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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
At least waiting for ovulation I can see two lines on tests
Do you use anything special to help with ttc? This will be my 4th kid if I get pregnant. My first two were surprise babies and my 3rd we kinda sorta tried. The month she was conceived we only only had sex once! I've never had to try before! I'm 37 now and have a new partner so maybe that has something to do with it?
5 years ago
Mill- I have been a member since 2014 and had a very popular thread! I was kinda hoping to get that started again but feel out of place jumping into one that’s been going for awhile. We might not be close I’m cycles but I’d love for ya to stick around!! Hopefully this will be your month!! Fingers crossed for you!
I haven’t tried anything special just yet. The only thing I’ve been doing is checking CP & CM. Last month was my first month TTC, thought I got my BFP but turns out it was just a crappy test that obviously needs to be taken off the shelves! I was so excited for nothing. I’m going to try another month natural & if that doesn’t work then I’m going to try something else. It took over a year TTC with my second & pray it happens a lot quicker this go round.
Good luck and baby dust to us all!!
5 years ago • Post starter
Welcome, Crams! Are your cycles all jacked up like mine? I have AF every 2 weeks for 2 weeks at a time. I’ve had that problem since DD #2 so for about 4 years now. Ugh. This last cycle was 31 days long though.. very unusual but I’m praying that a miracle has happened and my cycle regulates! Sending good vibes your way that you get some good info at your appointment & pray you get your BFP soon!!
5 years ago • Post starter
Bumpin my cycles have always been a bit here and there. I'm still nursing our 21 Mo old but cycle has started coming back. Got 1st back at Thanksgiving when lo was 14 Mo old. So it's gone....120 days...48 days...39 days and now onto a new cycle today.
Hopefully your cycles are able to regulate some. Every two weeks sounds stressful especially when ttc.
Hoping for a supportive Dr on the 28th. The one that delivered my 21 Mo old said she recommended weaning lo first so I decided to take as much info to new Dr as I can.
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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