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2017 IUI/IVF

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Hey ladies! I have an 18 month old daughter from my 6th round of IVF back in 2014 and we have started the process of trying for baby #2 in 2017. We may do a couple IUI rounds before using our frozen embryos from 2014. Any ladies who will be doing IUI or IVF in the new year?

413 Replies • 7 years ago



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Iggy, welcome! Sadly I don’t have any IUI advice since DH and I went right to IVF. That’s such a long distance for you to get to your RE… I wish you speedy results! ;-)

Jandei, no worries. It can be so hard to keep track of everyone on here! I’m day 4 now and still crampy a little but feeling much more like a human now! I’m sorry to hear about your cramping and spotting… but you’re at the perfect time for implantation bleeding so I will keep all my fingers crossed for you. <3

Ma_espe, I will also keep my fingers crossed for you! Since you had implantation bleeding before you know what to look for. Have you peed on any more sticks if you don’t have another beta coming up?

Two+1, I like your positive attitude!

AFM, nothing new to report. Still waiting for more news at the end of this week!

7 years ago

kmk - thank you. Can't wait to hear the news when you get it

ma_espe - quick question - how long did you spot for when you had implantation? I had some spotting yesterday and thought it stopped and then had some more pink this morning. Do you know how many days later you got a bfp? After this morning I'm pretty sure I'm out just trying to hang on to some hope

7 years ago

Hi Jandei I remember spotting for 2 days for sure.... can't remember if there was an extra day. For testing I probably won't help you much cause I can't remember but I am sure my period was way overdue. Other than with this pregnancy I never test early.

Afm I think I might start seeing a little bit of the light at the end of the tunnel. Spotting was better overnight than the night before cause there was nothing. And nothing this am either other than the meds. My cousin is a gyn-ob and I talked to him yesterday. He said my sore breasts is a good sign. He really helped me relax.

7 years ago

Iggy - Welcome. I will be doing my third round of IUI next week. Not sure I have much advice other than good luck and don't give up hope (talking to myself here too) :). That is a long way to travel. We live about an hour away from ours and my husband has had to go at like 7 in the morning so we usually go the night before and stay. It's an added expense but makes it a little easier. Feel free to ask me any questions and keep us updated!

All - last weekend was a struggle. Had a very emotional day on Sunday and was being short with my husband and couldn't stop crying. It was a combination of frustartion of him having to work all weekend and being on the Femera. After he gave me some attitude back and remembered I was on the medicine he apologized and I just lost it. I asked him to tell me it was going to be worth it and he turned me around to look at my daughter and said "It was worth it for her." Of course, it wasn't quite as much work with our daughter but it was a good reminder.

Have a great day all!

7 years ago

Ma_espe : you're probably so tired of people saying relax... so I won't say it :-) I'll just say that these worries are good worries because look just how far you've come in your journey!! We're here with you - sending and rooting you on! :-)

Writergirl04 : I think we ALL have to give ourselves permission to "lose it" sometimes. This is a tough journey, not made for the faint of heart... but it sure does make you stronger, doesn't it?! I like DH's perspective and that's awesome that you guys have each other to lean on :-)

7 years ago

So I think it is game over for me... around 2 felt like I pee my pants... big gush of blood with clots and have been bleeding period like ever since. Clinic said to wait for ultrasound... they moved it from Wednesday to Monday. I asked them to do blood test so I will go in romorrow and the Saturday. Feeling all hopes are gone now.

7 years ago

ma_espe sooooo sorry to hear you're gong through this It absolutely is not over for you though! What possibilities did the clinic give you, if any? Did they seem concerned?

7 years ago

Well they said they can't stop bleeding.... but they didn't tell me to stop meds and they still want to do ultrasound.... so I am assuming in a few cases the pregnancy might still continue. I guess when I get results from second test on Saturday I will have a better idea. If they go down it is clear it is probably over.

7 years ago

I think you will have some indication from tomorrow's test. Goodness, I can just imagine how stressed you must be just don't let yourself think it's over. So did they tell you to keep using vaginal progesterone? I wonder if you are getting enough while spotting/bleeding...

7 years ago

They didn't suggest anything else... so I am assuming it still gets absorbed....

7 years ago

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