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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Lalou - I decided to use it on my own, can't get any help from our health care on the ttc part. A friend also sent me some progesterone to, but suppositorys, and they made my spottings go away. The cream haven't made my spottings disappear the last times I used it, probably since it's a smaller dose.

@Emma - How confusing. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon.

@Mama - Sorry af got you. Hope this next cycle brings you more luck!

5 years ago • Edited

Af arrived this morning, which I’m ok with, hubby has asked to get him checked and I’ve got blood tests booked for next month too, we have got to move house as well so I think we need to put everything on hold for a month or 2 but I’ll still be around for you guys and will let you know what my results say x

5 years ago

Emma sorry that AF came but if you have to move house now maybe is a good thing, since moving is such a difficult process and if you were in your early pregnancy it would be a nightmare. I really hope you’ll manage it as easy as possible! It’s also a good thing that you both will be checked so you can plan things better!

9DPO here today and I feel like every other month. Slightly sore boobs, mild cramps and that’s all. Well tbh yesterday I felt really off.. I was veeeery tired to the point I was sleeping every 20 minutes (we were in the car returning from our trip), I felt dizzy and my stomach was kinda upset. I don’t usually feel car sickness or anything but I believe it was due to the fact that I got very tired I’m general in this business trip. I really don’t think those symptoms are related with pregnancy since is so damn soon! This morning I woke up with very sore throat which is so annoying and I believe that maybe I got the flu I hope is all because of tiredness..
I’ll share my chart which looks so promising and I really wish to keep rising and never go down

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5 years ago

@Alex early pregnancy symptoms can be flu like. Mine were 100%. So i am feeling good for you.

@Emma im glad your DH is on board. Changing home is also a good thing. New beginnings. New baby. Stay brave.

@Pandorica I completely understand. I think I will research that and try to start taking them next month.

@scuba how are you?

Not much. I bought a FRER and will test in a minute. Will let y all know but not expecting anything positive. Im really just focusing on yoga now and going back Keto for real this time.

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5 years ago

@lalou I'm good thanks! I'm not temping for the rest of my cycle. What will be will be. I don't want to symptom spot based on high temps so I think this is the best way to stay calm. But I have noticed that my breasts really started hurting from 2 DPO which is early for me. I'm sorry you didn't do so well in your exams Fingers crossed for your test though xx

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5 years ago

Thabk you @scuba. I really appreciate it. I think staying calm is really the best way to ttc. We all know that stress does not help. And for me i am trying to take it one day at a time and focusing on all the other positiveness that I have in my life and being patient. Fmu + Frer= BFN. I was not expecting anything else. Again I am doing this bc I have to prior to taking my Provera meds. But I have all my fingers crossed for you scuba and everyone else still in the 2ww.

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5 years ago

Lalou yes I’ve heard but tbh this past weekend was so difficult on my business trip, having so many ppl around me that I honestly believe that someone gave me the flu! Hopefully you’ll have a surprise bfp soon!!

Scuba hey!! So glad you’re taking it easy this month! Added stress is never a good thing! Keep us posted on how you doing!

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5 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies!

Emma I am sorry AF showed, but seems like a blessing when you have to move. So glad DH is on board and suggested he get checked.

Alex I am still so hopefully for you!!

LaLou I had to take Provera to start my cycle back in February. It wasn’t too bad for me. This is my first true cycle without it jump starting things and I am not sure I am ovulating.

AFM: all OPKs have been negative. They started to kind of get darker the last couple days and now they are much lighter. I didn’t get a good test yesterday because of visiting family. Hoping I just missed my peak. I had a dip in my temp yesterday and it is rising today. Not above cover line yet but a pretty good jump. Last cycle it took two days for my temp to get above cover line so I am hopeful still. We have been bd a lot so we don’t miss the window. Luckily I was on spring break but today is the last day and then it is back to my classroom full of kiddos. Will get in at least one more bd for the break and hope we caught the egg!!

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5 years ago

CD 4 and the bleeding is starting to go away, today it's more like dark spotting. Still have about 2 days of lighter spotting after too. Wish I could make the spotting go away. It's a bit irritating to spot for 2 days, bleed for 3-4 days and then another 2-3 days of spotting. The spotting after I can understand, since it's the leftover blood that comes out. But I don't like the spotting before af.. Oh well. I feel surprisingly good despite it not being our month. I feel like I may have come to a point were I just get a bit irritated, and then that's it. I realized I can't do more than I already am, without getting help. I finally decided to get some bloodwork done after the summer, through a private company that offers different types of bloodworks, where fertility bloodwork are one of them. They check for 15 different things that are related to fertility.

5 years ago

Shay Good luck girl! When you say your temps are not above cover line, how do you know where coverline is before you confirm O? Sorry if my Q is stupid but in my app (FF) I have crosshairs and a cover line only after my
O is confirmed. I hope you just missed your pick on opks and that you caught that egg!

Pandorica I don’t know if you said it before and if so, I’m sorry for asking again but have you tried progesterone cream for spotting? I recently found out what it is and by doing a mini research just to see if it was something that could help me, I read that it helps with spotting before AF. Maybe it will help!
Glad that you’re seeking for some answers in a private company! Hopefully you’ll get some results that will give you an answer! Of course the ideal will be for you to get pregnant before summer

AFM 10dpo today and at this point I’m not optimistic at all. I did one stupid thing... I wanted desperately to pee on something and I only have opks.. so I took one and there’s not a hint of second line.. not ever the lowest LH which we are supposed to have in our systems at all times lol so yea if there’s no LH to trigger the dye I bet there’s no HCG too... I know that many ppl will say not to use Opks as hpts but I’m pretty sure it is an accurate way to see if something is going on. I’ve seen it so many times on early pregnancy by women who took an opk and it turned positive. So yea.. I’m a bit disappointed and that ladies and gentlemen is the reason I didn’t want to test lol But now I’m so mad. Even tho my temps are still staying high, I don’t have the slightest hope.. I think I’m going to order the vitamins for my hubby today. No reason to wait. I’m not pregnant! AGAIN....

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5 years ago

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