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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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@pandorica that's so cute! I have always wanted to learn to sew. I can crochet but I don't seem to get along with sewing machines lol

5 years ago

Mama hopefully your temps will keep rising!
Pandorica that’s a cool shirt!! Love it!
Harmonyke Again congratulations girl!! You must feel amazing!!
Kait what did the opk said?
Shay glad that you’re more calm and you’re enjoying the changes on your lifestyle! Your body seems to agree too! Hopefully next cycle will be an ovulatory and a pregnant one!!!

This morning I felt tempted to test as I am 9 dpo but I’m so proud of my self that I talked my self out of this. There is nothing there to see and if I ended doing it it would be just because I’m so used to test at this point of my cycle! Maybe sounds stupid but I’m very proud I found the strength to stay away from testing!!!

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5 years ago

Blood results showed everything ok but I show no signs of ovulating can’t see a gp for 3 weeks apparently

5 years ago

Emma Great news! Being everything ok means that chances are very high each and every cycle! Hang in there girl. I can only imagine how hard it must be not knowing when the egg will drop but keep the faith hun. It will happen soon!!! Fingers crossed!

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5 years ago

@alex my opk was almost white with a temp dip today. I think I might be in for an AO cycle. Good for you for not testing if you don't want to!

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5 years ago

Thanks Alex but I don’t think it’s happening this month. Still can’t confirm O this time around. Charts still all over the place. Opk pretty close to positive this morning. Stark white FRER and IC. And to add to it I’ve got a UTI now. Kinda strange I have one but I tend to get them a lot when I’m about to get AF. Lots of pain cramping pains yesterday nothing so far today. My boobs don’t really hurt like they normally do and my emotions aren’t all over the place. Thinking it’s a anovulatory cycle for me.

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5 years ago

Kait and Mama I can only imagine how frustrating this can be! It’s a tough journey ladies but eventually we will make it!!! Be strong!

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5 years ago

@kait & Mama - How frustrating for you. Fingers crossed your bodies start cooperating with you soon.

AFM - I'm 8 dpo and am a bit surprised to feel absolutely nothing. No light cramps, no sore boobs, nothing. Only a little heartburn, but that's not unusual for me to get if I don't sleep well. Already caved and tested, but couldn't see much yet.

5 years ago

I’m just waiting for AF to show so I can move on to the next cycle. I’m going to be taking a break from all the tracking for a few months after this and just but it in the back of my mind and focus on other things. It’s been a long road and I need a break from all of it. All the testing and frustration is really starting to get to me. My SO doesn’t believe me that I’m at not going to test at all. He doesn’t think I can go without it. He told me you’ve been peeing on some sort of stick everyday for at least a year. I have a POAS addiction, it’ll be hard not to but maybe taking a break from it will relax my body. My chart is still crazy and still not sure what’s going on. I’m back to having EWCM and watery. It goes back and forth. Hasn’t dried up yet. So not sure. Ran out of opks so not sure where those are at either. HPTs are still negative also.

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5 years ago

@mama I'm so sorry. I think we're in the same boat. My anovulatory cycles usually go 45+ days and it's horrible. I'm also considering ditching tracking, but I don't know if I should. Hang in there! You can stop testing if you put your mind to it.

5 years ago

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