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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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:( I am thinking that the spotting on Sunday wasn't a good sign at all. :(

I'm pretty sure that I am starting AF early, too early in fact - which means more problems potentially. (More light spotting today)

The dr said I could take a test 14 days after the shot, which is tomorrow. I was waiting the extra day, just to be safe. I think for my own sanity I am just going to test tomorrow.

This sucks.

12 years ago • Post starter

Well I was going to be a cycle buddy, but I got my strong bfp this morning... first round of clomid! I had to do 6 rounds of iui's (all failed) before my RE would start the clomid. I got my light bfp 9 dpo, today is 10 dpo with a definate strong line. I hope it sticks... or I may be back here again sooner than later :)

Clomid gave me headaches, that is all I really noticed, until ovulation. then talk about hot flashes, holy cow. One min hot, the other freezing cold. Did that probably until 6 dpo, then it stopped/balanced out. No mood swings or nothing... at least not yet... but I wont blame that on the clomid, it will be pregnancy symptoms *smiles*.

Don't give up, clomid works if you get the dose and timing right... baby dust to you all!

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12 years ago

To cutegibby- Congratulations and best of luck to you.

Melissa, I'm so sorry, hun. And I'm sorry the first post you had to read was about someone else's positive. We know exactly how you feel when you try something new and want so badly for it to work. Lisette and I are here to support you through it all.

As hard as it is, try to think of AF as cleaning your system out and refreshing your body to a brand new, perfect cycle.

Have you girls listened to Circle & Bloom's daily relaxation cds for achieving pregnancy? I have the one for natural conception and I really like listening to it for days 1-14, then I put it away. It may help you through this next week, albeit a bit expensive.

One way or another, we'll get this thing done!

12 years ago

Best wishes to you cutegibby.

Thanks for the support Court. I'm just giving myself one more night to think that things could still be ok. I've been trolling the internet reading how early spotting is normal, but I know what the test will look like tomorrow :( I'm going to get my bfn and call my dr. first thing in the morning. I'll let you guys know what he says. I'm pretty sure that we will be sent to a specialist, which I guess is both good and bad. It is so hard to stay positive. :(

Also, thanks for the cd suggestion. Relaxation is something I desperately need right now...

12 years ago • Post starter

To be honest, I bet you will feel relieved once you see the specialist. They will have a specific plan and course of action and you just get on that path and go; no more wondering or worrying or having to figure out what you'dre doing wrong. It's in their hands.

As for the cd, you can download it right to itunes from the circle and bloom website. I dont listen to it religously, only when im feeling really anxious (typically around cd 1 and cd 14).

Are you testing this morning? If the spotting hasn't turned into AF, Im still very hopeful for you!

12 years ago

AF definitely started early :(

I talked to the nurse this morning, and she said that I could go for another round of Clomid next cycle, but I will be doing this current cycle naturally.

My db and I discussed it last night, and we are ready to go to the specialist - and I don't particularly understand why we haven't been referred yet. Also, I'm not sure of what hormone testing they have done recently. I've had low progesterone before, and I'd really like to know if that could be what is causing some of our fertility issues. But, I really do like my dr, so I am going to trust his judgement for the next two months.

Plus, if we are going to the specialist, I guess it would be wise to start getting that money in order now. This process is not inexpensive - as you both know. What bums me out is that my insurance is covering NOTHING, at all. However, if I look at my insurance coverage, I can have 3 abortions a year - totally covered. Now, I'm about as pro-choice as a person can get (and I absolutely respect that others do not share the same opinions), but can we at least level the playing field a little?

12 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry Melissa. But Court is right now our bodies are ready for the next cycle. I like to tell myself that my body knows what its doing, so if I the lucky egg was a bad one then i'm glad to see a BFN. My Dh always calls me at work to ask my temp and when I gave him the news I think for the first time he was really disappointed.

Could it be possible that you o'd earlier than you thought? Clomid made me O earlier (well at least this cycle) than normal, if so that will help to know so we can get our timing just right.

I know ive seen rx's for progesterone (suppositories) if your levels are not staying high enough to carry on with implantation and onward. From what I have read that is an easy fix if that indeed is the problem. But I thought that was why we did the CD21 progesterone check to make sure we O's and if the levels were too low they would increase the clomid.

What days are you starting clomid? I am on CD 2 today so I think we are pretty much on the exact cycle day. im still going to do 5-9) We can go through O and possible 2 week wait together. I was lucky that this cycle I started on my day off. I work 12 hour days so the first 2 days are very difficult if I'm at work. I wish I just could call in but I can't just call in sick to work makes things very difficult.

Thermometers: to be honest I went a big crazy, I bought about 5 in all different prices b/c i thought there was always something wrong with them reading different.I would use one right after another and they ALL gave different readings, not even close! So at the end I picked one and then used it the same every way every single time.

Wow,I thought insurance would cover something!.I had no idea it would all come out of pocket. I guess I should look into what my ins would cover it since that would be our next step after clomid.But I do see insurance claims at work everyday that don't make sense!!!! So I guess something like this should not surprise me at all.

Court I will have to listen to that CD, there are days where it would come in very handy!

12 years ago

Thanks for the support, Lisette.

My db always thought that once we decided we wanted children it would just happen. This past year of ttc has also been a blessing for us. We've really grown closer as a couple. He was disappointed this month, too - and it is the 1st time that I think he realizes that this really may not happen as naturally as he wishes it would. It is nice to know that we are really in this together, and we are willing to do what it takes to make this happen :)

Unfortunately, I'm positive I didn't O sooner :( the ultrasounds confirmed what was (and wasn't) happening. Plus, we made sure we were covered even if it had :) (even without the positive opk, we made sure that bd'ing stayed on schedule!)

I'm not sure about what is going on with my hormones. The last time I had blood work was in January (the 1st cycle I was on Clomid). The only thing I found out then was that the Clomid dose was too low, and I hadn't ovulated at all.

The doctor says no Clomid this month. I can take it next cycle, but I am on my own this month :( I hope that my body can get it together enough this month to at least stay on cycle with you gals!

I wish I could take off, too, Lisette. This month has been the hardest. I work about 2 hrs from my drs office, so I had to take off 2 days for the ultrasounds and shot. TTC is a part-time job for me at this point, but I just think of how much more I am going to appreciate it when I finally get my bfp. It is all going to be worth it, for sure!

Are either of you trying anything different this month??

12 years ago • Post starter


I'm so sorry about all this health insurance BS! I don't understand...that abortion thing makes me furious! Not them being legal, but the fact you can have three in a year but not even see a specialist for consultation!

While my health insurance is covering things -so far- I feel you on the 'part-time job' thing. That's a great way to put it!

Well, if it helps any, I can share with you guys all the info, stats, and advice my specialist has given me...but I bet you know most of it already.

I'm testing on Sunday, so I'm entering that freak out zone. I want to test, but know it's too early, and I'm really anxious about the baby shower on saturday. I'm not feeling jealous, just worried I may burst into tears in front of strangers.

As for next cycle, I won't be doing anything different until Sept. We are away July-August and so we're just packing the preseed and clomid with us and continuing to BD at home. If I'm not pregnant by August, IUI's start in Sept.


12 years ago

I'm thinking about you, Court. I really hope that you get your bfp this weekend!! My fingers are crossed and my hopes are high! I'm ready for some good news :)

12 years ago • Post starter

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