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I 'Feel' Pregnant

Early pregnancy symptom

The chart

Comparison of how often this symptom is experienced by pregnant vs non-pregnant women.


After implantation (9 dpo+)
experiencing this symptom
the probability of pregnancy


Overall (during the luteal phase)
experiencing this symptom
the probability of pregnancy




About this symptom

I 'Feel' Pregnant

Some women seem to know they are pregnant from the moment of conception, others have very early signs that tip them off. A women's intuition about pregnancy is often correct! As a contrast some women feel the complete opposite, they are convinced they are not pregnant. The only way to know for sure is a positive pregnancy test. A strong sense of certainty can help waiting to test seem a little more bearable.


Summary of chart

An explanation of the affect on the probability of pregnancy for each day past ovulation or group of days.

0 dpo - 9 dpo

Does not significantly affect probability of pregnancy

10 dpo

Slightly increases probability of pregnancy

11 dpo - 15 dpo

Increases probability of pregnancy

16 dpo

Slightly increases probability of pregnancy

17 dpo - 18 dpo

Does not significantly affect probability of pregnancy


Detailed breakdown by DPO

Shows data for days where differences are meaningful.

Day past ovulationPregnant vs non-pregnant
10 dpo 1.2 times more (+19%)
11 dpo 1.4 times more (+32%)
12 dpo 1.5 times more (+43%)
13 dpo 1.6 times more (+54%)
14 dpo 1.6 times more (+56%)
15 dpo 1.5 times more (+43%)
16 dpo 1.3 times more (+24%)
Understanding the data

Pregnant women experience this symptom the number of times listed as often as non-pregnant. The percentage listed refers to the percentage increase or decrease between pregnant and non-pregnant.

Visit the dpo chart pages to view most common and significant positive and negative indicators of pregnancy for each day past ovulation.




What women are saying about this symptom.

peonies2107  5 years ago
I'm 14 dpo: pinch feeling 9-14dpo, dull back cramp 9-11dpo, sore/swollen breast 13-14dpo .. based on those, I hope for no af tmr!

anniebaby99  6 years ago
5 dpo, I feel pregnant my body feels different

Xfairykissx  7 years ago
8 dpo and I had implantation cramping all day yesterday. I also started feeling a lot of the early PG symptoms. Feels stronger today.

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