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December 2018 Babies

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This is a little corner of the world for those of us who didn't conceive in February. A small place for those of us that need support, encouragement etc during this crazy TTC journey. Blessed all of us that enter! You're not alone! A little bit about myself. I am 40 and DF is 49. We've been TTC'ing for ol' bout 5 months now with no avail, no BFP, no baby. We will keep moving forward. I know one day we'll get it right! We're currently doing the ol' fashion SMEP! I am wishing each of you My goal is for you to find strength, advise and positivity . Welcome ya'lll!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

618 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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Hi everyone, CD 3 For me. AF showed on CD 27 of a 32 day cycle. I have had a large amount of stress this cycle. Due to being super busy this month with moving, and hubby getting a new position in his job, we didn't get to really try this past month! Hoping for a BFP in December! Officially 1 year trying this month. I mostly keep up in the shadows. I am not a frequent poster until the 2ww. But I am reading and praying for all of you!!! Much love and prayers, ladies!!

6 years ago

@dragonfly o sweetheart this is got to be weighing on you tremendously. I would ask, demand, to go back and have them do a fetal heartbeat check, I'm quite surprised they let you walk out without getting lo heartbeat. Im sure lo is doing just fine Prayers for you my beautiful friend. O ny heart is hurting knowing you're dealing with this. Please please keep us posted. Huge Hugs!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

Hello, I’m new to this forum. Been trying to concieve for about 7 months now and just found out last month i have a rasied prolactin.
My menstrual cycle was late so i was sooo hopping for a BFP. My prolactin has been between 40-60 and inmedication for it now, feeling positive. Anyone in the same situation please share any success stories and any advise you may have. Really hopping for a miracle next month and a holiday baby to hold.

6 years ago • Edited

Hello ladies, AF showed up for me today. I held onto hope that it was just spotting but it has gotten too heavy for that. To make matters worse for me one of my friends just announced she is due in July today so I just feel absolutely gutted.

6 years ago

Hey ladies!! I’m back And already TTC again I know it’s early but I’m healthy and able to start right way I didn’t need a D&C. Dr said wait a month but when emotional ready to go for it. Plus not getting any younger. My miscarriage was at 6wks and 2days and 7days later my pregnancy test finally came back negative (I had to keep taking them to see if hcg levels were dropping) pus blood work, that in itself was emotional. It took some time and didn’t leave house bc I was very snappy couldn’t be around anyone or see babies. Still hard here and there but each day gets easier. I know it’s hasnt been a month but DH and I are trying this month TTC. So let’s see if I get a late November or earlier December baby. Started taken EPO on cd8 and ovulation tests as I don’t know when I will Ovulate but have read success stories. I will be lurking around . Thanks ladies for all your support and the ones who messaged me.

6 years ago

Hi, @beaut1ful38, im glad to see you are getting through this and trying fora rainbow baby. My first mmc (had a d&e) was tragic. I called off work for a week and it was devistating for me. I wasnt the same for months. I was told I wouldnt get pregnant my whole life and i went to the dr thinking i was in menopause. I was 7w1d pregnant and heard heartbeat. My second appt at 13w2d the baby had passed around the 1st appt. Didnt grow after the 7w1d mark. He sd it coulda been a few days after because after 6w it had started breaking down. My heart was broke. Atleast God let me hear its little heartbeat just once.
Women find out how immense their inner strength is until it's put to the test. Hope you get your rainbow baby. Prayers!

6 years ago

@katyfootballmama, i hope you you are feeling better today. Those moments are rough. My mother in law is wanting a sibling but she doesnt realize how hard im trying. Keep your head up, girl. We will get there! I know you will!
@dragonfly23, i know you will hear your jellybeans heartbeat the next appt. I am praying you dont stress until then. I was so bad i bought a fetal doppler and checked my baby's hb everyday from 17w til birth. It was 40$ on amazon. Huge piece of mind.
Everyone else, i havent met a few of you yet, but hello! Im sure we will get to know each other over the journey. Im 39 and trying for 3rd pregnancy and 2nd child. Im in perimenopause so it may be difficult but i have hope.
Afm, i start my 5th round of clomid today. I feel as time is running out. I have one round left. My dr only gives it out 6m at a time. Im also taking vit e, b complex, baby asprin in am, adding maca, flax, chia, and wheatgrass to my juicing at lunch, and at night take prenatal, royal jelly, and co q10. Clomid cd 5-9. Preseed and ovulation kits. I almost wanna give up. I feel like im trying too much. But, its all worth it if i get to hold a lo!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 welcome back and I'm praying for you that this will be the month and your little bean will stick! Xo

I'm on CD7 and started BD'ing last night and will for the next week and half - hoping to get my sticky bean! I started taking baby aspirin daily a few days ago and I'll start progesterone cream 2x a day once I get +opk (@dragonfly23 - do I start that the day that I get the positive OPK or the following day?

6 years ago

@Kelliria. Thank you for the positive upbeat. Had a little bit of spotting today and I think it was caused from the pap test I got yesterday so I am a bit freaked out and trying to stay relaxed. I rebooked my gyne appointmet for next Thursday as Friday I am super busy with work. $40 for the doppler is pretty cheap, will have to see what it will cost on the Canadian side. Do you remember what it was called. I'm on the Candian site and they only have the one there for $80. Does downloading fetal apps actually work?

@BB2018. No, because the positive OPK means your egg will be released shortly. I would start taking it after. If you temp, once you see the temp rise and stays high then you can start taking the cream.

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6 years ago • Edited

Hello All! I was following and posted some on the November board but as of today I am officially out and officially in the December club. Would you guys mind if I joined?

for I created you in your mother’s womb.

6 years ago

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