Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Amarah Hopefully you caught that egg
Burkette I always loved to see people admiring their job! You’re so lucky to experience so many blessings every day but of course some heartaches and some scares! Thank you for being there for all the women
Emma I wish you all the best for this pregnancy
Bimini Good luck!
Anna Glad to see you and also happy that nausea starting to go away! Do you and your SO having any gender preferences? This is one of the most exiting parts for me!
Lalou You’re welcome hun! Enjoy your day!
Pandorica I’m so sorry girl! Really hope that this will get darker...
Charchar I can see a shadow line. Do you have a pig of any other test?
AFM The witch came! CD1 and One more cycle closer to the time I can really start hoping!!!
5 years ago • Edited
@alex I didnt at first like I honestly still don't have a "gut feeling" for what the gender will be... At first I wanted a boy but now I really really want a girl so we'll see what happens... We wont have gender disappointment with whatever baby is as long as he/she is healthy but full on hoping for a girl at the moment lol
5 years ago • Post starter
Well, I won't use first morning urine again. Took one with smu and got a line again. Unfortunately I think my mobile camera broke, so I couldn't get any pics until it had dried. Luckily we had a spare phone lying around, so I switched.
I remember my tests doing this a few previous cycles too, that they appear to be darkening after a lighter one, and The turns negative. So I'm feeling really weary at the moment..
5 years ago
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