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TTC June 2019 babies

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Okay bring back my ladies lol!!

No idea when I'm ovulating Should be sometime this week (not keeping track) but where are my girls at?

New month and here's to our bfps

161 Replies • 6 years ago



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I know I said I wouldn’t test but look! It came up within the window, could it be positive?

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6 years ago

@beckie interesting looks like a pink second line, so update from me 14dpo pink spotting scanty still no period... negative test, all the ones I've taken I've had the white line stay on the test so not sure if they are defective tests or it's the start of a pos

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6 years ago • Edited

@confused that's really exciting!!

6 years ago • Post starter

So I'm going to go fetch my blood test later... She just phoned me on Friday to say its negative but something doesnt feel right... My period was only 2 days long, I have nausea, I feel shitty over all and I just feel different... But i think mainly it's the fact that the test said pregnant that's playing with my mind but i really hope not... I really just feel like something is not right

6 years ago • Post starter

@itsanna, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes back positive.. I'm still waiting... Brown and pink spotting still happening...

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6 years ago

@confuzed if it does then why did I have the bleeding + it's my old test so I actually just want to see what my hcg count was because I know they have a set limit and anything underneath it is not pregnant so if I am possibly pregnant it could be that my hcg was detected on the test but too low to qualify as positive for blood tests... And another thing that bothers me is the faint lines on other tests that I had... I want to order some more tests online and just take one to see what the results are because right now i feel like i have no idea where I'm standing and i cant cope with that

6 years ago • Post starter

But then again I haven't been sleeping very well either so anything could be possible at this point

6 years ago • Post starter

Was really hoping the test showed levels it just says negative grrrr

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6 years ago • Post starter

@itsanna- so frustrating! Are you scheduling another?

I’m freaking out a bit- I took a test this morning and it pretty much looks negative. Was last nights test a fluke? Am I having a chemical?

Ugh I don’t know what to do. I am only 8 dpo. Maybe 7dpo was too early for a real positive.

6 years ago

@beckie no I'm just gonna test again in a few days and see what the results are...

Maybe just give it a few days it's still quite early

6 years ago • Post starter

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