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2017 IUI/IVF

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Hey ladies! I have an 18 month old daughter from my 6th round of IVF back in 2014 and we have started the process of trying for baby #2 in 2017. We may do a couple IUI rounds before using our frozen embryos from 2014. Any ladies who will be doing IUI or IVF in the new year?

413 Replies • 7 years ago



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Thanks dancemom

7 years ago

Thank you dancemom. Huggin you right back

Two +1 -

7 years ago

We got our numbers back today!!! Of our 18 mature eggs that were fertilized with ICSI, we got 12 day5 embryos and 3 day6 embryos that were biopsied and sent for genetics!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the super brief update, I'm at work right now and will check in later!

7 years ago

whoo-hooooo kmksmd!! that's an AWESOME update!!

Jandei and Ma_espe : how are you guys doing?

7 years ago

KMK: that's awesome numbers!! Keep us posted.

AFM.... bleeding episode lasted one day and yesterday was only brown spotting. Today nothing so far. The beta results went from 1090 last Friday to 6359 yesterday. I guess tomorrow I shoul have some answers with the results of the blood test... see if they go up again and how much. Fingers crossed.

7 years ago

Ma_espe : glad to hear the bleeding is subsiding and those beta's are rising - we're all rooting for you and the little one!

7 years ago

So numbers went up from 6359 to over 12000 in 46 hours. See what ultrasound shows on Monday. So nervous and excited at the same time.
Kmk did you get results from genetic tests?
Jandei: any news?
Dancemom: Thanks for your support!

7 years ago

Hi all!!
Hope you don't mind, but I have been reading this thread for a while now.

Ma_espe: I just wanted to say that I cried reading you post, I was soooo happy to hear that your Betas are going up! I am praying that your pregnancy is well and that you will be holding your beatiful baby in 8 months!

DH and I have been trying for 14 months now, one ruptured ectopic last summer and another miscarriage this past October. One tube is obviously junk and my Dr suspects the other may be blocked so I am having an HSG on Friday. If it's blocked, and I think it may be, I will be joining the IVF group with ya'll!

Baby dust to all!!!

7 years ago

MA_ESPE : whoooooo-hooooooo those beta's are soaring THROUGH THE ROOF! Now for that ultrasound! I can't wait

7 years ago

Hello AKJ976 : Ugh the HSG was not fun for me... but then again, as I laid there, I had to remind myself that labor isn't either... ahhh the lengths a mother will go to bring forth life - welcome to the group - Sorry to hear about the tubal issues but it sounds like you're rebounding, which is awesome! This journey is definitely not for the faint of heart; it requires us to be so resilient!!! That's why it's nice to have a community that supports one another along the journey

7 years ago

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