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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Any updates ladies??

I went back to the doctor and had another ultrasound and the tumor was just gone... They said that it was a type of mass that looks very similar to the last tumor that they removed however this one was able to rupture and pass thru during my last cycle. I noticed my last cycle was very heavy and painful but I just assumed it was because of the tumor growing, but nope, it was because I passed it! Soo happy to know I don't have to have another surgery after all!

She also said that because of the first tumor that I had removed last may and now this one that she is guessing had been there since September that was probably why I haven't conceived yet. She now wants me to wait until at least next may or June to start any infertility work ups again and she is very hopeful that I will conceive naturally before then... So we are back to waiting

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7 years ago

Best of luck, AK! Hope everything works out for you and no more tumors!

As for me, not sure where I am in my cycle. Hubby and I on Christmas Eve. Was around the right time to try,wasn't sure if I o or not - has been hard to tell lately b/c temps were so crazy, I just quit temping regularly. Is possible that I o'd on Christmas Eve, but not really sure.

AF is due any day - no sign yet. This is CD 28, I think.

Best of luck, ladies.

7 years ago

Chekai any updates?

I started yet another AF yesterday so here we go again I am just so ready for a sign or something! I have this new house and am so happy with it! I just have this empty room up stairs just waiting to be a nursery... But instead its going to just stay empty another month. I just have to keep my chin up and keep praying that a miracle happens!

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7 years ago

Hello all,
Hope that you are all right and that some good news are there waiting for me to hear...! How are you all?

As for myself: Unbelievably I am in my 19th week of a healthy pregnancy and really hoping for you to follow...




7 years ago • Post starter

Szonja yay your getting so close!
As for me I have officially hit the 2 year of TTC mark with no luck. I go in for another CD3 blood test this cycle and DH has officially given in and says he will do a sperm test next cycle as well so hopefully we start to get some answers soon!

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7 years ago

My thoughts will be with you! Hoping that you will be following me soooooooon! Hugs


7 years ago • Post starter

I sure hope so!
I am now CD32 and still no AF... I took a digita FR test on CD29 and it was a BFN so I am just waiting for her but on the other hand the longest cycle I have had was 31 so I am going CRAZY!!!! I need to go buy another test but I am so scared to take another one and see that BFN again I have absolutely no symptoms so I am sure it is just a late AF but in the back of my mind I am starting to get hopeful and that is dangerous for my mental health! It just makes for a bigger let down when shows up!

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7 years ago

My thoughts are with you and I wish with all my heart that your hopes come true!!!


7 years ago • Post starter

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