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Please Please Please!!!

Please temp stay up! Please EWCM go away! Please let's get this stupid cycle over with so I can start on CD1 again and TTC!

Another long ridiculous cycle, temp just a little higher than normal for the first half but I thought maybe that was because the heating is now on with it getting colder out. But if that was the case, I guess my temp rise would have been higher and it's very slight. I had EWCM for a whole two weeks, it was so annoying! Thinking surely any day I would ovulate and nothing. DH is away offshore so no chance of BFP this month, but it's been such a mess of a cycle I want to start fresh and hopefully it'll look better next time! Although, I'm feeling a bit hopeless about that. Stupid PCOS. I'm really worried we will struggle to conceive, with these long unpredictable cycles clearly my body trying and failing to ovulate and a very small temp rise if I do, it's just not looking good. I'm working really hard at losing weight, I have lost about half a stone so I was feeling really proud of that but it's just the tip of the iceberg so sometimes it still feels so pointless. My motivation comes up and down, I can manage really well at work but today I left my tiny healthy lunch at home so I'm really battling with myself not to go out and buy a sandwich and crisps! I know if I go to the shop that's exactly what I'll do but I can't just sit here and starve all day! Ah but I just feel like the weight is the key to all this, I'm sure if I could lose even a stone I'd be in a better place to fall pregnant. I need to focus on that BFP and go check the vending machine for healthy snacks, I work in Public Health so surely there will be something!

0 Comments • 7 years ago



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