Community post
Lets do it together!
I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)
408 Replies • 8 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by laughs)
Thanks so much for that info, pinkster! Where did you get that book ?
I'm really tempted to test again tom., but only have the one test left. Talked to DH about it and he suggests to wait until I'm REALLY late to test - so I agreed to wait and test on CD35 if AF doesn't show up by then.
Am going to be on pins & needles waiting!
Thanks to everyone for the support!
Wishing you all the best!
8 years ago
Chekai I have every finger and toe crossed for you
I am now CD 12 and I haven't temped at all this month and not using opk so it's all gone be a surprise. My DH have a CT scan Friday night after going into emergency room and they think he has diverticulitis so we are out this month considering that practically microwaved his sperm for the month :-( we somehow managed to still BD even though he has been in such pain but I highly doubt their are any sperm left. Guess we just wait :-)
8 years ago
Wow Chekai thats looking fab thats some temp rise, and a good sign according to my new book, it looks like your entering the 3rd phase, please temps stay up, please please please for my very kind well deserved friend
Sorry to hear Hopeful, thats tough and bad luck, but no harm in trying my lovely, you never know
Sad news is according to this book and my temps I was def preggers last month which kinda confirms all my hormones and diverse emotions, also explains the spotting and implantation dip amongst other stuff, dont want to get upset about it anymore and hoping I will get another chance over the next 3 months when I get 2 more goes at clomid, ladies -x-x-x-x-
8 years ago
Thank you,AKHopeful, pinkster. and everyone! Although that temp rise could have something to do with the fact that DH turned the heater on in the middle of the night, and by morn it was like an oven in my room!
Even so, I can't help but be a little excited! I say a little b/c I'm trying not to get my hopes up and then a big disappointment. I've had long cycles before, just not in the past few months.
The longest it's ever been was 37 days. That was about a year ago. My last 3 cycles have been as follows - 32 days, 27days, 26 days.
Last night I had a grand mal seizure ( that's the biggie for anyone who doesn't know.) Today I am very weak, but mostly concerned - I can't help but wonder, if I am preg, what would that have done to the baby?
Well, I won't stress over it.
Pinkster, I'm so, so sorry to hear about your sad news! Chin up, and don't give up!
Best of luck to everyone!
8 years ago
Hello ladies,
Chekai, nothing a seisure can do at this stage with the might-be-baby, do not worry! I keep my fingers crossed...! :)
AKHopeful, I am sorry for these news...hopefully soon everything turns to be something more positive!
Pinkster123, keep sharing your fertility news from the EbayBIGBOOK, even after 2 years of trying you say some news! :)
AF is about coming in a day or so, then I have to take contraseption, to shut down my own hormon system so at a later stage they can over-stimulate me...sound frightening...but hey! lets do it!
hugs to you all! And of course:
8 years ago • Post starter
Hello ladies,
Chekai, nothing a seisure can do at this stage with the might-be-baby, do not worry! I keep my fingers crossed...! :)
AKHopeful, I am sorry for these news...hopefully soon everything turns to be something more positive!
Pinkster123, keep sharing your fertility news from the EbayBIGBOOK, even after 2 years of trying you say some news! :)
AF is about coming in a day or so, then I have to take contraseption, to shut down my own hormon system so at a later stage they can over-stimulate me...sound frightening...but hey! lets do it!
hugs to you all! And of course:
8 years ago • Post starter
Hello ladies,
Chekai, nothing a seisure can do at this stage with the might-be-baby, do not worry! I keep my fingers crossed...! :)
AKHopeful, I am sorry for these news...hopefully soon everything turns to be something more positive!
Pinkster123, keep sharing your fertility news from the EbayBIGBOOK, even after 2 years of trying you say some news! :)
AF is about coming in a day or so, then I have to take contraseption, to shut down my own hormon system so at a later stage they can over-stimulate me...sound frightening...but hey! lets do it!
hugs to you all! And of course:
8 years ago • Post starter
Hello ladies,
Chekai, nothing a seisure can do at this stage with the might-be-baby, do not worry! I keep my fingers crossed...! :)
AKHopeful, I am sorry for these news...hopefully soon everything turns to be something more positive!
Pinkster123, keep sharing your fertility news from the EbayBIGBOOK, even after 2 years of trying you say some news! :)
AF is about coming in a day or so, then I have to take contraseption, to shut down my own hormon system so at a later stage they can over-stimulate me...sound frightening...but hey! lets do it!
hugs to you all! And of course:
8 years ago • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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