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2017 IUI/IVF

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Hey ladies! I have an 18 month old daughter from my 6th round of IVF back in 2014 and we have started the process of trying for baby #2 in 2017. We may do a couple IUI rounds before using our frozen embryos from 2014. Any ladies who will be doing IUI or IVF in the new year?

413 Replies • 7 years ago



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Ma-espe- I never did assisted hatching. We talked about it but my RE said it didn't look like my embryos needed it.

Jandei- I've gone through pretty much every possible beta result situation. One time they started below 25 and didn't double and it ended pretty quickly as a chemical. Another time it started below 25 then tripled and kept rising for awhile and they gave me a 50/50 chance but I miscarried anyways. Another time it started out great at 89 but didn't double and I miscarried again. With my daughter it finally started high and doubled which seemed to be the winning situation in my case. I do know a few ladies who had low betas but had successful pregnancies so it can definitely happen. Try to be hopeful but cautious.

Futuredancemom - Yes meds are pricey! But I found that the estimate they give you is pretty high and based on the worst case scenario that you don't respond well and need very high doses. They gave me a $2500-3000 estimate and the most I paid one cycle was a little over $1000 I think. The other 2 cycles I did were way less than that but I had leftover and donated meds on those 2. Is it a good idea to be prepared to pay the highest estimate? Of course! Just in case...

7 years ago • Post starter

Well, took another hpt this morning... line is not getting darker and on top of it I had some pink then brown spotting. Chances for a good pregnancy are close to nothing. Thank you mnor for reminding me that this happens and you just have to dust yourself off and try again. I try to tell myself that this is better than it not working at all.

7 years ago

Hey mnor0406, great tips about the meds! Thanks!

Hey Jandei, yes I bet everything other than BFP feels sub-par but I would agree that it's awesome that at least you had a result in the right direction! Because look mnor0406 eventually went on to have her daughter! So keep hope alive (no matter what happens tomorrow) :-)

7 years ago

Our 2nd iui will be next weekend . Doing 150 mg of clomid this cycle

7 years ago

I am going for my first US tomorrow. Hoping I am ready to start progesterone to get ready for FET. I have been taking 8mg of estrace since day 1. My breast are super sore.... way more than before AF shows up. Has anyone experinced this while on estrace?

7 years ago

So linning was at 11 today. Bloodwork came back and I am booked for FET on Friday. I am super excited :)

7 years ago

Hey Two+1onway and Ma_Espe... great to hear both of you making progress! Sending baby dust to both of you for next weekend!!

7 years ago

ma_espe - I'm so excited for you! Did you decide on how many you will be transferring?

7 years ago

Hi Jandei... thank you. I will be transfering only one since that is all I am allowed because it is government funded.
How are you feeling?

7 years ago

ma_espe - well I hope that the one is THE one Is this your first transfer? What grade is your embie? Are you doing assisted hatching? Sorry if you had already told us in previous posts, don't have time to re-read everything right now lol

afm I'm doing ok. I went back for my blood work and the hcg went up from 19 to 26 in over 2 days. That was def not good newes. I started spotting over the weeked and by Monday morning had a full blown AF. As of Monday hcg dropped to 9 so if by Friday goes down to below 1 I can have another transfer this cycle. We shall see... This was rough I have to say. Good thing I never really had a chance to get excited. The whole time I was sure this cycle was a failure, especially when =14dpo I was still showing bfn.

7 years ago

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