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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Cd1 for me. This means I o'd as expected on CD 12. Had a positive opk on CD 11. Covered every base and still nothing. Super bummed. I thought it would happen faster this time around. Just hope it doesnt take 4 years :-/


5 years ago

Been sort of MIA lately. I wanted to let you ladies know that I still read this thread, I just don't post as much right now since I'm trying to relax a bit. Got a peak on my monitor saturday (and automatically yesterday too), so I counted 15 days ahead and wrote it up. I'm not going to keep track much more than that. Not that I think it will work, but I feel like I've been obsessed lately and need to calm myself down.

5 years ago

Alright guys is this an evap? No way possible since I just got my peak opks and I’m only on cycle day 20 right?!

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5 years ago

@alex that happened to me too this cycle and then I found out I was pregnant. I was leaving my office one night and the cleaning person pointed to my stomach and said “having a baby?” I was so insulted but then got my BFP two days later.

AFM I’m 14 dpo today and my period would normally start today. I’ve continued to get BFPs, but I’m still terrified my period will come on time.

5 years ago

Mistique lets hope it was a good omen indeed but I highly doubt it! But if so I will buy her a present lol

Emma & Laurence This is so crazy that this happened to both of you!! I wish I had a hope that I might be pregnant but I haven’t even ovulated yet. She was just a weirdo lol actually this kind of things have happened to me a lot before! It’s not an omen to me it’s just that ppl are nosey..

Anna I’m so sorry you’re having hard times! I hope I’ll be a only for a little while!

Millbsrnett So sorry Af came! Fingers crossed this one will be your cycle!

Pandorica I know how you feel! I’m kinda the same the last two cycles. Unmotivated and disappointed! Cheer up girl! It happened for so many women! It’ll happen for us too soon!!!!!

Mama I will say what I though immediately when I read your post cuz I see this line but I don’t want to get your hopes up or anything! Personally I believe and it could be that you ovulated sooner and maybe that’s why you had so many days sort of positive opks and that the day you thought you got your peak was maybe your opks catching hcg hormone!! I really hope this is the case for you and you’ll get some darker lines the next few days!!!

AFM I think that I finally convinced my hubby to do his SA on Wednesday. Cross your fingers ladies that he’ll keep his promise!!!!!!!

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5 years ago • Edited

Idk I think it was an evap. But now I’m going to drive myself crazy testing until either AF shows or I get a Idk why I even took a test I just figured I am out of opks now and with my POAS problem I gotta test somehow!
And I hope that’s a sign for all of you guys that you’ll get your soon too!
AFM I feel extra crampy today. Not to sure what’s going on. Now it’s just waiting game for me!
Alex I hope your husband follows thru for you!
to everyone

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5 years ago

@Mama forgive me if you've already answered this question, but do you BBT to confirm temp rise after ovulation? There is also a progesterone strip you can buy that you use (i think 3 days after you LH surge?) to confirm ovulation. It might be too late for that this cycle...but would give you something else to pee on LOL! I hope that's the start of a BFP for you!!

5 years ago

@lissa I don’t not, but I did buy a bbt to start tracking it this next cycle if I don’t get a so I have no clue what’s going on. And I’ve tried progesterone strips but they’re expensive and I don’t have any this cycle

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5 years ago

Mama I’d hold a pee for 4 hours and try another hcg

5 years ago

Emma I plan on it, I am also going to keep testing over the next few days. The only issue is for me to getting a positive HCG I would have had to ovulate on cycle day 9-11 and I stated testing on cycle day 9. So I am very confused!!!!

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5 years ago

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