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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Yeah, I'm doing my best to focus on other things as well. One is a possible upcoming surgery. It's optional, but something I've been considering. My neurologist told me that he thinks I'm a good candidate for VNS surgery.

It's an implant, similar to a pacemaker, that connects to the vegas nerve. It's supposed to help reduce seizures. The 1st thing I checked on was safety during pregnancy - yep, it is!

Still thinking about it - not sure. I know that seizures during pregnancy are not good for the baby, and neither are the meds. This is a therapy that could control the seizures w/o harming the baby. So, yeah, I've got a lot on my plate right now. So confused!

Good luck and sending everyone lots of prayers and baby dust!

8 years ago

Hello ladies,

Yoyokim, even thought your syptoms are really promising, it is good that you and also Queena and Chekai are trying to focusing on something else. That was also one of my biggest lessons learned after last month's first IUI AF showed up. I was devasteted because emotionally I was so high and I had not much to hold on since then I just could not imagine myself being not pregnant. It is important that this "project" is not growing beyond us. My "solution" is finding professional help, so I am seeing a therapist. He helps a lot.

Chekai, I just looked up what you described as a VNS surgery and I am so proud of you that you are considering doing it. I can imagine how big of a decision it is, hope you decide soon either way because I also think that being hesitant and confused is the worst period of decision making process. It can be such a relief making a decision (either yes or no) comparing to making the decision and weigthing the pros and cons...

Today I had my 2nd IUI and the RE said that my uterus looked beautiful and that my DH's "soldiers" were excellent :-) So my 2ww starts from tomorrow - hope AF wont show up this year :-)

Hope you are all good and ready soon for testing BFPs! Danibree started broke the ice this moths (good news come in 3 - this is a Hungarian common!).


8 years ago • Post starter

Szonja, I really like that proverb LOL, spirit lifting!
hope this is your last 2ww.. mine won't start until the 27th..

8 years ago

szonja, thanks so much for the encouragement. Still undecided.

Am 10dpo now and feel nothing! No symptoms at all. :( Am hoping it's just too early, but I don't know. Will just have to wait. AF is due sometime between the 25th and 30th. (I don't have regular cycles) Anyway, good luck to all!

8 years ago

Hi, everyone. 11dpo and slight backache along with mild cramping in abdomen - trying not to get too hopeful, it could be anything!

Good luck, ladies!

8 years ago

Chekai, I have seizures as well. I decided against having that surgery. It is scary to be debating it. I have talked to my doctors and they said I will be able to still take my medicine but will need to take extra folic acid so as not to harm the baby. Also wishing you lots of luck and
I agree with everyone, I love this forum and how everyone is supportive. I'm 12 dpso and took a dollar store test this morning. I don't think it could have been anymore negative than that.
I have a friend who will be due soon. Little Amelia will soon be making her dabou into this world. I'm so excited, especially sense we are like sisters.
I should get the around the 25th. I really hoping she doesn't show. Hoping we all get our 's soon

8 years ago

Hiya ladies, how are things going, we have been having fun n games all weekend and will be shattered by Monday lol, boy have we tried and for a 45yr old and a 55yr old I think we have done well, fingers crossed for you Yoyokim and lots of , Chekai same to you hopefully this is your month too , AKHopeful we will be testing around the same time :) should be eventful, hows are things going with you Queena, I just thought wouldnt it be great if we are all expecting October babies, that is a big baby bloom lol, how are things going with you Szonja well still i hope -x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Hi ladies,

I hope you all doing well - eager to hear some goooood news! You are soon be testing, so pls keep us in the loop!

I just tested if HCG is still in my body or not - and yeah there is still a very weak second line (It is awful to feel all the symptoms from a hormon trigger shot and not being sure that it is from pregnancy).

My DH left for a week so now I am all alone, trying to figure out what I used to do when I was still single.... :-)

Have a nice and lucky week coming up!


8 years ago • Post starter

Pinkster123 I feel ya! We have bd all weekend! I sure hope it works! I'm also taking mucinex this time so fingers crossed for both of us!
Szonja I am thinking of you! I sure hope this is our month!
Cd11 and I haven't decided if I'm going to take any opks because my temps are still all over the board this month!

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8 years ago

showed her ugly head today. Talk about a disappointment. I really didn't have any signs she was coming. I'm having killer cramps and a bad headache.
Chekai, wishing you luck.
I've been thinking about getting OPKs next month. Just wondering if it will be worth it.
Lol Szonja. Don't think to hard about it, having sometime alone will make the time when you see eachother again more better. Absence makes the heart fonder. Hoping you get some answers soon.
How is everyone else doing?

8 years ago

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