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December 2018 Babies

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This is a little corner of the world for those of us who didn't conceive in February. A small place for those of us that need support, encouragement etc during this crazy TTC journey. Blessed all of us that enter! You're not alone! A little bit about myself. I am 40 and DF is 49. We've been TTC'ing for ol' bout 5 months now with no avail, no BFP, no baby. We will keep moving forward. I know one day we'll get it right! We're currently doing the ol' fashion SMEP! I am wishing each of you My goal is for you to find strength, advise and positivity . Welcome ya'lll!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

618 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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@Tryingafterloss. Congrats. May you have a happy and healthy 9 months.

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6 years ago

Tryingafterloss- hey so happy for you!!! How exciting!!

Bb2018- how are you today? Did you test again? Maybe it’s a CP.

I am 16dpo today still no AF but still scared to test as this is the first month after MC I just don’t know if should wait till 6week mark. I have symptoms for sure
( I think) what do you ladies think? And when would I count my CD1 the day if MC? Easter would be the 6week mark.

6 years ago • Edited

@Tryingafterloss - Congratulations!! What a nice surprise for you this cycle. Sometimes not trying is what works the best for some couples. If we don't conceive this cycle or the next I'm going to take a break from OPKs and temping and just let things be. Have a very Happy and Healthy 9 months!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - I know you are nervous to test after your MC. Would testing and getting it over with help with your nerves? If you are pregnant would it be better to know and stop you from being nervous? On the other hand if waiting until 6 weeks makes you feel better then wait until Sunday to test. Whatever helps with your nerves the most would be best for you and any possible baby. Since you know when you ovulated it's safe to say that you are now overdue for AF. I'm not sure when your CD 1 would be but you know your O day so that's important!

6 years ago

@beaut1ful38 I counted the first day of bleeding as CD1 with my mc in Nov. I had symptoms but wasn't sure I O'd so didn't expect much. It ended up being a 35 day cycle (as opposed to 30). I wouldn't be too worried if your cycle is a little longer this go. But praying for your rainbow anyhow!!

@tryingafterloss A huge and

I took my first FRER this morning at 10DPO! This is as dark as my Nov. Angel ever got so here's to hoping the next time I post its a nice dark Of course, it's more visible and more pink in real life... I wish this site allowed better quality pics

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6 years ago • Edited

@tryingafterloss and @sheriskers - WOOHOO!! So happy for both of you!! Hopefully this is the start of a bunch of BFPs!

I haven't posted much on here this month, but I'm 15dpo and no signs of AF either. However, I HAVE been testing since 10dpo and so far, stark white s. So I'm in a waiting pattern to see if AF shows or BFP does. I have symptoms, but I always have symptoms, so that's no clue for me. I've been especially emotional this month, very depressed, then happy, then furious, etc. That's about it.

6 years ago

Clear Blue Digital said “high” not “peak”. This looks positive to me. Which do I trust?

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BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

Ruby, I'd do it just in case!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - Just took this Wondfo dip test (bottom one in pic) and it showed faint positive within a couple minutes, BUT I’m having some spotting/blood today and thought this is Day 1 of my period? I also posted it on my page if you want to use tools to see it better. My BBs are super sore (way more than with af and I’m having light faint cramping)... help! Also, my FRER test I took 2 days ago that I saw a faint positive right away dried even darker... I’ll post in here too so u can see. I’m either going crazy or my body is????????‍??????????‍?? Idk if I should continue using progesterone cream or not???

@Tryingafterloss & Sheriskers - CONGRATS!!!!

Ruby - that looks positive to me! Do you temp too? I don’t, but I know that can confirm ovulation

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6 years ago • Edited

Here is my FRER from 2 days ago that showed faint positive after just a minute and it dried even darker ????????‍?? Idk what to think with this spotting/blood I’m having ...anyone ever experience a faint positive, get some bleeding and then have BFP and healthy pregnancy to term? I'm hoping this isn't a CP and isn't AF... and by some MIRACLE it's a growing sticky bean to be!

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6 years ago • Edited

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