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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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Doctors appointment went great today. I got to hear the heartbeat and I go back in 2 weeks to have some genetic tests done just to make sure baby is doing good. We are still waiting to share the news. The beginning of the 2nd trimester is actually the day our really good friends are getting married so we will break the news after. We are all in the wedding party so we don't want to take any part of their day away.

I am done working overtime although the money is good it was super rough. Now it's countdown to our anniversary trip coming up in about 2 weeks. One last trip before the baby is born!

I saw a couple of posts ago the mention of the book taking charge of your fertility. I read it and it was very helpful. One of my techs at work actually bought me the book so I do have an extra new copy if any of you ladies would like. She used to work at a book store and had heard lits of positive things about it. The book tells you everything about temping that you need to know.

Missy hope you get your smiley face soon. And that is great that your job pays 50% of services any help is wonderful. Money issues are always stressful. At least that puts your mind at ease a little bit. Keep temping and charting so easy and it helps a lot.

Court how is everything with you?

Anxious to hear good news from you both!

11 years ago

Hey ladies!

Great to hear from you Lisette! Congratulations on your great appt news. One appt at a time, right?! I bet hearing the heartbeat was incredible.

Mis, it's just such great news that you get something covered! a 50% reduction in cost is immense! I hope your DH agrees to speed things up a bit, to get in the full amount before Jan 1st. Even if you just do the preliminary testing and know your options before jan 1st, then you can spend your rider after jan 1st on just exactly the path you need to take.

As for me, I will be doing an IUI at the beginning of next week. It's a long story, but the short version is we wanted to do something different, but couldn't start the IUIs with injections because we're still away. What we could do, though, is take the clomid at home (last clomid cycle) and then come in for an IUI the day after the OPK turns positive.

I'm excited to try something new and feel so relieved I was able to try it -just once- without injections. But, I have to remember to keep things in perspective. The chances only go from 7-9% (clomid with TTC at home) to about 11-15% (clomid with IUI). DH is absolutely sure it's going to work.

I'm going to need you ladies 14 days from that IUI! UG.


11 years ago

Hi Ladies!!

I hope it's alright if I chime in here. I have been ttc since Jan. 2011. I had my mirena iud removed in Dec. 2010. I started my first clomid round, which was monitored and also with hcg injection, in March 2012. I took a break from it during June and July. This month was my first month back on the clomid and it was a bust. AF arrived yesterday. I only have 2 more rounds of clomid available, as my doctor will only do 6 rounds/cycles.

I do have an 8 year old ds. I was actually switching between birth control when I came up pregnant with him. I love him more than life itself. I never imagined that ttc#2 would be so difficult. I thought it would happen quickly, but was I wrong. I had originally said that I would not ttc after the age of 31, but here I am at 32 and still desperately trying.

I definitely feel for you ladies trying. I know what it's like. I didn't read all of the posts, just skimmed through a few.

I also have fertility friend account where I chart. Do any of you use FF?

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11 years ago

Welcome, Sara(?)

Please feel free to chime in and share!

I just finished my last round of Clomid; this month was natural. I'm on CD19 and still no O :(

I've only done one HCG injection in May, which didn't work. :(

You are so fortunate to have your ds -- doing a little math, I can see how young you were with #1... I couldn't have imagined a child at 24 - which is, I guess, we are trying so desperately at 37. Time gets away from you so quickly - probably more so with children.

I do have a FF account, but I haven't been really good about entering my temps this month. I've kept up with them well through this site, but I'm just lucky to be keeping up!

How far are you in this cycle?

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Mellie,

Sara is correct. I have one more round of clomid after this if it doesn't work this cycle. Last cycle was crazy for me. FF showed my O date on CD17, but then changed it to CD22. I also use the Clearblue Easy fertility monitor and never received a Peak reading, only High readings for most of the cycle. I used the digital OPK's and received Positives several days apart. I did not take the HCG injection with the last cycle, but will plan on it this cycle. So my last cycle had me quite confused.

I am so very fortunate for my ds. He is my world! I actually was switching between birth control when I ended up pregnant with him. It has been a huge blessing and I can't imagine life without him. Sending lots and lots of baby dust your way and hoping you see that bfp soon!!

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11 years ago

Oh I forgot to tell you that I'm currently on CD4.

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11 years ago

Welcome Sara!

Congratulations on your wonderful son. I can imagine he is a bright shining light for you amidst all this stress and negativity.

I, too, am on my last clomid cycle. AFter this, I move to a very scary injectable cycle. This cycle just absolutely, for sure, has to work.

Knowing what was coming next for us if this last round of clomid didn't work, we called the specialist at the beginning of this cycle and asked if we could do an IUI with the clomid. We knew we had three IUIs approved by health insurance waiting for us, but they were supposed to be used with the injections after the clomid's last cycle. I hope this is making sense.

Anyway, we did the IUI, which was wonderfully easy. It was done on the 26th, so I find out on the 9th.

There are a whole other host of reasons I really want a spring baby, but they are selfish ones...they have to do with work and building my private practice. I spent the summer living on an island offering private therapy to kids and the work I did paid for the outrageous rent. It was an amazing summer and all my clients want me back again. It's something I'm trying to build for our future family, so that my husband and I can raise our kids spending summers on an island (that we otherwise couldn't come close to affording), but right now we don't have the kids...Of course, a baby is welcome any time, but it just frustrates me that people seem to be able to plan their pregnancies to work for them. I'm going on month 16 and nothing yet...

BUT...we have news to be thankful for on here! Lisette is almost to her second trimester! And Missy found out great news about health insurance so she can move forward with this process! Dree, hope you're well! Come back and tell us about your specialist visits!!

11 years ago

Hello Ladies!!!
I've been reading through your posts and have found some much valuable info!! I am on my first cycle of 50 mg clomid and am currently 6 DPO. DH and I have been trying for almost a year after I found out I have two different genetic blood clotting disorders! :( I also have PCOS but my cycles are pretty regular with O on CD 17. DH has SA last month and everything came back normal so we started with clomid.
Dr had me take clomid CD 4-9, 1 mg estrogen CD 10-15 and then start progesterone after O. I think I O on CD 16 - had + OPK and the 15th in am and good temp spike - but temps dipped again before going back up. Since I started the progesterone I can't tell if my temps are up post O or if its just the progesterone?!?
I also have had tons of symptoms but think they are related to the progesterone as well as I'm only 6 DPO! I did get a slight dip in my temp yesterday - have been 98, dipped to 97.7 and back up to 98. Not sure if it's too early for an implatation dip??? I think I'm going to try to test on Sunday. It will be the 6 yr anniversary of DH proposing and we will actually be at our cottage where he proposed!!! Hoping that fate is on our side!!!
Thanks for all your posts!!! It gives me hope and lets me know I'm not alone in all of this crazyness!!
for for all of us real soon!!!!

11 years ago

Hello ladies!!

It feels like forever since I posted... I'm so sorry for leaving you hanging. I miss you guys! Welcome to all the new people too :)

Congrats to Lisette on your good appointment and to Missy for your insurance coverage!!! I'm so happy for you.

I've been quite depressed lately and have been trying to avoid anything baby related...but as you all know, that's the hardest thing!

On the fertility front... It's been 10 days since my appointment with my RE. That afternoon, they called to tell me not to take the Provera because I was going to get AF any day now... well it still hasn't come and I'm on day41 now. FML. I called the RE earlier this week to ask if I should take the Provera but she said to wait until today and if I didn't have it still, I should come in for more bloodwork. Is it terrible that I find that it would be completely awful to start the Provera now and delay this whole thing by another 10 days!? (it takes that long for your period to come if you're on it apparently).

I don't know what to do!! I just want to start Clomid and get this thing going.

Sorry for the downer post..

11 years ago

Hey Ladies --

And welcome jandbbaby2012 - we are all using our names here, so please feel free to share!

Sara - I have had the exact same problem with FF changing my O date. Last month, I had no +opk, but my temp did spike and FF set the O date. BUT, my lp was up and down a little bit, and it changed my O date to a few days later than the original. AF started 14 days from the original one, so I am taking that to be the actual O date, and I haven't been using FF as much this month. Are you using the Clearblue Easy digital opks? If so, I found a great post that I linked to this discussion thread a while ago. It has a ton of excellent information that might be helpful to you.

Court - you know that you are constantly in my thoughts with this IUI. I cannot express how much I am hoping that this will be the month for your bfp! I am looking forward to that post more than you can imagine!

jandbbaby - it sounds like your dr has you on a great plan! I'm still waiting/hoping for a specialist appt soon to get this fertility thing under control. Good luck with your testing! Let us know how it goes for you, and I hope that your little cottage will have even more memories for you! You are most certainly not alone. We are all in this together - sharing our struggles and hopes - plus, we like to vent from time to time as well.

DREE!!! So glad to see you back! I absolutely understand about avoiding everything baby and about being low - I'm very much there myself right now. I feel like we have all been patient and understanding for so long -- and there is a point where patience stops being part of this process. Sure, we all have to maintain our sanity, keep it together as much as possible, but asking for us to be patient is just beyond the scope of possibility. I've decided that right now - non-psychotic frustration is a virtue, not patience :) And, Dree, this is the place to write your frustrations and sadness with people who understand, and we will try and do our best to be positive for you.

Now - I have to share with you one of the major things that is enough to make my want to punch a hole in my wall... During the 2nd week of July, my 21 yr old cousin and her boyfriend came for a weekend visit. (She is my 1st cousin's daughter, and I am close with my cousin and was a bridemaid in her wedding when she was 3 mo. pregnant w/this 21 yr old cousin/visitor). Apparently, my house works for some people -- OOPS! My 21 yr. old cousin got knocked up during her visit to MY HOUSE. How am I not even the first person to get pregnant in my own house? ARGH!

As for cycle stuff, last month was the last round of Clomid, so we've been natural this month. I was worried that it wasn't going to see a +opk, but got one late on CD19 (8/28) -- it is now CD23, and I've had no temp spike :( No temp spike, No O... I can't even write about it... :'( Month after month after month of the same thing is just wearing me down... it just seems like it is continual heartbreak --- I'm going to hope for the best for tomorrow, and that is the best I can do for right now.

All the best to you all.

xoxo ~ Missy

11 years ago • Post starter

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