you to get pregnant. For me it took one month each time I got pregnant.
So here's what i did: says to take 1000mg of Vitex daily, (some women take half in morning and half 12 hours later but I personally took it all at once in the morning and it worked just fine), and use Clear Blue Digital Ovulation test. Yes I know it's more expensive but it's worth it. I used the one that says Highest 4 days of fertility and on my first pregnancy it actually read 5 top days and the next 7 top days. In which I realized I was probably off just a little bit on the other tests you have to interpret yourselve. Fertility isn't black and white and this test not only took the grey out, it helped make the process less stressful.
I won't bore you with details of the symptoms I felt each day bc like you may have experienced there were months I was sure I was pregnant and then was let down. So when I finally was pregnant I tried to ignore any symptoms I had bc I didn't want to put my hopes up. Only prominent thing I can remember mild cramps and then a bfp. And with the first pregnancy I felt tender nipple before the bfp and with the next pregnancy only sore boobs but after I already had bfp. Also very light bfp at 10 DO for both with first response and the Internet strips.
One more thing. I recommend you do your own research on whether you want to keep taking Vitex after you get your bfp. My good friend stopped taking it as soon as she got her bfp and went on to have a healthy baby. I on the other hand, stopped taking it at 6 weeks when I had my first OB apt and was told to but ended up having a miscarriage. Blood Work showed my progesterone had tanked after that. (However I had already taken just progesterone at other ttc month and did not get pregnant that month SO in my opinion progesterone was not just the oroblem). So this round of my pregnancy I plan to take Vitex until at least week 20 but that will later be determined. My OB and I have decided to take blood tests more often and go from there.
I really hope this helps you. I know how horrible it feels to hope and hope and drive yourself crazy trying pineapple, all kinds of vitamins etc without any success. Oh and yes I have been taking prenatal for months now along with maca 500 MG. First bfp took maca daily and this time just a few times a week. I consider it more of a supplement now. Good luck!


Latest 8 years ago


Success story

And finally a BFP!

Every time I was on my TWW I would read success stories to keep myself motivated. I remember thinking when I get lucky, I will definitely share my experience with others in the hope that it helps.

So here goes... On my successful cycle, I took clomid 100mg Day 2 - Day 6, this was my 5th cycle of clomid and first cycle on 100mg, previous cycles were on 50mg. I also took fertility vitamins and a supplement of Omega 3 fish oils and Calcium & Vitamin D3 as I have a deficiency.

We bd on CD 8, CD13, CD16, CD18, CD 21. Our fertility specialist had advised us to stop testing for ovulation and instead to bd every alternate day or once in two days throughout the cycle. I was happy with this, as I had found ovulation testing was getting me stressed out. The clear blue digital ovulation kit would sometimes keep giving high fertility with no peak fertility and that would drive me mad! And then I would spend my time worrying why I wasn't ovulating. So the plan was to bd every alternate day but as you can see we weren't very good with that.

I think I ovulated on CD 15 based on EWCM. Also I did use a Boots ovulation kit and test on CD12 & CD17 and both were very negative. With the Boots ovulation kit I have usually found the lines get darker till they become same as or darker than the control line which is a positive. I also had a progesterone blood test on CD 21 and my level was 47 nmol/L which is considered a good level for day 21.

I had planned not to symptom track but I use the Ovia app and I did enter my symptoms in there. The dpo is an estimate, assuming I ovulated on CD15.

CD 20 (5dpo) - Fatigue

CD22 (6dpo) - Slightly dizzy

CD23 (7 dpo) - Indigestion, mild cramps, acne, bloating, frequent urination.

CD24 (8dpo) - Fatigue, mild cramps, frequent urination, bloating, also I had to run a short distance for a train and I got totally winded/breathless and started sweating profusely. I am fairly fit so this was very odd to me. That was the first time I thought, I might just be pregnant.

CD 25- CD 31 (9 dpo- 15 dpo) -Fatigue, cramps,insomnia, frequent urination, back ache, bloating, mild breast tenderness, elevated body temp.

CD 32 (16 dpo) - Finally gave in and tested on Easter Sunday with FMU, got BFP on FRER and then took Clear Blue Digital and got Pregnant 2-3 weeks.

The symptoms that I found that were very different to PMS for me were getting breathless, sweating with a little exertion, feeling light headed/dizzy, and most importantly elevated body temperature. It is still pretty cold in the UK with night temps of 2-4 Deg C but I feel so hot that I use only a sheet to cover myself at night (No duvet) and also use a table fan! We don't use the heating at night, and I still feel hot. My hubby is a Doc and he kinda figured I could be pregnant as I kept mumbling about how hot it was when the poor man was shivering! :-P

The other thing I must mention is that my weight has been slightly above BMI and I gave myself the task of losing some weight and getting fit, so from 21st Jan to 18th March 2016, I lost about 8 pounds by controlling diet and also doing a high intensity workout and a 40 min walk. I have heard that even a little weight loss can help with conception. So maybe it played a part too!

Anyway good luck to all of you! Baby dust!


Latest 8 years ago


Success story

Valentine's Baby #2 after 6 months

Hello ladies!

I found this site super supportive in our efforts to conceive over the past 6+ months for #2. I feel compelled to share a very sincere tip of advice for all of you wishing & wanting it so badly as I did.... Let go of the stress, the worry, and forcing it. The one time I accepted fate and truly became at peace with it fate and let go of all the control trying, I got a BFP. I also took Vitamin D and Pre Natal vitamins everyday for the previous 2 months. That might have been the other trick!


I typically always have PMS symptoms 10 days before AF (31 day cycles). I had no alarming symptoms from 1 DPO - 15 DPO other than typical PMS (sore breasts, cramping, headache, major mood swings) and I did not use OPK this month (used them every cycle before) listened to my body's signs and we BD 4 times over my "estimated fertile days."

I also decided to wait to take a HGH tests until 2 days after AF was expected... By then I just had patience & a feeling since I'm never late!

I did experience mid cycle bleeding the previous 4 cycles and did this cycle too- so don't be too alarmed or overthink it (implementation bleeding).

I am 5 weeks and 1 day. And we are SO happy!! I pray that you all receive baby dust, peace with fate, and learn to trust your body along with taking care of your body, mind & soul.

Wishing you everything you deserve!!!


Latest 8 years ago