Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by laughs)
Sorry I disappeared for a week :-( another month here I come. Just been pretty sad lately... Had 2 more close friends announce their pregnancies this week and my sis and best friend had their first ultrasounds last week.
I do have a question though. I bought a new more accurate thermometer for this cycle and my temps didn't go back down until my 5 th day of menstration. Does anyone else's temps stay up for this long?
8 years ago
Good to see you here!
I am happy that you both found the srength to come back after the last cycle's difficulty land pain...
AKHopeful: I cannot answer your question about temperature because I don't measure it. I always got confusing results so I gave up. But I know that a lot of factors to be considered ...could it be that you were sick?
Queena: yeah I am ahead of you with few days...The last time was my first IUI after I had a MC in March. ... but now I do it "naturally" because of the holidays. I do not measure as I told you, and now I don't check my ovulation with sticks either...I try now be a bit less stressful. ...if I can... then will see.
You got an answer from your doctor about what happened to your cycle last time?
What are you all doing fir the holidays? How you prepare?
We have escaped and went for a 2-weelk vacation. ...just the two of us. So it is about gaining back some stenghts...and spend some quality time together (since hopefully we will not be able to do that with a baby on board ;-))
8 years ago • Post starter
I'm not charting my cycle either and I never did actually! I think it's far more stressing if I did.
I admit I'm not as motivated as before but in my religion we can't lose hope. I have great trust in my Creator and I know He will grant me what I want when He sees it's best. with His Great Wisdom.
For the holidays, we're visiting family..
Oh and I didn't see a Dr Szonja, I only did the blood test in a laboratory..
8 years ago
A Merry X-mas to you all! Hope it goes well! :-) My thoughts are with you! I hope you are all having good time and spend nice time together.
I am little worrying for you AKHopeful since you probably are meeting the pregnant ones in your family and I can imagine how difficult it is... My little brother is having his second nowadays and beyond happiness and joyfullness I can detect my pain and even jealosy...but I think it is normal and I do "work" on it. But still pain is there.
8 years ago • Post starter
Ladies! I have arrived! And I will be here until that bfp! I will be TTC #1 and am in cycle 4 right now. Due to ovulate 1/10. I had a doctors appointment last week and she looked at my charts and said everything looks perfect and that I am ovulating so that gave me a lot of comfort. She said 70% of couples will conceive within one year. I also know many couples that took up to two years. Her tips for me were to just make sure we are doing the bd several days before ovulation which I now know the date of from charting so if you aren't charting yet do it! It shows you a pattern and gets your chances of conceiving so much higher by pinpointing your fertile week. She also recommended to try preseed or other form of sperm friendly lubricant and said to put a pillow under your hips and lay there for awhile after sex to give the sperm a better chance of traveling. Thought I would share the knowledge I receieved even though a lot of it we already know. Sometimes just hearing it from a medical professional helps though! So excited to be on this journey together ladies! Have a Merry Christmas!
8 years ago
thanks Danibre33 for sharing the advice!
According to my phone app i'm due to ovulate January 2nd.
The problem with me and DH is that he works away and stays for 5 nights and then comes back home for 3 nights and that's his cycle (lol) and during my last unsucceful cycles we always tried to BD as much as we could during my frtile window. This is the 5th, and I'm he'll be here around the time I ovulate.
He's really longing for our 1st child.. almost more than I am!
PS: we've TTC since we got married.. so that's just a bit more than 4 months ^_^
8 years ago
Queena- you and I are in a very similar situation being newly married TTC #1 and 4th cycle in. I'm so happy to hear that your hubby will be around this cycle around your fertile window! I'm trying preseed for the first time this cycle just got it in the mail!
How's everyone else doing?
8 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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