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2017 IUI/IVF

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Hey ladies! I have an 18 month old daughter from my 6th round of IVF back in 2014 and we have started the process of trying for baby #2 in 2017. We may do a couple IUI rounds before using our frozen embryos from 2014. Any ladies who will be doing IUI or IVF in the new year?

413 Replies • 7 years ago



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Never really gave me a DX . I had cervical cancer about a year ago and my cervix was stenosis from the surgeries , he did say my tsh was on the higher end of normal then he liked I've been on a medication for a month

7 years ago

HI Jandei.... meds are going ok. I have been feeling a bit crappy but not sure if it is period, meds or my cold.... lol. I can't help you with the negative test bc with my son's pregnancy and tge time I MC My period was way overdue when I tested. Hopefully you are just testing to early or the test isn't sensitive enough. As for the cramps I kept feeling both times AF was on its way with lots of cramps it just never arrrived. So it might be a positive thing I read implantation can happen as quickly as day 1 post transfer.
2+1 I did 2 IUI and they didn't work for me. But just like Jandei said everyone is different and it will hopefully work for you.

7 years ago

Hi all,

Jandei... I am sending you a virtual BIG hug! In this moment it's easy to feel like hope is slipping away... so I will have enough hope for the BOTH of us!! :-) I am only on day 1 of estrogen (birth control). So I'm at the VERY beginning! You said it was your 1st transfer. Sometimes it may require a second round. A good friend of mine had a successful IVF on the 2nd go round.

Ma_Espe... I hate being sick :-( Sorry to hear you're under the weather.

Two+1... I attempted IUI 3x and all were unsuccessful. However, I should note that this was over 8 years ago and at that time my body was under a lot of emotional stress.


7 years ago

Hi girls how is everyone doing? Hope we get some bfp this week!! Good luck to everyone testing :)

7 years ago

Well, beta was a big old for me. Not a big surprise since AF showed up this morning and we knew chances were low anyways. Hopefully one or more of you other ladies will have better luck!

Two+1 - This was IUI fail #5. We tried 4 before moving to IVF for my daughter last time. But with severe male factor issues that's not surprising.

Jandei - Any results yet? I have my fingers crossed for you! I had a trilaminar lining and perfect looking embryos every single time and it still took til transfer #6! Have you ever had a chemical or early miscarriage?

7 years ago • Post starter

Sorry to hear that mnor. Hopefully Jandei has some good news.

7 years ago

Mnor did you ever had assited hatching done to any of your FET?

7 years ago

Hey mnor0406, thanks for the update... though I know you'd prefer to be coming to post about a BFP. I love your determination, it inspires me :-)

Update on me - due to finances I had to put my first IVF cycle on hold. I can't believe meds (alone) are going to cost $5K and it's all out of pocket. Mind boggling!!! This motherhood journey is something else!
My plan now is to hold off, save up, and begin in June.

7 years ago

Mnor - sorry to hear about your results. I have never had a chemical before.

Futuredancemom - thank you so much for all your kind words and the hug

ma_espe - hope all's well

Here is what's going on with me...
I got my beta back today and have some strange news. Neither pregnant or not. My hcg levels are at 19 so they want me back on Friday. The nurse said in order to confirm it's positive it should be 25. Today at 11dp5dt I saw a faint line for the first time on a frer so according to a HPT it's a positive. At least I can say I got a BFP but I can't even really be happy. I'm reading this may be a sign of a chemical or a ectopic. I assume it's somewhat of good news since I thought I would never see a pink line on a hpt. Guess we will find out on Friday when we see if the #s double

7 years ago

I hope it does :) !!! Good luck hope to hear some awesome news

7 years ago

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