What women are saying

I Don't 'Feel' Pregnant

thshaw  6 years ago
Other than lots of CM I don't have any symptoms...so I definitely feel out this month.


Redheadlrb  7 years ago
My breasts are sore... my usual pms symptom. No other symptoms, so I feel out this month. ????


Taysmama16  7 years ago
9dpo I feel out even tho my temps r still high..I woke up horribly nauseated with indigestion




TTC.lez_mum82  7 years ago
feeling next to nothing..... cm seems almost non existent but i normally have heaps


Cocoadippd   8 years ago
I feel out this month. I tought my breasts felt heavy but now im nt sure.. cervix is high and soft though 13 dpo


Deli baby  8 years ago
9dpo and I feel nothing :(


sbspurli  8 years ago
8dpo I feel out.


Kiki01  8 years ago
8 dpo feel completely out


Fastcarlover  8 years ago
13 dpo, not even a shadow of a line ????


Burtstequila1st@  8 years ago
Yes's 10 & yes


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