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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Crystal - so sorry that it's a chemical for you too. My period egen I have a chemical are pretty much the same as my regular period. I get a little bit of discomfort, but not much cramping at all. So if I didn't test before af then I wouldn't know the difference.

We'll have to keep our fingers crossed that we get the best christmas gifts ever.

5 years ago

@anna thanks! The sharp pinching pains were killer yesterday.

@sam your chart is so confusing to me! Definitely looks like you covered all of your bases with bding though!

@lawrence I didn’t get a positive opk till cd22. Definitely still have time!!

@emma I definitely think this new cycle is yours!!!

@crystal I am so sorry! I can’t imagine how hard it has to be.

AFM: today seems to be better than yesterday. No sharp pains yet but it is still early in the day. My chest is still sensitive. DH went to give me hug last night and I made a little yelp lol he was shocked it was hurting that bad. Staying hopeful and still a little crampy today. So hard to wait to find out!! I am only 7 dpo so not going to take a test till at least 8-9 dpo!

5 years ago

@Pandorica: my fingers are crossed for us for Christmas babies!!!!

@Anna: your line looks AMAZING!!

@Shay: thank you. I'm surprisingly ok today, just relieved I can get this over with now and try again in a couple weeks... sounds like good signs! My boobs bothered me starting at around 4 or 5dpo, so great sign! Hope to see you get that BFP soon!

Doing surprisingly well considering. Just spending my day off with my two boys while hubby works. Cleaning house and spending time with them helps. Got a thermometer so I can start temping when bleeding stops... ready to try again!

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5 years ago

Ladies, why do my positives seem to come and go? I'm already bleeding bright red pretty heavily and cramping very badly... how long does it take for chemicals to stop giving off hcg?

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5 years ago

@crystal so sorry about the chemical. I did get heavier bleeding and more cramping after mine in August. My tests turned negative the day before AF arrived though
@Anna lines look great!!!!
@Shay hoping you get that BFP in the next couple of days!!!

5 years ago

@crystal I had heavy bleeding and positive hcg with my ectopic. Keep an eye on it and if you are concerned definitely get a blood count over a couple of days to check your numbers xx

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5 years ago

Thanks ladies. Definitely feeling off today. Burning cramps as well as an occasional sharp pain. Chest still hurts some but nothing crazy. Feeling super exhausted for sure! Even took a nap. Feeling nauseous this evening with some heart burn too. Still trying to not test as I will only be 8 dpo tomorrow. Trying to wait till 9 dpo but got some Walmart cheapies today....I am a definite POAS lol

5 years ago

8 dpo ovulation test!

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5 years ago

@Sam take a test !!

5 years ago • Post starter

@pandorica I'm so holding everything for you babe you deserve a baby !!

@Shay definitely do take a test babe I got a faint positive at 8dpo PM which made me question myself but it was positive !!

@crystal it depends on how high your hcg was because with chemicals your tests usually go back to negative the day you stay bleeding so it might be that your hcg was a bit higher than you thought

@agatch how are you babe?

5 years ago • Post starter

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