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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@agatch I hadn’t heard that your bbt had to reach 97.5 after O but that is a good thing to be aware of. If we don’t get pregnant this cycle I will be asking my doctor to do more. She is a new doctor for me, so hopefully she will listen and understand. I think going back to school is a great idea too!!

@alex I totally get the symptom spotting. It is so hard not to look for it when you are anxiously waiting. We are all here for you no matter what. Both to celebrate and to comfort if needed. I personally think we will be celebrating though!!!

@kait I think a trip is a great idea to celebrate! It would be hard if you are pregnant but that would also be worth it!! I am turning 30 in June next year so I would love to have our first little one before that. But man traveling sounds so fun too!!!

AFM: not too much to report. Hubby is feeling much better today but I don’t think we will get to bd. He had a fever all day yesterday and it finally broke last night. Pretty sure he had a form of the flue. As much as I want to keep bding I know he needs to recover still.
My temp has continued to go up and cdtp has given me an O date. I don’t really agree since it says I am 4 dpo. If anything I think I am only 2 dpo. Still waiting for FF to give me an O date though.

Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!!!

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5 years ago

@Shay, happy to read your hubby is feeling better, regarding the chart I am not an expert,in my case I have very low temperatures (average 96.44 before O and 97.5 after)
@Alex, I totally understand you... it is really difficult to keep the control when you want something with all your heart and the only thing you can do is to wait.... this cycle I am planning to go more to the gym during the 2WW and keep me busy, also I want to recover the mindfulness exercises, but one thing is the plan and then the reality comes :-)
@agatch, great that you enjoyed with your 2 kids and your plan with the school program sounds very good!

AFM, Friday night was great, relaxed and enjoyed a nice dinner with hubby and starting BD, however yesterday I woke up with a horrible pain in the neck and then all the plans were cancelled and I have just been at home, without doing anything and having too much time to think and stress myself more... today I feel a little bit better, let's see if recovered enough for the BD this night :-).

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5 years ago

@shay I'm also turning 30 in June! I was just talking about the fact that I'm closing in on the point where I'll be having my first baby after 30. It kind of hit me like a brick wall. I never really had baby fever but I also don't think I imagined starting after 30 if I did have kids. Not that it's bad, just funny how different my reality has been from what I used to imagine. I'm itching to travel so maybe if I don't have a baby, I'll have a pretty awesome trip. Fingers crossed for both of us that we have little ones on the way by then!

5 years ago

Hi ladies, so I know I said I was going to wait until tomorrow to test but I couldn't help myself.

I've tested the last three mornings with internet cheapies. I'm not getting too excited as I feel like the line is still not very definitive but it has definitely got darker...what do you ladies think? (Bottom one is today's)

AF is due in the next few days but I'm not sure exactly what date as I'm not 100% sure when I actually ovulated.

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5 years ago

Kait I know exactly how you’re thinking but from my personal experience we just putting our life on hold and it’s not really on hold.. it’s passing and never coming back. We should do as many things as we can and want without what ifs! As I said to Agatch if a baby is to come, is very welcome and we will figure out then what we should postpone and what not!
Last year I was letting my self eating more than normal for me (remember my job is a dancer so it’s important for me) and I had each month the excuse in my mind “it’s ok I’ll probably get pregnant this month, is gonna be ok..” to the point I gained 6kg by just postponing my healthy eating.. Now I’m back to normal and I’ll never do that to my self again. I lost my self and it’s not ok! Please do the things you wanna do and hopefully the baby will come soon too!

Shay glad to hear that hubby is better but I wouldn’t stop BDing just yet! I’m not convinced by your chart that you ovulated for sure yet! What was your temp today?

Neisa so sorry to hear about your neck. It’s the worst pain.. Hopefully is better by now and your BDing is back on track! Staying at home it’s the worst while on TWW or while TTC in general lol better to keep yourself busy!

Burkette even tho I don’t trust those tests at all I can not only see the line but I believe there is a progression too. Have you tested with any other brands? That’s so exciting. I hope your lines gets darker!!!

AFM my body is not helping my delusional self at all this cycle. Yesterday all day I had cramps so noticeable and nothing like my normal after ovulation dull cramps. It’s not like period cramps either. Since I doubt that I’m pregnant I wonder if that has anything to do with the weird extended spotting after AF this cycle.. My breasts also killing me but that is normal for me at this time of my cycle.. I wish days could pass faster at this point.

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5 years ago • Edited

Burkett I see a line progressing too

5 years ago

@Alexplpl they aren't the most reliable! I haven't tried another brand as yet, I'm working the next two days so I will test again on Thursday using a different brand if AF hasn't appeared

5 years ago

Yey Burkette

5 years ago

Omg Burkette huge after all, this cycle before your hubby left was a lucky one! I’m so happy for you!

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5 years ago • Edited

Burkette I am so excited for you!!! Yay!!!

Alex we would still be bding but hubby isn’t up for it just yet. He is still really sore from being sick since he was coughing a lot. Hoping he is up for it this evening though!!!

AFM: FF finally gave me cross hairs!! I have been feeling my normal after O symptoms like sore chest and mild cramping. As I thought I am now only 3dpo!! Hoping we timed it well. Still going to bd more when hubby feels up to it just in case!!

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5 years ago

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