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February/March 2020 TTC babies

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Hi ladies!!!

Congrats to those with the bfps and good luck to everyone in their tww!!

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264 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hello all. I am just new here. We have been ttc since hubby has been back home from deployment. We tried for 6 months before he deployed as well. I am trying super hard not to get excited, but I am 9dpo and spotted today. Every test I have taken since 5dpo (I know WAAy too early). I am trying not to let this get me too excited though becausw I have had instances where I thought I spotted only to hit my period a cpuple hours later. Crossing my fingers though.

5 years ago

Pandorica I had this last cycle! Never had sensitive nipples but I guess last cycle they wanted to be sensitive lol I really hope tho for you to be a real pregnancy symptom!

Burkette unfortunately woman’s body is so tricky that gives same “symptoms” either way! So hard to distinguish what is what and if what we feel is indeed pregnancy related or just normal after O and pms symptoms! I believe more in a big change in a usual pattern. I said to my self that only if something reeeeeeally unusual happens I’ll allow my self to get excited again. Till then living this ignorant bliss till AF! Hopefully your hormones will get crazier and crazier (lol) and you’ll get your bfp in a few days!

Lissa Good luck to you too girl!!

Crams Fingers crossed that AF will stay away! A good thing though is that you already planning next cycle but I really hope you won’t need it!!

Millbarnett Happy anniversary (a bit earlier)!! It would be so refreshing to have your parents take care of the little one! All couples deserve a date night especially on their anniversary! Good luck this cycle! Hopefully your sixth year will be a lucky one

Mistress Welcome and good luck!! Don’t feel bad about testing too early! We all been there and some more lol we’re all in the same boat!!! Really hope you get the results you wishing for this cycle

AFM I’m 9DPO today and even though I should be getting AF in two days, I really expecting her later since I
O unusually later this cycle. I believe till Tuesday she’ll be here. I’m already having pre AF cramping since last
night so I’m pretty sure I’m out. I was actually thinking last night (and I know that this is too pessimistic but oh well...) that I’ll probably never gonna make it to have a child of my own. We don’t want to take the IVF road for many reasons too so I maybe have to start entertaining the idea of being just the two of us. Of course I don’t think that I’ll ever stop secretly hoping but I’m not seeing it happening to be brutally honest..
fingers crossed for everyone!!

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5 years ago • Edited

Alex, I still have high hopes for you! You've been through a lot but I have a feeling you will get the chance to be a mother some day!

AFM, CD5 and my Concieve Plus lube came today. My mom is taking my kids for a sleepover tomorrow night so we might get some practice in. I'm sure I'm not ovulating yet but I'm already getting some creamy CM so it could be close!

5 years ago

@Millbarnet my 6th anniversary is coming up too (at the end of the months). Hope you have a great date night!
@jessica enjoy your night away!
@Mistress welcome! It’s hard to know what spotting means at that point in your cycle. I’ve had it both ways: spotting at 8 dpo which ended up with a chemical pregnancy and spotting at 10 dpo followed by normal AF. Hope it’s a sign of pregnancy for you!
@Alex « whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right » (Henri Ford said that). I think he had a point: it’s believing that makes it true. Keep the faith babe! If anyone should be a mom, it’s you and you’ll be such an amazing one!
@scuba and Lissa ????????????
I’m 9 dpo today and pretty much just waiting for AF since our BD timing was off because I Od so early. I’m hoping for a more « normal cycle » next month.

5 years ago

Thank you ladies for your words of encouragement I really need this!
Jessica have fun girl! I hope this night will give some healthy, long lasting swimmers till your O! But I’m sure you’ll keep BDing after that!
Agatch I hope you’ll be one of the ladies who were thinking that they didn’t have a chance but ended up pregnant!!! I really do hope that your bfp won’t take a long time

AFM 10dpo. Temp slightly dropped, cramps are slowly increasing as normal, mood is going down and at this point I just want my period to come so I can move on! Still not at the point when hubbys supplements should be working but July is when the real hopes will come and I’m afraid the real disappointment will come too... Fortunately hope is bigger than fear!!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend ladies

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5 years ago

@Alex good luck to you this cycle!! Hopefully af stays away!

I'm 14dpo negative test this morning, so stopping my vaginal progesterone suppositories and should see af in a day or so. Now to figure out what to have with me when visit a new obgyn who deals with PCOS and infertility on June 28th. Figure test results from hsg, hormone tests and dh SA from before we got pregnant with 21 Mo old. I guess cycle info etc. Bummed with how was feeling this cycle. but hopefully can get more help.

5 years ago

11dpo and my stupid ass couldn’t hold and I tested... Why I’m I keep doing this to myself? What was I thinking?Why on earth could anything be different? Pffff.. so frustrated by my self. All signs are telling me that AF is on her way but I still took the test knowing this! I’m so tired.. I’m so tired of my self and of this TTC and I hope the supplements to work soon cuz this is so fucking hard.. Sorry ladies for using this board as a punching bag but I need to vent and knowing that someone might reading this and ever felt same way makes me feel less miserable

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4 years ago

@Misstress welcome
@Alex kedp on venting, scream and even cry if you have to. No one understand better the emotional roller coaster that goes with ttc than these ladies here. As long as you keep on having the faith. Do not let go because all of those tears and sweat are worth it at the end.

@all the mamas in the tww praying for you.
@Anna it is good that you are slowly gaining weight. For me it was on the 3rd trimester that I gained the most. But gaining weight means baby is growing. Think about all his or her organs, the blood volume, the placenta. So it is not necessarily you directly mama.
@agatch and @mill happy anniversaries. A night out might just do it. So relax and enjoy.
AFM we are officially moved. The past 72hrs were hectic. But Thank God we are fine. Moral support from friends and my parents visiting us and calling to wish us well. What an adventure. My DH and I got even closer during this move . small moments of intimacy between us. We have not had sex for a bit about 2weeks but when we do it will be phenomenal. Hopefully I will be able to ovulate on my own. I had to pause Keto but resuming today and will also add exercise like jump rope and yoga. Now for the hunt of a rental while exploring our new city. No idea when and if I will ovulate but if I do it will be between 10-14 days from now.

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4 years ago

@Alex don’t feel bad about testing! We all do it. I knew there was no chance this cycle and I still tested! I’m ok with it though. It’s a hard process so I don’t want to make it harder on myself by trying to refrain from testing when I really want to do it!
@Lalou glad to hear the move went well. I hope you find a home that you love soon!
CD 1 for me already! Shortest cycle ever: only 20 days total. I hope the next one will be more normal so we can start trying again. It seems like my body is nowhere near ready to get back to a functional hormonal pattern

4 years ago • Edited

Aww @Alexplpl don't beat yourself up lovely! We all do it, and testing early won't change the ultimate result. It's still early days, you're not out until AF shows. Just try to take some time to do some things for yourself, things that make you feel good, mind body and soul

4 years ago

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