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TTC Baby #3

Hey everyone! I’m just looking for some TTC buddies! I was a member back in 2014 & 2015 when I successfully conceived my second baby girl. We are now trying for baby #3!! ????

TTC Baby #3

8 Replies • 5 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Replies

Welcome! I'm here trying for #4! Though I'm not sure why because my other 3 are outside yelling and fighting. Do I really want another? Just kidding, yes I do

5 years ago

Jessica- that really made me LOL mainly bc I totally understand. My girls fight ALL the time. They are 5 years apart and if we conceive now, this one and my youngest would be 5 years apart as well. I just want a healthy baby, but would love to have a son!

TTC Baby #3

5 years ago • Post starter

Im ttc too had a missed miscarriage a month n half ago and ive had one cycle since n am currently ttcbaby dust to everyone ttc and to all my bfp congrats

5 years ago

Where are you in your cycle? I'm at 12 dpo. I got a super faint line today on a FRER so I'm hoping tomorrow morning it is darker. I've only been trying since April though after an "oops" ended in a chemical. We weren't planning on 4 kids but that made us want to try again!

5 years ago

Hey Desiree! Welcome. I’m sorry about your MMC. I know how bad that sucks. I had a miscarriage in 2014. It took us awhile to get pregnant. Got pregnant in July, miscarried in August. I waited a month & tried again and got pregnant with my almost 4 year old! Don’t give up hope!

Jessica- I have a terrible cycle. After I had my #2 my cycle went haywire. I have a “period” for 2 weeks every 2 weeks and have been that way ever since I had her. So tbh.. I have no idea where I am. I have been tracking my cervical positions though. I’m planning to test on Monday. I’m trying really really hard to not disappoint myself. Lol!!

TTC Baby #3

5 years ago • Post starter

Good morning, ladies!! How are we doing today?

TTC Baby #3

5 years ago • Post starter

I just started bleeding so those tests were duds. I'm going to try something new this cycle. I'm going to order pre seed and some soft cups. I've heard inserting the soft cup after sex with some pre seed in it really helps. It gives the sperm the right environment and also keeps them in there and not leaking out! I've heard some great success stories on another board I'm on.

5 years ago

Ah man!! I’m sorry. That actually sounds like a pretty solid plan.. I may do that if AF arrives. I took a test! Uggggghhhhh.. bfn. So I’m just waiting to start spotting. I’m feeling out already.

TTC Baby #3

5 years ago • Post starter

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