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TTC June 2019 babies

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Okay bring back my ladies lol!!

No idea when I'm ovulating Should be sometime this week (not keeping track) but where are my girls at?

New month and here's to our bfps

161 Replies • 6 years ago



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@confuzed good... No symptoms though and didnt test again, at SO's parents so wont be testing till Tuesday... How about you?

6 years ago • Post starter

@itsanna still sore boobs, bloating and pressure other than that I've been a Moody bitch too

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6 years ago

So I am excited to announce that we will be going to fertility doctors to get our fertility scores checked. SO wants to contribute more towards our ttc journey so he is also willing to go to a doctor and start taking some fertility vitamins... I am so excited about this and hope for nothing but positive news in the next few months

6 years ago • Post starter

That's great news anna so happy to hear your getting some great support from you so xx Hopefully hear some baby news from you soon.

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6 years ago

@confuzed that is if I didnt conceive this month lol

6 years ago • Post starter

Okay so 12dpo today... I had a cup of coffee around 6am this morning and I went to pee after that... It's 07:20 right now and I am planning on doing a hold till around 1 and then taking an early detection test... Good idea or should I rather wait till tomorrow morning?

6 years ago • Post starter

Okay but here's the thing... The tests I use almost immediately after the 10 min mark gets an evap line clear as daylight it's a very thin very blue line but the one I took at 9dpo did that but the one i took at 10dpo have no evaps... Like I checked it this morning and it literally has a very thick very faint line but not the usual evaps that I ALWAYS get and it's making me suspicious...

6 years ago • Post starter

it'sanna, I'm dying to know what happens. i guess only advice I can give is read it within 5 mins and see what happens... praying for some good news xxx

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6 years ago

@confuzed yeah I usually dont bother much with the test after a few minutes the only thing that's getting to me is that they ALWAYS get the most obvious evap lines and this time my test didnt which is what I find odd... I've never taken one of these without it having an evap

6 years ago • Post starter

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