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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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It is so good to hear all of these positive posts even after all that we have all been through it sounds like we are all looking up and forward!

Pinkster, I agree with the selling of the house for fertility. I am in Oregon, USA and I have one of the best private health insurances that you can buy. at $971 a month it better be!! Yet absolutely no fertility treatment is covered... Infact I was warned before the blood test and ultrasound that I had that everything from here on out will be private pay and out of pocket. As bad as it sounds, I'm glad they found the fibroma on my ovary because since they found that they were able to say it was medically necessary and get insurance to pay for it after all. My Ob/Gyn said that it could be upwards of around $58,000 for all of the testing and such. CRAZY!!!!

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8 years ago

Hey! Is anyone out there ? Hoping to hear some exciting news from you, ladies!

Wishing you all the best!

8 years ago

Dear Chekai, I am here, but not YET excellent news - be patient for a while: I am going to have the embrio transfer next week, I hope :)

AkHopeful Ohhhh my!, that this treatment cost this much there - I could not believe my eyes!!! Its tremendous! Here in Belgium I paid 500 euro! for IVF (after reimbursement of my medicare), without reimbursement it would cost maximum 3500 euro. It’s a lot, but still much more affordable than there. Do not sell a house, but move to Europe for a few months - it would be an experience, fun and also you can have your treatment :-)



8 years ago • Post starter

Dear Chekai, I am here, but not YET excellent news - be patient for a while: I am going to have the embrio transfer next week, I hope :)

AkHopeful Ohhhh my!, that this treatment cost this much there - I could not believe my eyes!!! Its tremendous! Here in Belgium I paid 500 euro! for IVF (after reimbursement of my medicare), without reimbursement it would cost maximum 3500 euro. It’s a lot, but still much more affordable than there. Do not sell a house, but move to Europe for a few months - it would be an experience, fun and also you can have your treatment :-)



8 years ago • Post starter

Szonja-thats fantastic, bet you cant wait Im already looking forward to next week for you yay
Chekai-yes Im still here just about, how are you lovely, where you at in cycle and what you been up to?
AFM CD14 think Im still waiting to ov, had dark lines last 8 days but not quite dark enough, yesterdays was the strongest so prob will today? think I may have missed the eggy though as BD CD10/11/12 won't see dh til fri night now dam it, oh and also got thrush yesterday, not had that for years, so off to superdrug to get something for it this morning, hope everyones ok -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Was hoping someone had some good news - yes, patience is not my strong suit!

Today is cd32 - AF should be here any day. Am very excited this time, as I will be taking some new supplements that hopefully will help to get things all straightened out with me. I am currently taking vitex and also evening primrose - will be taking some other supplements soon to help w/ my thymus gland. Apparently, that's the culprit in my case - if I can get the thymus gland in working order, then maybe I'll have a chance!

Okay, now for a question that may be a bit too personal, but here goes, do any of you ladies have experience with checking your cervix ? I only very recently started doing that - I've read a lot about it - it's supposed to be really helpful in knowing when you o, in addition to bbt charting and checking mucus.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

8 years ago

Szonja I am so excited for you :-) How long after the embryo transfer do you find out if it was a sticky little bean? And my goodness I need to move!! That is cheep!!! I have paid that much out of pocket already this month! This surgery was about $3000 after insurance.

pinkster123 It only takes once Hopefully he has some long lasting little swimmers! Thrush is no fun! Hope you start to feel better soon!

Chekai I have my thyroid checked every year because thyroid cancer runs in my family. I have 2 aunts (moms sisters) who had it. Very scary, however I have done a lot of research expecting to get a positive test ( I have always been very thin and exhausted and long periods randomly like I missed one completely) And it sounds like science has come a long way! I sure hope the supplements do the trick for you!
And for the cervix. I tried a couple of months ago and I just felt every morning when I was in the shower but I stopped after a couple of weeks because I just couldn't tell the difference or what I was feeling for...They say to feel the tip of your nose and then feel your cervix and compare the two but to me it always felt the same...

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8 years ago

Well AF showed up for me this weekend so I'm ready to start a fresh month! I have DH and I starting a detox juicing diet for a week and I'm going so start taking my temps again so that I know that I am back to ovulating after surgery. I am very hopeful that this may be our month. If so I could have a baby right around my B-day and that would be so cool :-) I am also starting to use herbal teas and essential oils this month so we will see I am hoping that I see a in the next 3 months... Goodness I am praying that this works!

Hope all is well with all of you!

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8 years ago

AKHopeful, this sounds so promising and I wish for you the best :-) I did some times ago also the detox drinking and I remember how difficult it was to drink only...but then realised how much we unnecessarily eat during the days and how we more need fluids than food. Unfortunatelly, I am still not a big drinker - if I do not carefully follow, I just drink half a liter/day....I have to constantly remind myself.

Pinkster, I hope you feel better!!!

Chekai, I did used to check my cervix and the fluid itself for predicting the ovulation. Once you learn your body (takes time!) you will find it easy! Here they check all levels of thryoid as part of fertility treatment, because it is proven that it causes fertility. I was even told that my TSH level shall be around/below 1 for pregnancy (even if the labo says it is still ok at higher level).

Ladies, please keep your fingers crossed today: If all goes well, I am getting back my 2 zigotas today! :-)


8 years ago • Post starter

Szonja good luck my lovely, let us know how you got on, got everything crossed for you this cycle
Yes feelin a bit better today and just picked up my prescription so should be a lot better later, antibiotics says ok to take during pregnancy so thats good just in case
Ak I hope your right and something made it through other then the thrush lol, sorry to hear paid you a visit and this is your cycle to have a birthday baby like me, my middle daughter was born day before my birthday and I love the fact both our cards are up together and w eboth get celebrate at nearly the same time
Chekai-Im not too good at checking my cervix, i check it most eves in the bath for months but it seems to be up most of the time, yes open around ov and AF but thats about it, as for CM other then ov I have creamy white mucus rest of the time, not a huge amount but enough to coat my finger, it doesnt seem to change or alter much hope your getting ready for time soon hope the eve primrose works with the thymus gland
& to all -x-x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

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