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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
LaLou I am so excited for you! Getting healthy is never easy. I am still on my own journey to get healthy and it has been rough. You can do it! We are all here for you as well!!
Alex I have my fingers crossed for you!!
Mama I am with you this month. I have pretty much given up on O this month and am hoping AF will just show up. It is frustrating but you are still kind of early in your cycle. Not sure what is normal for you, but if I O it isn’t until somewhere after cd20. You never know.
AFM: this week I had decided to be really good and watch what I eat. Bring my own lunch and be prepared! Of course it is teacher appreciation week and we have goodies every day....ugh. Still going to be good and only eat a little of it.
Still no temp rise and no O. Cd38 and just waiting. Last cycle this was the second day of AF. Definitely getting frustrated. My chart seems to be leveling out but I am not sure. Hoping I either O really late or AF shows soon. DH is going to take my paperwork in to the doctor for me since I am at school all day. Hoping I can get some answers.
5 years ago
Approximately 12 dpo today. I have not taken a single test this tww. For one, I completely feel like there is no chance. And two, I just needed a break. Yesterday I felt this constant little pain in my right lower pelvic area? Hmmmm, I thought maybe appendix, but today it's gone? Who knows? I am not going to test at all. Just waiting for Af. The hubby is still taking his Maca. I've been taking my vitex minus the couple days I've just forgot. We will see what next month brings. Expecting AF on Thursday.
5 years ago
@Alex and @Say thank you ladies. So many teachers in this group. No wonder I feel like among my people :-). Today i have been fasting the longest I have in 9y. I am at 18h and half. I can t make it to 24h but will push it to 19h. Im so proud of myself. I was also feeling like i was getting sicked from allergies but i think this fast is healing me as well. That is awesome!!. For the meditation part, I was also observing a day of less shouting and less talking. I feel great. I am praying for everyone. Please stay brave @mill and everyone else.
How are you @scuba? @Ana? @Agatch stay strong mama.
5 years ago
Millbarnett Good luck! I hope you get your bfp!
Lalou You can do it girl!!
Shay I still have my fingers crossed that you’ll O soon!
Jessica that’s amazing babe!! You must be over the moon!!!! So exiting
AFM CD11 and I’m feeling my O pains. Not sure witch side cuz I have pinches left side and right side also lol but I think more on the ride side which I don’t like lol opk is getting close and everything is going as usual. I think I’ll O tomorrow!
Hubbys supplements came today (yayyy) so the final countdown it’s on!! Let’s hope this babies will work!
5 years ago
Thanks Alex! I hope those supplements help things for you guys. Hey, maybe you might not even need them this month!
I'm feeling excited but very, very nervous. I can't seem to get excited because this is what happened last time, I got excited and happy and then it was a chemical. I probably won't be able to breath until the second trimester!
5 years ago
@shay Happy Teacher Appreciation week! Sending good vibes for your health plans (it's amazing how eating well really makes you feel GOOD!) and doctor's analysis. And I hope your chart clears up soon!
@lalou It took about 2-3 days. I had started with an intermittent fasting schedule the month prior so it didn't take as long as long as i hear some people say. Congrats on your fasting time! I'm so glad you're feeling so good!
@jessica Hoping for a happy and healthy 9 months! And please try to breath a little bit, I know it's got to be hard!
AFM: I've officially been on the west coast for 2 1/2 days and was waiting for my temps to stabilize from the travel. Looks like I O'd between May 2-4; C2P is putting me at 5 dpo and FF is putting me at 3 dpo. I'm going to be conservative and go with FF's analysis. Either way, it seems we may have caught it in a decent window, so grateful for that! My plan is to chill out, not symptom spot (out loud anyway, lol), continue taking my supplements and teas, and enjoy the 2 month old bundle of smiles and good smells that is my nephew...who is currently asleep on my chest as i'm typing this.
5 years ago
Hey @Alex we are cycle buddies again. I'm CD10 but not close to O based on CM. Maybe we will O around the same time again and endure the TWW together. I had my HSG this morning and my tubes are clear. Doc said everything looks normal. Hoping the tube flush made my tubes nice and clean for the next eggie to journey down! I should O in the next 5-9 days. If we are unsuccessful again this month we will be starting fertility treatment next month. But we need to meet with the doctor first to go over all of the test results before we decide on a treatment plans.
5 years ago
@millbarnet, I have a good feeling about this cycle for you! I had a little pain like that on my left side that ended up being implantation and got my positive a few days later. The pain now comes and goes and is more like a discomfort now as bean is making it’s home. I wasn’t going to test until after AF was late either, but cracked on 10 dpo and shockingly it was a good positive. I am now 15 dpo and yesterday’s hcg was 283.
I hope all of you ladies get your BFPs this cycle!! I created a BFP 2020 babies board and hope to see lots of you joining very soon!
5 years ago
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