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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey girls!

Missy, thanks for the pin-love! I actually tried to get onto the site last night to see how the two of you were doing with your TWW (because you're nearing the end) but the site was down...or my computer was freezing.

I have until 7/10, so it has been in the very back of my mind. Plus, with all the packing for nantucket, I've been preoccupied. And with everything that was going on around the BD time, I'm convinced it didn't work this month.

We have friends we know who are on the island that week and invited us to dinner on 7/11. I declined because I knew I'd either be a ball of tears or enjoying a special day with just my DH. Most likely a ball of tears.

I can't believe we have to plan out our activities around AF!

Missy, try not to over analyze all your symptoms...remember, every single one of them besides nausea is a sign of AF. It helps me deal with AF when I have not focused on symptoms, so if it helps you too, I support you. But everyone is so different.

LOVE the house divided onsie. I'm so sorry you had so many tears when you saw it. I would've done the same thing. Since my husband and I have the same work schedule, there's a really good chance he's going to be home when I test, so I've never thought of anything for telling him. I have daydreamed about how I'd tell my dad and my mother-in-law, though! Onsies, save-the-date cards, it's all so fun.

Last thing- the amount of OPKs and pregnancy tests and vitamins and clomid and pads/tampons I had to pack for our trip is depressing! Two zip locks FULL of TTC junk. GRRRRR.....

Hang in there ladies....NO TESTING UNTIL THE 3rd! Save your money!


12 years ago

Good morning ladies

I am 11dpo today and I ALMOST tested. I'm feeling pretty blue. I wish I felt some kind of symptoms. I have a gut feeling I'm gonna be disappointed soon. I'm usually more positive but for some reason it's being very difficult this month. Missy I hope your tww is going better. Funny I wanted to see if you tested but after reading both your responses I'm going to wait save my money and try to keep positive. I should have one more day of high temps then it always drops.

Missy love the onesie idea. I had a lot of ideas in the beginning but now I don't really think about it. My husband loves superman and I found the perfect little onesie but I couldnt buy it. It would be too hard to see it after a bfp. Just think of how happy he is going to be when you show him, he will love it.

Well off to work to keep my mind occupied! Hope u girls are doing good

12 years ago

Nice work holding off, Lisette. While I'm guilty testing early, too, I try to think of the unnecessary sadness a false negative would give me and chances are it would still be a false negative. Besides, your temp will guide you to make the right decision about testing.

I'm so sorry you're feeling blue this cycle. :( We certainly know the feeling and there's nothing in the world that can make it better. I remember when I met you girls, though, and am so thankful we have each other.

We're in this until the very end, ladies! Three BFPs, no matter how long it takes!

12 years ago

Good luck tomorrow, ladies! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Either outcome, I hope you find time to enjoy the 4th.

11 years ago

Thanks for the good thoughts, Court.

I've been in tears since about mid-day Saturday. I feel like AF is definitely around the corner... again, but I guess I'll know for sure tomorrow. Honestly, it has been so long that it is hard to think happy thoughts - nothing to do but keep trying and hoping for the best :) Glad I have this outlet, and I thank you ladies for being here.

Good luck to you, Lisette!

Positive thoughts to you both! Can't wait to hear about a bfp!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the positive thoughts Court!

Missy don't stress over something that has not happened. Remember we are not out until AF arrives. I wish we had symptoms that we could actually rely on. Ive had lots of cramping which scares me a bit but other than that nothing more.

My thoughts and prayers for sticky beans this month.

11 years ago

Missy, I'm so sorry you've been in tears. Sending you hugs through the computer!!!!!

Try to think of it this way: at least if you get AF, you can stop this wondering and hoping and in-between phase-which is GRUELING- and you can focus on other things for a whole two weeks. I know it's hard, and as sad as I am when AF comes -I've been known to be hysterical for a night or so- it's so much better than the unknown of the TWW.

I doubt that helps, but it's one way of finding a little relief. :(

I'll be here next week needing your support! I test a week from today.

Any testing news for either of you? I want you to have sticky beans so badly!

11 years ago

Yeah, it was a bfn.


Best of luck Court and Lisette!

11 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies, still in shock but there was 2 pink lines! Im a big ball of emotions right now excited, scared and in disbelief. I am trying not to get too involved and excited because what if it doenst stick like last time. I think Im more stressed now than before. I promised myself I would not get like this but I guess I just want to protect myself from another disappointment. One day at a time is what im going to try to do and pray that this little one is meant to be. I called my md already and have a blood draw today to confirm. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies.

Missy I'm sorry for your bfn. Dont count yourself out yet sometimes it takes a while for it to show up. And if it really is a bfn the sooner you get to try again and focus on other things. Sending hugs your way.

This is why we have each other ladies, I love this wonderful support system. We have all gone through this and understand each other. Sticky beans for all of us!

11 years ago

Congratulations to you, Lisette! How exciting! So, so happy for you :) I take it everything worked out well at the dr? Excited and stressed out sounds normal - and I really hoping that things progress smoothly for you. :) Keep us posted!

Your next, Court! Think positive!

I truly am hoping for the best for you both :)

If I keep to schedule, I should start AF tomorrow or Thursday. On to the next month...

Did either of you talk to your dr about IUI? I guess that is our next step, if we go to a specialist. I guess my dr will do one more month of Clomid (the full 6 months) before he refers us. I'll call him after AF starts and let yall know what he has to say.

Congrats again, Lisette!

11 years ago • Post starter

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